import pandas as pd import gradio as gr print(gr.__version__) import torch import torchaudio df= pd.read_csv('native_words_subset.csv') torch._C._jit_override_can_fuse_on_cpu(False) torch._C._jit_override_can_fuse_on_gpu(False) torch._C._jit_set_texpr_fuser_enabled(False) torch._C._jit_set_nvfuser_enabled(False) loader = torch.jit.load("") model = torch.jit.load('').eval() vocab = model.text_transform.vocab.itos vocab[-1] = '' def convert_probs(probs): ids = probs.argmax(1)[0] s = [] if vocab[ids[0]]: s.append(vocab[ids[0]]) for i in range(1,len(ids)): if ids[i-1] != ids[i]: new = vocab[ids[i]] if new: s.append(new) #return '.'.join(s) return s def predict(path): audio = loader(path) probs = model(audio, torch.tensor(audio.shape[0] * [audio.shape[-1]], device=audio.device))[0] return convert_probs(probs) from difflib import SequenceMatcher def similar(a, b): return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() def compare(chosen_word, path): etalons = [list(val.split('.')) for val in df.loc[df['replica'] == chosen_word, 'transcription'].values] user = predict(path) coeff = 0.0 idx=0 for i in range(len(etalons)): new_coeff = similar(user, etalons[i]) if new_coeff > coeff: coeff = new_coeff idx=i return f'The similarity coefficient of your pronunciation and the pronunciation of a native speaker is {coeff}. The closer the coefficient is to 1, the better.' + '\nYour pronunciation: [' + ''.join(user) + ']\nClosest native pronunciation: [' + ''.join(etalons[idx]) + ']' word_choice = gr.inputs.Dropdown(sorted(list(df['replica'].unique())), label="Choose a word") gr.Interface(fn=compare, inputs=[word_choice, gr.inputs.Audio(source='microphone', type='filepath', optional=True)], outputs= 'text').launch(debug=True)