from nsepython import * import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from datetime import datetime from time import gmtime, strftime from IPython.display import clear_output import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pytz import timezone def get_data(): print('Hello') a=(nse_fno("BANKNIFTY")) print(a) last_prices=round(nse_quote_ltp("BANKNIFTY")) exp=list(set(a['expiryDates'])) exp.sort(key = lambda date: datetime.strptime(date, '%d-%b-%Y')) # print(exp) if last_prices%100>50: x=(last_prices-last_prices%100+100) strike=[x-200,x-100,x,x+100,x+200] elif last_prices%100<50: x=(last_prices-last_prices%100) strike=[x-200,x-100,x,x+100,x+200] d={'call change op':[], 'call vwap':[], '% change op':[], 'strike':[], 'put change op':[], 'put vwap':[], '% change op put':[] } for i in a['stocks']: for sp in strike: if i['metadata']['expiryDate']==exp[0] and i['metadata']['optionType']=='Call' and i['metadata']['strikePrice']==sp: d['strike'].append(sp) d['call change op'].append(i['marketDeptOrderBook']['tradeInfo']['changeinOpenInterest']) d['% change op'].append(i['marketDeptOrderBook']['tradeInfo']['pchangeinOpenInterest']) d['call vwap'].append(i['marketDeptOrderBook']['tradeInfo']['vmap']) elif i['metadata']['expiryDate']==exp[0] and i['metadata']['optionType']=='Put' and i['metadata']['strikePrice']==sp: d['put change op'].append(i['marketDeptOrderBook']['tradeInfo']['changeinOpenInterest']) d['% change op put'].append(i['marketDeptOrderBook']['tradeInfo']['pchangeinOpenInterest']) d['put vwap'].append(i['marketDeptOrderBook']['tradeInfo']['vmap']) out=pd.json_normalize(d) out=out.explode(list(out.columns)).reset_index(drop = True) out.fillna(0,inplace=True) x=out.astype(float).round(2) return x # def get_info(dataset): # df= pd.DataFrame(columns=['value', 'pcr', 'cal_per','put_per']) # value= dataset['put change op'].sum() - dataset['call change op'].sum() # pcr= dataset['put change op'].sum()/dataset['call change op'].sum() # cal_per= dataset['% change op'].mean() # put_per= dataset['% change op put'].mean() # new_row={'time'"Asia/Kolkata")).strftime('%I.%M %p'),'value':value, 'pcr':round(pcr,2), 'cal_per':round(cal_per,2), 'put_per':round(put_per,2)} # df = df.append(new_row,ignore_index=True, verify_integrity=False, sort=None) # return df # def ploting(): # try: # global final # except: # df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['value', 'pcr', 'cal_per','put_per']) # dataset= get_data() # main= get_info(dataset) # final =final.append(main,ignore_index=True, verify_integrity=False, sort=None) # return dataset,final # final = pd.DataFrame(columns=['value', 'pcr', 'cal_per','put_per','time']) # if __name__=='__main__': # st.title('WELCOME BULLS CARTEL') # today_date =strftime("%d %b %Y", gmtime()),"Asia/Kolkata")).strftime('%I.%M %p') # st.markdown(f"as at {today_date}") # option= st.selectbox( # 'How would you like to be contacted?', # ('5', '10', '15')) # st.write('You selected:', option) # st.header('Important Information') # st.markdown(""" CALL % INCREASE MEANS MARKET GOES DOWN # PUT % INCREASE MEANS MARKET GOES UP # """) # while True: # dataset,final=ploting() # p1=st.empty() # p2=st.empty() # p3=st.empty() # p1.dataframe(['% change op put','% change op'],axis=0)) #Column hightlight # p2.dataframe(['cal_per','put_per'],axis=1)) # row highlight # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 2)) # ax.plot(final['time'],final['pcr']) # ax.axhline(y=0, color='black', linestyle='solid') # 0 line graph # fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=70) # p3.pyplot(fig) # time.sleep(3*60) # how to the start again code check upper condition min * sec # p1.empty() # then clean all data frame # p2.empty() # p3.empty() import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.title('A Simple Streamlit Web App') option= st.selectbox( 'How would you like to be contacted?', ('5', '10', '15')) st.write('You selected:', option) st.header('Important Information') st.markdown(""" CALL % INCREASE MEANS MARKET GOES DOWN PUT % INCREASE MEANS MARKET GOES UP """) x = st.slider('Select an integer x', 0, 10, 1) y = st.slider('Select an integer y', 0, 10, 1) df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [x], 'y': [y] , 'x + y': [x + y]}, index = ['addition row']) if st.button('add'): result = get_data() st.dataframe(result) # df = (get_data()) st.write(df)