import gradio as gr import re from transformers import pipeline sp_model = "SineTheta/Spam_and_bully_detection" ca_model = "SineTheta/Spam_and_bully_detection" sp_analysis = pipeline("text-classification", model=sp_model, tokenizer=sp_model) ca_analysis = pipeline("text-classification", model=ca_model, tokenizer=ca_model) def bullying_analysis(language, text): if language == 'English': results = sp_analysis(text) elif language == 'French': results = ca_analysis(text) return results[0]["label"], round(results[0]["score"], 5) gradio_ui = gr.Interface( fn=bullying_analysis, title="CyberBullying Detector (Spanish/Catalan)", description="Enter some text and check if the model detects bullying.", inputs=[ gr.inputs.Radio(['Spanish','Catalan'],label='Language',), gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=5, label="Paste some text here"), ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Label"), gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Score"), ], examples=[ ['Spanish', "Eres mas alto que un pino y mas tonto que un pepino!"], ['Catalan', "Ets un barrufet!"], ['Spanish', "Estas mas gordo que una foca!"], ['Catalan', "Ets mes lleig que un pecat!"], ], ) gradio_ui.launch()