from toolz import curried import uuid from weakref import WeakValueDictionary from typing import Union, Dict, Set, MutableMapping from typing import TypedDict, Final from altair.utils._importers import import_vegafusion from altair.utils.core import _DataFrameLike from import _DataType, _ToValuesReturnType, MaxRowsError from import default_data_transformer # Temporary storage for dataframes that have been extracted # from charts by the vegafusion data transformer. Use a WeakValueDictionary # rather than a dict so that the Python interpreter is free to garbage # collect the stored DataFrames. extracted_inline_tables: MutableMapping[str, _DataFrameLike] = WeakValueDictionary() # Special URL prefix that VegaFusion uses to denote that a # dataset in a Vega spec corresponds to an entry in the `inline_datasets` # kwarg of vf.runtime.pre_transform_spec(). VEGAFUSION_PREFIX: Final = "vegafusion+dataset://" class _ToVegaFusionReturnUrlDict(TypedDict): url: str @curried.curry def vegafusion_data_transformer( data: _DataType, max_rows: int = 100000 ) -> Union[_ToVegaFusionReturnUrlDict, _ToValuesReturnType]: """VegaFusion Data Transformer""" if hasattr(data, "__geo_interface__"): # Use default transformer for geo interface objects # # (e.g. a geopandas GeoDataFrame) return default_data_transformer(data) elif hasattr(data, "__dataframe__"): table_name = f"table_{uuid.uuid4()}".replace("-", "_") extracted_inline_tables[table_name] = data return {"url": VEGAFUSION_PREFIX + table_name} else: # Use default transformer if we don't recognize data type return default_data_transformer(data) def get_inline_table_names(vega_spec: dict) -> Set[str]: """Get a set of the inline datasets names in the provided Vega spec Inline datasets are encoded as URLs that start with the table:// prefix. Parameters ---------- vega_spec: dict A Vega specification dict Returns ------- set of str Set of the names of the inline datasets that are referenced in the specification. Examples -------- >>> spec = { ... "data": [ ... { ... "name": "foo", ... "url": "https://path/to/file.csv" ... }, ... { ... "name": "bar", ... "url": "vegafusion+dataset://inline_dataset_123" ... } ... ] ... } >>> get_inline_table_names(spec) {'inline_dataset_123'} """ table_names = set() # Process datasets for data in vega_spec.get("data", []): url = data.get("url", "") if url.startswith(VEGAFUSION_PREFIX): name = url[len(VEGAFUSION_PREFIX) :] table_names.add(name) # Recursively process child marks, which may have their own datasets for mark in vega_spec.get("marks", []): table_names.update(get_inline_table_names(mark)) return table_names def get_inline_tables(vega_spec: dict) -> Dict[str, _DataFrameLike]: """Get the inline tables referenced by a Vega specification Note: This function should only be called on a Vega spec that corresponds to a chart that was processed by the vegafusion_data_transformer. Furthermore, this function may only be called once per spec because the returned dataframes are deleted from internal storage. Parameters ---------- vega_spec: dict A Vega specification dict Returns ------- dict from str to dataframe dict from inline dataset name to dataframe object """ table_names = get_inline_table_names(vega_spec) tables = {} for table_name in table_names: try: tables[table_name] = extracted_inline_tables.pop(table_name) except KeyError: # named dataset that was provided by the user pass return tables def compile_with_vegafusion(vegalite_spec: dict) -> dict: """Compile a Vega-Lite spec to Vega and pre-transform with VegaFusion Note: This function should only be called on a Vega-Lite spec that was generated with the "vegafusion" data transformer enabled. In particular, this spec may contain references to extract datasets using table:// prefixed URLs. Parameters ---------- vegalite_spec: dict A Vega-Lite spec that was generated from an Altair chart with the "vegafusion" data transformer enabled Returns ------- dict A Vega spec that has been pre-transformed by VegaFusion """ # Local import to avoid circular ImportError from altair import vegalite_compilers, data_transformers vf = import_vegafusion() # Compile Vega-Lite spec to Vega compiler = vegalite_compilers.get() if compiler is None: raise ValueError("No active vega-lite compiler plugin found") vega_spec = compiler(vegalite_spec) # Retrieve dict of inline tables referenced by the spec inline_tables = get_inline_tables(vega_spec) # Pre-evaluate transforms in vega spec with vegafusion row_limit = data_transformers.options.get("max_rows", None) transformed_vega_spec, warnings = vf.runtime.pre_transform_spec( vega_spec, vf.get_local_tz(), inline_datasets=inline_tables, row_limit=row_limit, ) # Check from row limit warning and convert to MaxRowsError for warning in warnings: if warning.get("type") == "RowLimitExceeded": raise MaxRowsError( "The number of dataset rows after filtering and aggregation exceeds\n" f"the current limit of {row_limit}. Try adding an aggregation to reduce\n" "the size of the dataset that must be loaded into the browser. Or, disable\n" "the limit by calling alt.data_transformers.disable_max_rows(). Note that\n" "disabling this limit may cause the browser to freeze or crash." ) return transformed_vega_spec def using_vegafusion() -> bool: """Check whether the vegafusion data transfomer is enabled""" # Local import to avoid circular ImportError from altair import data_transformers return == "vegafusion"