from __future__ import annotations import math import sys import threading from import Awaitable, Callable, Generator from contextlib import contextmanager from importlib import import_module from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar import sniffio if TYPE_CHECKING: from import AsyncBackend # This must be updated when new backends are introduced BACKENDS = "asyncio", "trio" T_Retval = TypeVar("T_Retval") threadlocals = threading.local() def run( func: Callable[..., Awaitable[T_Retval]], *args: object, backend: str = "asyncio", backend_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> T_Retval: """ Run the given coroutine function in an asynchronous event loop. The current thread must not be already running an event loop. :param func: a coroutine function :param args: positional arguments to ``func`` :param backend: name of the asynchronous event loop implementation – currently either ``asyncio`` or ``trio`` :param backend_options: keyword arguments to call the backend ``run()`` implementation with (documented :ref:`here `) :return: the return value of the coroutine function :raises RuntimeError: if an asynchronous event loop is already running in this thread :raises LookupError: if the named backend is not found """ try: asynclib_name = sniffio.current_async_library() except sniffio.AsyncLibraryNotFoundError: pass else: raise RuntimeError(f"Already running {asynclib_name} in this thread") try: async_backend = get_async_backend(backend) except ImportError as exc: raise LookupError(f"No such backend: {backend}") from exc token = None if sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.get(None) is None: # Since we're in control of the event loop, we can cache the name of the async # library token = sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.set(backend) try: backend_options = backend_options or {} return, args, {}, backend_options) finally: if token: sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.reset(token) async def sleep(delay: float) -> None: """ Pause the current task for the specified duration. :param delay: the duration, in seconds """ return await get_async_backend().sleep(delay) async def sleep_forever() -> None: """ Pause the current task until it's cancelled. This is a shortcut for ``sleep(math.inf)``. .. versionadded:: 3.1 """ await sleep(math.inf) async def sleep_until(deadline: float) -> None: """ Pause the current task until the given time. :param deadline: the absolute time to wake up at (according to the internal monotonic clock of the event loop) .. versionadded:: 3.1 """ now = current_time() await sleep(max(deadline - now, 0)) def current_time() -> float: """ Return the current value of the event loop's internal clock. :return: the clock value (seconds) """ return get_async_backend().current_time() def get_all_backends() -> tuple[str, ...]: """Return a tuple of the names of all built-in backends.""" return BACKENDS def get_cancelled_exc_class() -> type[BaseException]: """Return the current async library's cancellation exception class.""" return get_async_backend().cancelled_exception_class() # # Private API # @contextmanager def claim_worker_thread( backend_class: type[AsyncBackend], token: object ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: threadlocals.current_async_backend = backend_class threadlocals.current_token = token try: yield finally: del threadlocals.current_async_backend del threadlocals.current_token def get_async_backend(asynclib_name: str | None = None) -> AsyncBackend: if asynclib_name is None: asynclib_name = sniffio.current_async_library() modulename = "anyio._backends._" + asynclib_name try: module = sys.modules[modulename] except KeyError: module = import_module(modulename) return getattr(module, "backend_class")