import openai; import json, os,sys from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() from litellm import completion from mathpix import extract_text import gradio def get_prompt(candidate, chat_history, question): return ('Given the details of a candidate, the previous chat history, and a question, answer the question as if you are the candidate. Keep the answers short and to the point.\n' + 'Candidate Details:\n\n' + str(candidate) + '\nEnd Candidate Details\n' + 'Chat History:\n\n' + chat_history + '\nEnd Chat History\n' + 'Question:\n\n' + question + '\nEnd Question\n') def chat_with_candidate(candidate, model = 'chat-bison'): chat_history = '' print('You are now chatting with ' + + '. Type in your question or type QUIT to stop.') while True: print('User:') question = input() print() if question.strip().upper() == 'QUIT': break prompt = get_prompt(candidate, chat_history, question) messages = [{ 'content': prompt, 'role': 'user'}] response = completion(model = model, messages = messages)['choices'][0]['message']['content'] print('Response:\n' + response + '\n') chat_history += 'User:\n' + question + '\nResponse:\n' + response