# SoccerRAG: Multimodal Soccer Information Retrieval via Natural Queries ## Setup ````bash pip install -r requirements.txt ```` Rename .env_demo to .env and fill in the required fields. ## Setting up the database ### Required data The data required to run the code is not included in this repository. The data can be downloaded from the [Soccernet](https://www.soccer-net.org/data). Files needed are: * Labels-v2.json [link](https://www.soccer-net.org/data#h.5klq86rmgt96) * Labels-captions.json The data should be placed in the ./data/Dataset/SoccerNet/ directory For each league, create a new folder with the name of the leauge For each season create a new folder with the name of the season (YYYY-YYYY) For each game create a new folder with the name of the game (YYYY-MM-DD - HomeTeam Score - Score AwayTeam) In each game folder, place the Labels-v2.json and Labels-captions.json files ### Setting up and populating the database To set up the database, execute the following command: ````bash python src/database.py ```` Adjust the path to the data in the database.py file as needed. ## Running the code To run the code, execute the following command: ````bash python main.py ```` The code will prompt you to enter a natural language query. ````angular2html Enter a query: How many goals has Messi scored each season? Lionel Messi has scored the following number of goals each season: - 2014-2015: 13 goals - 2015-2016: 3 goals - 2016-2017: 31 goals ```` ## Results .. ## Acknowledgements .. ## Citation ..