--- title: News Summarizer and NER emoji: 🏢 colorFrom: green colorTo: indigo sdk: streamlit sdk_version: 1.29.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: mit --- #### New Summarization and NER News summarization uses "facebook/bart-base" that is fine-tuned using TensorFlow for summarization using CNN news articles dataset.

NER uses "microsoft/deberta-base" that is fine-tuned using TensorFlow for token classification (NER) using this dataset.
The fine-tuning dataset contains annotated sentences.
During inference, the input text is split into sentences using Spacy and entities are identified in each sentence.
The notebook to fine-tune "facebook/bart-base" for news summarization can be found here.
The notebook to fine-tune "microsoft/deberta-base" for NER can be found here.