import sys import os from subprocess import check_call import tempfile from os.path import basename, splitext, join from io import BytesIO import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import KDTree from PIL import Image import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_tensor, to_pil_image from einops import rearrange import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from extern.ZoeDepth.zoedepth.utils.misc import colorize from gradio_model3dgscamera import Model3DGSCamera IMAGE_SIZE = 512 NEAR, FAR = 0.01, 100 FOVY = np.deg2rad(55) def download_models(): models = [ { 'repo': 'stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse', 'sub': None, 'dst': 'checkpoints/sd-vae-ft-mse', 'files': ['config.json', 'diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors'], 'token': None }, { 'repo': 'lambdalabs/sd-image-variations-diffusers', 'sub': 'image_encoder', 'dst': 'checkpoints', 'files': ['config.json', 'pytorch_model.bin'], 'token': None }, { 'repo': 'Sony/genwarp', 'sub': 'multi1', 'dst': 'checkpoints', 'files': ['config.json', 'denoising_unet.pth', 'pose_guider.pth', 'reference_unet.pth'], 'token': None } ] for model in models: for file in model['files']: hf_hub_download( repo_id=model['repo'], subfolder=model['sub'], filename=file, local_dir=model['dst'], token=model['token'] ) # Crop the image to the shorter side. def crop(img: Image) -> Image: W, H = img.size if W < H: left, right = 0, W top, bottom = np.ceil((H - W) / 2.), np.floor((H - W) / 2.) + W else: left, right = np.ceil((W - H) / 2.), np.floor((W - H) / 2.) + H top, bottom = 0, H return img.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) def unproject(depth): fovy_deg = 55 H, W = depth.shape[2:4] mean_depth = depth.mean(dim=(2, 3)).squeeze().item() viewport_mtx = get_viewport_matrix( IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, batch_size=1 ).to(depth) # Projection matrix. fovy = torch.ones(1) * FOVY proj_mtx = get_projection_matrix( fovy=fovy, aspect_wh=1., near=NEAR, far=FAR ).to(depth) view_mtx = camera_lookat( torch.tensor([[0., 0., 0.]]), torch.tensor([[0., 0., 1.]]), torch.tensor([[0., -1., 0.]]) ).to(depth) scr_mtx = (viewport_mtx @ proj_mtx).to(depth) grid = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid( torch.arange(W), torch.arange(H), indexing='xy'), dim=-1 ).to(depth)[None] # BHW2 screen = F.pad(grid, (0, 1), 'constant', 0) screen = F.pad(screen, (0, 1), 'constant', 1) screen_flat = rearrange(screen, 'b h w c -> b (h w) c') eye = screen_flat @ torch.linalg.inv_ex( scr_mtx.float() )[0] eye = eye * rearrange(depth, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c') eye[..., 3] = 1 points = eye @ torch.linalg.inv_ex(view_mtx.float())[0] points = points[0, :, :3] # Translate to the origin. points[..., 2] -= mean_depth camera_pos = (0, 0, -mean_depth) view_mtx = camera_lookat( torch.tensor([[0., 0., -mean_depth]]), torch.tensor([[0., 0., 0.]]), torch.tensor([[0., -1., 0.]]) ).to(depth) return points, camera_pos, view_mtx, proj_mtx def calc_dist2(points: np.ndarray): dists, _ = KDTree(points).query(points, k=4) mean_dists = (dists[:, 1:] ** 2).mean(1) return mean_dists def save_as_splat( filepath: str, xyz: np.ndarray, rgb: np.ndarray ): # To gaussian splat inv_sigmoid = lambda x: np.log(x / (1 - x)) dist2 = np.clip(calc_dist2(xyz), a_min=0.0000001, a_max=None) scales = np.repeat(np.log(np.sqrt(dist2))[..., np.newaxis], 3, axis=1) rots = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], 4)) rots[:, 0] = 1 opacities = inv_sigmoid(0.1 * np.ones((xyz.shape[0], 1))) sorted_indices = np.argsort(( -np.exp(np.sum(scales, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) / (1 + np.exp(-opacities)) ).squeeze()) buffer = BytesIO() for idx in sorted_indices: position = xyz[idx] scale = np.exp(scales[idx]).astype(np.float32) rot = rots[idx].astype(np.float32) color = np.concatenate( (rgb[idx], 1 / (1 + np.exp(-opacities[idx]))), axis=-1 ) buffer.write(position.tobytes()) buffer.write(scale.tobytes()) buffer.write((color * 255).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8).tobytes()) buffer.write( ((rot / np.linalg.norm(rot)) * 128 + 128) .clip(0, 255) .astype(np.uint8) .tobytes() ) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: f.write(buffer.getvalue()) def view_from_rt(position, rotation): t = np.array(position) euler = np.array(rotation) cx = np.cos(euler[0]) sx = np.sin(euler[0]) cy = np.cos(euler[1]) sy = np.sin(euler[1]) cz = np.cos(euler[2]) sz = np.sin(euler[2]) R = np.array([ cy * cz + sy * sx * sz, -cy * sz + sy * sx * cz, sy * cx, cx * sz, cx * cz, -sx, -sy * cz + cy * sx * sz, sy * sz + cy * sx * cz, cy * cx ]) view_mtx = np.array([ [R[0], R[1], R[2], 0], [R[3], R[4], R[5], 0], [R[6], R[7], R[8], 0], [ -t[0] * R[0] - t[1] * R[3] - t[2] * R[6], -t[0] * R[1] - t[1] * R[4] - t[2] * R[7], -t[0] * R[2] - t[1] * R[5] - t[2] * R[8], 1 ] ]).T B = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) return B @ view_mtx # Setup. download_models() mde = torch.hub.load( './extern/ZoeDepth', 'ZoeD_N', source='local', pretrained=True, trust_repo=True ) import spaces check_call([ sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'extern/splatting-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl' ]) from genwarp import GenWarp from genwarp.ops import ( camera_lookat, get_projection_matrix, get_viewport_matrix ) # GenWarp genwarp_cfg = dict( pretrained_model_path='checkpoints', checkpoint_name='multi1', half_precision_weights=True ) genwarp_nvs = GenWarp(cfg=genwarp_cfg, device='cpu') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: with gr.Blocks( title='GenWarp Demo', css='img {display: inline;}' ) as demo: # Internal states. src_image = gr.State() src_depth = gr.State() proj_mtx = gr.State() src_view_mtx = gr.State() # Blocks. gr.Markdown( """ # GenWarp: Single Image to Novel Views with Semantic-Preserving Generative Warping [![Project Site](](   [![Spaces](](   [![Github](](   [![Models](](   [![arXiv](]( ## Introduction This is an official demo for the paper "[GenWarp: Single Image to Novel Views with Semantic-Preserving Generative Warping](". Genwarp can generate novel view images from a single input conditioned on camera poses. In this demo, we offer a basic use of inference of the model. For detailed information, please refer the [paper]( ## How to Use 1. Upload a reference image to "Reference Input" - You can also select a image from "Examples" 2. Move the camera to your desired view in "Unprojected 3DGS" 3D viewer 3. Hit "Generate a novel view" button and check the result """ ) file = gr.File(label='Reference Input', file_types=['image']) examples = gr.Examples( examples=['./assets/pexels-heyho-5998120_19mm.jpg', './assets/pexels-itsterrymag-12639296_24mm.jpg'], inputs=file ) with gr.Row(): image_widget = gr.Image( label='Reference View', type='filepath', interactive=False ) depth_widget = gr.Image(label='Estimated Depth', type='pil') viewer = Model3DGSCamera( label = 'Unprojected 3DGS', width=IMAGE_SIZE, height=IMAGE_SIZE, camera_width=IMAGE_SIZE, camera_height=IMAGE_SIZE, camera_fx=IMAGE_SIZE / (np.tan(FOVY / 2.)) / 2., camera_fy=IMAGE_SIZE / (np.tan(FOVY / 2.)) / 2., camera_near=NEAR, camera_far=FAR ) button = gr.Button('Generate a novel view', size='lg', variant='primary') with gr.Row(): warped_widget = gr.Image( label='Warped Image', type='pil', interactive=False ) gen_widget = gr.Image( label='Generated View', type='pil', interactive=False ) # Callbacks @spaces.GPU def cb_mde(image_file: str): image = to_tensor(crop( image_file ).convert('RGB')).resize((IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE)))[None].cuda() depth = mde.cuda().infer(image) depth_image = to_pil_image(colorize(depth[0])) return to_pil_image(image[0]), depth_image, image.cpu().detach(), depth.cpu().detach() @spaces.GPU def cb_3d(image, depth, image_file): xyz, camera_pos, view_mtx, proj_mtx = unproject(depth.cuda()) rgb = rearrange(image, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c')[0] splat_file = join(tmpdir, f'./{splitext(basename(image_file))[0]}.splat') save_as_splat(splat_file, xyz.cpu().detach().numpy(), rgb.cpu().detach().numpy()) return (splat_file, camera_pos, None), view_mtx.cpu().detach(), proj_mtx.cpu().detach() @spaces.GPU def cb_generate(viewer, image, depth, src_view_mtx, proj_mtx): image = image.cuda() depth = depth.cuda() src_view_mtx = src_view_mtx.cuda() proj_mtx = proj_mtx.cuda() src_camera_pos = viewer[1] src_camera_rot = viewer[2] tar_view_mtx = view_from_rt(src_camera_pos, src_camera_rot) tar_view_mtx = torch.from_numpy(tar_view_mtx).to(image) rel_view_mtx = ( tar_view_mtx @ torch.linalg.inv( ).to(image) # GenWarp. renders ='cuda')( src_image=image.half(), src_depth=depth.half(), rel_view_mtx=rel_view_mtx.half(), src_proj_mtx=proj_mtx.half(), tar_proj_mtx=proj_mtx.half() ) warped = renders['warped'] synthesized = renders['synthesized'] warped_pil = to_pil_image(warped[0]) synthesized_pil = to_pil_image(synthesized[0]) return warped_pil, synthesized_pil # Events file.change( fn=cb_mde, inputs=file, outputs=[image_widget, depth_widget, src_image, src_depth] ).then( fn=cb_3d, inputs=[src_image, src_depth, image_widget], outputs=[viewer, src_view_mtx, proj_mtx]) fn=cb_generate, inputs=[viewer, src_image, src_depth, src_view_mtx, proj_mtx], outputs=[warped_widget, gen_widget]) if __name__ == '__main__': demo.launch()