import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import optuna import as px st.title("Portfolio weights calculator") help_string = "NOTA: El formato utilizado aquí es llamando cada columna de GOOGLEFINANCE." "STOCKS.csv" check_box = st.checkbox("¿Deseas usar el archivo precargado?") if check_box: uploaded_file = "STOCKS.csv" file_name = uploaded_file else: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Sube aquí tu archivo de excel", type=[".xls", ".xlsx", ".csv"], help=help_string) file_name = if uploaded_file is not None else None if uploaded_file is not None: # Can be used wherever a "file-like" object is accepted: if file_name[-3:] == "csv": df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) df = df.drop(0, axis=0) df = df.drop("Unnamed: 2", axis=1).drop("Unnamed: 4", axis=1).rename({"Unnamed: 0": "Date"}, axis=1) df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']) stocks = list(df.columns)[-3:] stocks_rets = [] for i in stocks: stocks_rets.append(i+"_ret") df[i] = df[i].astype(float) df[i+"_ret"] = (df[i] - df[i].shift(1)) / df[i].shift(1) st.write(df[["Date"] + stocks_rets]) # Plotting with Plotly fig = px.line(df, x=df.Date, y=stocks, labels={'value': 'Value', 'variable': 'Series'}, title='Time Series Plot') fig.update_layout(xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Value') # Use Streamlit to render the plot st.plotly_chart(fig) ret_list = df[stocks_rets].mean().to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1) cov_matrix = df[stocks_rets].cov().to_numpy() optim_choice = st.selectbox("Elige la forma de optomizar :", ("max returns", "min variance", "max returns - variance")) def portfolio_variance(weights, covariance_matrix): return,, weights)) def portfolio_returns(weights, expected_returns): return, expected_returns) if optim_choice == "max returns": def objective(trial): w1 = trial.suggest_uniform('w1', 0, 1) w2 = trial.suggest_uniform('w2', 0, 1) w3 = 1 - w1 - w2 weights = np.array([w1, w2, w3]).reshape(-1, 1) return, ret_list) study = optuna.create_study(direction="maximize") study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100, show_progress_bar=True) elif optim_choice == "min variance": def objective(trial): w1 = trial.suggest_uniform('w1', 0, 1) w2 = trial.suggest_uniform('w2', 0, 1) w3 = 1 - w1 - w2 weights = np.array([w1, w2, w3]).reshape(-1, 1) return,, weights)) study = optuna.create_study(direction="minimize") study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100, show_progress_bar=True) else: def objective(trial): w1 = trial.suggest_uniform('w1', 0, 1) w2 = trial.suggest_uniform('w2', 0, 1) w3 = 1 - w1 - w2 weights = np.array([w1, w2, w3]).reshape(-1, 1) return, ret_list) -,, weights)) study = optuna.create_study(direction="maximize") study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100, show_progress_bar=True) w1 = study.best_params['w1'] w2 = study.best_params['w2'] w3 = 1- w1 - w2 weights = np.array([w1, w2, w3]).reshape(-1, 1) yearly_returns = (1 +, ret_list)[0, 0]) ** 252 - 1 yearly_variance =,, weights))[0, 0] * 252 st.write(f"Los pesos son: :green[{stocks[0]} -> {w1:,.4f}], :green[{stocks[1]} -> {w2:,.4f}], :green[{stocks[2]} -> {w3:,.4f}]") st.write(f"El retorno anualizado del portafolio es: :green[{yearly_returns:,.4f}]") st.write(f"La varianza anualizado del portafolio es: :green[{yearly_variance:,.4f}]")