import openai; import json, os,sys from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() from litellm import completion from mathpix import extract_text import gradio as gr model = 'chat-bison' resume_location = 'resume_pdfs/1BXAuw6f1rDF05P734y_O7K8fYwgDVZvV.pdf' resume_mmd = extract_text((resume_location)) def get_prompt(resume_mmd, chat_history, question): history = '' for user, bot in chat_history: history += 'User:\n' + user + '\nResponse:\n' + bot + ' ' return ('Given the resmue of a candidate, the previous chat history, and a question, answer the question as if you are the candidate. Keep the answers short and to the point.\n' + 'Resume:\n\n' + resume_mmd + '\nEnd Resume\n' + 'Chat History:\n\n' + history + '\nEnd Chat History\n' + 'Question:\n\n' + question + '\nEnd Question\n') def inference(message, history, model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'): try: flattened_history = [item for sublist in history for item in sublist] full_message = " ".join(flattened_history + [message]) messages_litellm = [{"role": "user", "content": get_prompt(resume_mmd, history, message)}] partial_message = "" for chunk in completion(model=model, messages=messages_litellm, stream=True): if 'content' in chunk['choices'][0]['delta']: partial_message += chunk['choices'][0]['delta']['content'] yield partial_message except Exception as e: print("Exception encountered:", str(e)) yield f"An Error occured please 'Clear' the error and try your question again" gr.ChatInterface( inference, chatbot=gr.Chatbot(height=400), textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter text here...", container=False, scale=5), description=f""" You are chatting with a resume.""", title="Chat with Resume", examples=["Introduce yourself."], retry_btn="Retry", undo_btn="Undo", clear_btn="Clear", ).queue().launch(share = True)