from __future__ import annotations from import AsyncIterable, Mapping, Sequence from io import BytesIO from os import PathLike from subprocess import DEVNULL, PIPE, CalledProcessError, CompletedProcess from typing import IO, Any, cast from import Process from ._eventloop import get_async_backend from ._tasks import create_task_group async def run_process( command: str | bytes | Sequence[str | bytes], *, input: bytes | None = None, stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = PIPE, stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = PIPE, check: bool = True, cwd: str | bytes | PathLike[str] | None = None, env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, start_new_session: bool = False, ) -> CompletedProcess[bytes]: """ Run an external command in a subprocess and wait until it completes. .. seealso:: :func:`` :param command: either a string to pass to the shell, or an iterable of strings containing the executable name or path and its arguments :param input: bytes passed to the standard input of the subprocess :param stdout: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`, a file-like object, or `None` :param stderr: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`, :data:`subprocess.STDOUT`, a file-like object, or `None` :param check: if ``True``, raise :exc:`~subprocess.CalledProcessError` if the process terminates with a return code other than 0 :param cwd: If not ``None``, change the working directory to this before running the command :param env: if not ``None``, this mapping replaces the inherited environment variables from the parent process :param start_new_session: if ``true`` the setsid() system call will be made in the child process prior to the execution of the subprocess. (POSIX only) :return: an object representing the completed process :raises ~subprocess.CalledProcessError: if ``check`` is ``True`` and the process exits with a nonzero return code """ async def drain_stream(stream: AsyncIterable[bytes], index: int) -> None: buffer = BytesIO() async for chunk in stream: buffer.write(chunk) stream_contents[index] = buffer.getvalue() async with await open_process( command, stdin=PIPE if input else DEVNULL, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, env=env, start_new_session=start_new_session, ) as process: stream_contents: list[bytes | None] = [None, None] try: async with create_task_group() as tg: if process.stdout: tg.start_soon(drain_stream, process.stdout, 0) if process.stderr: tg.start_soon(drain_stream, process.stderr, 1) if process.stdin and input: await process.stdin.send(input) await process.stdin.aclose() await process.wait() except BaseException: process.kill() raise output, errors = stream_contents if check and process.returncode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(cast(int, process.returncode), command, output, errors) return CompletedProcess(command, cast(int, process.returncode), output, errors) async def open_process( command: str | bytes | Sequence[str | bytes], *, stdin: int | IO[Any] | None = PIPE, stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = PIPE, stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = PIPE, cwd: str | bytes | PathLike[str] | None = None, env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, start_new_session: bool = False, ) -> Process: """ Start an external command in a subprocess. .. seealso:: :class:`subprocess.Popen` :param command: either a string to pass to the shell, or an iterable of strings containing the executable name or path and its arguments :param stdin: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`, a file-like object, or ``None`` :param stdout: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`, a file-like object, or ``None`` :param stderr: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`, :data:`subprocess.STDOUT`, a file-like object, or ``None`` :param cwd: If not ``None``, the working directory is changed before executing :param env: If env is not ``None``, it must be a mapping that defines the environment variables for the new process :param start_new_session: if ``true`` the setsid() system call will be made in the child process prior to the execution of the subprocess. (POSIX only) :return: an asynchronous process object """ if isinstance(command, (str, bytes)): return await get_async_backend().open_process( command, shell=True, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, env=env, start_new_session=start_new_session, ) else: return await get_async_backend().open_process( command, shell=False, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, env=env, start_new_session=start_new_session, )