from __future__ import annotations class BrokenResourceError(Exception): """ Raised when trying to use a resource that has been rendered unusable due to external causes (e.g. a send stream whose peer has disconnected). """ class BrokenWorkerProcess(Exception): """ Raised by :func:`run_sync_in_process` if the worker process terminates abruptly or otherwise misbehaves. """ class BusyResourceError(Exception): """ Raised when two tasks are trying to read from or write to the same resource concurrently. """ def __init__(self, action: str): super().__init__(f"Another task is already {action} this resource") class ClosedResourceError(Exception): """Raised when trying to use a resource that has been closed.""" class DelimiterNotFound(Exception): """ Raised during :meth:`~anyio.streams.buffered.BufferedByteReceiveStream.receive_until` if the maximum number of bytes has been read without the delimiter being found. """ def __init__(self, max_bytes: int) -> None: super().__init__( f"The delimiter was not found among the first {max_bytes} bytes" ) class EndOfStream(Exception): """ Raised when trying to read from a stream that has been closed from the other end. """ class IncompleteRead(Exception): """ Raised during :meth:`~anyio.streams.buffered.BufferedByteReceiveStream.receive_exactly` or :meth:`~anyio.streams.buffered.BufferedByteReceiveStream.receive_until` if the connection is closed before the requested amount of bytes has been read. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( "The stream was closed before the read operation could be completed" ) class TypedAttributeLookupError(LookupError): """ Raised by :meth:`~anyio.TypedAttributeProvider.extra` when the given typed attribute is not found and no default value has been given. """ class WouldBlock(Exception): """Raised by ``X_nowait`` functions if ``X()`` would block."""