from fontTools.misc.textTools import Tag, bytesjoin, strjoin try: import xattr except ImportError: xattr = None def _reverseString(s): s = list(s) s.reverse() return strjoin(s) def getMacCreatorAndType(path): """Returns file creator and file type codes for a path. Args: path (str): A file path. Returns: A tuple of two :py:class:`fontTools.textTools.Tag` objects, the first representing the file creator and the second representing the file type. """ if xattr is not None: try: finderInfo = xattr.getxattr(path, "") except (KeyError, IOError): pass else: fileType = Tag(finderInfo[:4]) fileCreator = Tag(finderInfo[4:8]) return fileCreator, fileType return None, None def setMacCreatorAndType(path, fileCreator, fileType): """Set file creator and file type codes for a path. Note that if the ``xattr`` module is not installed, no action is taken but no error is raised. Args: path (str): A file path. fileCreator: A four-character file creator tag. fileType: A four-character file type tag. """ if xattr is not None: from fontTools.misc.textTools import pad if not all(len(s) == 4 for s in (fileCreator, fileType)): raise TypeError("arg must be string of 4 chars") finderInfo = pad(bytesjoin([fileType, fileCreator]), 32) xattr.setxattr(path, "", finderInfo)