import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt st.title("Investment app 🦥") A = st.number_input( "Insert the initial investment (in $): " ) r = st.number_input( "Insert the interest rate (nominal in %): " ) T = st.number_input( "Insert the number of months of your investment: ", step=1 ) # Numpy array with the months t = np.arange(T + 1) # Numpy array for the interest rate r_list = np.array([r] * len(t)) # Numpy array with the returns for each month in t y = A * (1 + (r_list / (12*100)))**t # Numpy array with the continuously compunded returns y_c = A * np.exp(r_list * t / (12*100)) # Create the investment dictionary inv_dict = {"Month": t, "Rate": r_list, "Returns": y, "Continuous returns": y_c} # Create the investment dataframe inv_df = pd.DataFrame(inv_dict) inv_df.columns = inv_dict.keys() st.write(f"Table with returns at an interest rate of {r}") new_df = st.data_editor(inv_df) new_y = [A] new_y_c = [A] for i in range(1, len(t)): r_temp = new_df["Rate"].values[i] # New numpy array with the returns for each month in t val = new_y[i-1] * (1 + r_temp / (12*100)) new_y.append(val) # New numpy array with the continuously compunded returns val_c = new_y_c[i-1] * np.exp(r_temp / (12*100)) new_y_c.append(val_c) new_df["Returns"] = new_y new_df["Continuous returns"] = new_y_c new_df["Actual returns"] = 100 * (new_df["Continuous returns"] - new_df["Continuous returns"].shift(1)) / new_df["Continuous returns"].shift(1) st.dataframe(new_df) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title("Investment returns plot") ax.set_xlabel("Months") ax.set_ylabel("Actual returns") ax.plot(new_df["Month"], new_df["Actual returns"]) st.pyplot(fig)