import numpy as np import torch import fusion import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go def read_calib(calib_path): """ Modify from :param calib_path: Path to a calibration text file. :return: dict with calibration matrices. """ calib_all = {} with open(calib_path, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line == "\n": break key, value = line.split(":", 1) calib_all[key] = np.array([float(x) for x in value.split()]) # reshape matrices calib_out = {} # 3x4 projection matrix for left camera calib_out["P2"] = calib_all["P2"].reshape(3, 4) calib_out["Tr"] = np.identity(4) # 4x4 matrix calib_out["Tr"][:3, :4] = calib_all["Tr"].reshape(3, 4) return calib_out def vox2pix(cam_E, cam_k, vox_origin, voxel_size, img_W, img_H, scene_size): """ compute the 2D projection of voxels centroids Parameters: ---------- cam_E: 4x4 =camera pose in case of NYUv2 dataset =Transformation from camera to lidar coordinate in case of SemKITTI cam_k: 3x3 camera intrinsics vox_origin: (3,) world(NYU)/lidar(SemKITTI) cooridnates of the voxel at index (0, 0, 0) img_W: int image width img_H: int image height scene_size: (3,) scene size in meter: (51.2, 51.2, 6.4) for SemKITTI and (4.8, 4.8, 2.88) for NYUv2 Returns ------- projected_pix: (N, 2) Projected 2D positions of voxels fov_mask: (N,) Voxels mask indice voxels inside image's FOV pix_z: (N,) Voxels'distance to the sensor in meter """ # Compute the x, y, z bounding of the scene in meter vol_bnds = np.zeros((3, 2)) vol_bnds[:, 0] = vox_origin vol_bnds[:, 1] = vox_origin + np.array(scene_size) # Compute the voxels centroids in lidar cooridnates vol_dim = np.ceil((vol_bnds[:, 1] - vol_bnds[:, 0]) / voxel_size).copy(order='C').astype(int) xv, yv, zv = np.meshgrid( range(vol_dim[0]), range(vol_dim[1]), range(vol_dim[2]), indexing='ij' ) vox_coords = np.concatenate([ xv.reshape(1, -1), yv.reshape(1, -1), zv.reshape(1, -1) ], axis=0).astype(int).T # Project voxels'centroid from lidar coordinates to camera coordinates cam_pts = fusion.TSDFVolume.vox2world(vox_origin, vox_coords, voxel_size) cam_pts = fusion.rigid_transform(cam_pts, cam_E) # Project camera coordinates to pixel positions projected_pix = fusion.TSDFVolume.cam2pix(cam_pts, cam_k) pix_x, pix_y = projected_pix[:, 0], projected_pix[:, 1] # Eliminate pixels outside view frustum pix_z = cam_pts[:, 2] fov_mask = np.logical_and(pix_x >= 0, np.logical_and(pix_x < img_W, np.logical_and(pix_y >= 0, np.logical_and(pix_y < img_H, pix_z > 0)))) return torch.from_numpy(projected_pix), torch.from_numpy(fov_mask), torch.from_numpy(pix_z) def get_grid_coords(dims, resolution): """ :param dims: the dimensions of the grid [x, y, z] (i.e. [256, 256, 32]) :return coords_grid: is the center coords of voxels in the grid """ g_xx = np.arange(0, dims[0] + 1) g_yy = np.arange(0, dims[1] + 1) sensor_pose = 10 g_zz = np.arange(0, dims[2] + 1) # Obtaining the grid with coords... xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(g_xx[:-1], g_yy[:-1], g_zz[:-1]) coords_grid = np.array([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), zz.flatten()]).T coords_grid = coords_grid.astype(np.float) coords_grid = (coords_grid * resolution) + resolution / 2 temp = np.copy(coords_grid) temp[:, 0] = coords_grid[:, 1] temp[:, 1] = coords_grid[:, 0] coords_grid = np.copy(temp) return coords_grid def get_projections(img_W, img_H): scale_3ds = [1, 2] data = {} for scale_3d in scale_3ds: scene_size = (4.8, 4.8, 2.88) vox_origin = np.array([-1.54591799, 0.8907361, -0.05]) voxel_size = 0.08 calib = read_calib("/monoscene/MonoScene/calib.txt") cam_k = np.array([[518.8579, 0, 320], [0, 518.8579, 240], [0, 0, 1]]) cam_pose = np.asarray([[9.6699458e-01, 4.2662762e-02, 2.5120059e-01, 0.0000000e+00], [-2.5147417e-01, 1.0867463e-03, 9.6786356e-01, 0.0000000e+00], [4.1018680e-02, -9.9908894e-01, 1.1779292e-02, 1.1794727e+00], [0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 1.0000000e+00]]) T_velo_2_cam = np.linalg.inv(cam_pose) # compute the 3D-2D mapping projected_pix, fov_mask, pix_z = vox2pix( T_velo_2_cam, cam_k, vox_origin, voxel_size * scale_3d, img_W, img_H, scene_size, ) data["projected_pix_{}".format(scale_3d)] = projected_pix data["pix_z_{}".format(scale_3d)] = pix_z data["fov_mask_{}".format(scale_3d)] = fov_mask return data def majority_pooling(grid, k_size=2): result = np.zeros( (grid.shape[0] // k_size, grid.shape[1] // k_size, grid.shape[2] // k_size) ) for xx in range(0, int(np.floor(grid.shape[0] / k_size))): for yy in range(0, int(np.floor(grid.shape[1] / k_size))): for zz in range(0, int(np.floor(grid.shape[2] / k_size))): sub_m = grid[ (xx * k_size): (xx * k_size) + k_size, (yy * k_size): (yy * k_size) + k_size, (zz * k_size): (zz * k_size) + k_size, ] unique, counts = np.unique(sub_m, return_counts=True) if True in ((unique != 0) & (unique != 255)): # Remove counts with 0 and 255 counts = counts[((unique != 0) & (unique != 255))] unique = unique[((unique != 0) & (unique != 255))] else: if True in (unique == 0): counts = counts[(unique != 255)] unique = unique[(unique != 255)] value = unique[np.argmax(counts)] result[xx, yy, zz] = value return result def get_grid_coords(dims, resolution): """ :param dims: the dimensions of the grid [x, y, z] (i.e. [256, 256, 32]) :return coords_grid: is the center coords of voxels in the grid """ g_xx = np.arange(0, dims[0] + 1) g_yy = np.arange(0, dims[1] + 1) g_zz = np.arange(0, dims[2] + 1) # Obtaining the grid with coords... xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(g_xx[:-1], g_yy[:-1], g_zz[:-1]) coords_grid = np.array([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), zz.flatten()]).T coords_grid = coords_grid.astype(np.float) coords_grid = (coords_grid * resolution) + resolution / 2 temp = np.copy(coords_grid) temp[:, 0] = coords_grid[:, 1] temp[:, 1] = coords_grid[:, 0] coords_grid = np.copy(temp) return coords_grid def draw( voxels, cam_pose, vox_origin, voxel_size=0.08, d=0.75, # 0.75m - determine the size of the mesh representing the camera ): # Compute the coordinates of the mesh representing camera y = d * 480 / (2 * 518.8579) x = d * 640 / (2 * 518.8579) tri_points = np.array( [ [0, 0, 0], [x, y, d], [-x, y, d], [-x, -y, d], [x, -y, d], ] ) tri_points = np.hstack([tri_points, np.ones((5, 1))]) tri_points = (cam_pose @ tri_points.T).T x = tri_points[:, 0] - vox_origin[0] y = tri_points[:, 1] - vox_origin[1] z = tri_points[:, 2] - vox_origin[2] triangles = [ (0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 4), (0, 3, 4), (0, 2, 3), ] # Compute the voxels coordinates grid_coords = get_grid_coords( [voxels.shape[0], voxels.shape[2], voxels.shape[1]], voxel_size ) # Attach the predicted class to every voxel grid_coords = np.vstack( (grid_coords.T, np.moveaxis(voxels, [0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1]).reshape(-1)) ).T # Remove empty and unknown voxels occupied_voxels = grid_coords[(grid_coords[:, 3] > 0) & (grid_coords[:, 3] < 255)] colors = np.array( [ [22, 191, 206, 255], [214, 38, 40, 255], [43, 160, 43, 255], [158, 216, 229, 255], [114, 158, 206, 255], [204, 204, 91, 255], [255, 186, 119, 255], [147, 102, 188, 255], [30, 119, 181, 255], [188, 188, 33, 255], [255, 127, 12, 255], [196, 175, 214, 255], [153, 153, 153, 255], ] ).astype(np.uint8) pts_colors = [ f'rgb({colors[int(i)][0]}, {colors[int(i)][1]}, {colors[int(i)][2]})' for i in occupied_voxels[:, 3]] out_fov_colors = [ f'rgb({colors[int(i)][0]//3*2}, {colors[int(i)][1]//3*2}, {colors[int(i)][2]//3*2})' for i in occupied_voxels[:, 3]] pts_colors = pts_colors + out_fov_colors fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Scatter3d(x=occupied_voxels[:, 0], y=occupied_voxels[:, 1], z=occupied_voxels[:, 2], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=4, color=pts_colors, # set color to an array/list of desired values opacity=1.0, symbol='square' ))]) fig.update_layout( scene=dict( aspectmode='data', yaxis=dict(visible=False, showticklabels=False), bgcolor="black", ), ) return fig