import random import numpy as np from torchvision import transforms from PIL import Image class CutPaste(object): def __init__(self, transform = True, type = 'binary'): ''' This class creates to different augmentation CutPaste and CutPaste-Scar. Moreover, it returns augmented images for binary and 3 way classification :arg :transform[binary]: - if True use Color Jitter augmentations for patches :type[str]: options ['binary' or '3way'] - classification type ''' self.type = type if transform: self.transform = transforms.ColorJitter(brightness = 0.1, contrast = 0.1, saturation = 0.1, hue = 0.1) else: self.transform = None @staticmethod def crop_and_paste_patch(image, patch_w, patch_h, transform, rotation=False): """ Crop patch from original image and paste it randomly on the same image. :image: [PIL] _ original image :patch_w: [int] _ width of the patch :patch_h: [int] _ height of the patch :transform: [binary] _ if True use Color Jitter augmentation :rotation: [binary[ _ if True randomly rotates image from (-45, 45) range :return: augmented image """ org_w, org_h = image.size mask = None patch_left, patch_top = random.randint(0, org_w - patch_w), random.randint(0, org_h - patch_h) patch_right, patch_bottom = patch_left + patch_w, patch_top + patch_h patch = image.crop((patch_left, patch_top, patch_right, patch_bottom)) if transform: patch= transform(patch) if rotation: random_rotate = random.uniform(*rotation) patch = patch.convert("RGBA").rotate(random_rotate, expand=True) mask = patch.split()[-1] # new location paste_left, paste_top = random.randint(0, org_w - patch_w), random.randint(0, org_h - patch_h) aug_image = image.copy() aug_image.paste(patch, (paste_left, paste_top), mask=mask) # Create a mask of the pasted area paste_right, paste_bottom = paste_left + patch_w, paste_top + patch_h paste_mask ='L', image.size, 0) paste_mask.paste(255, (paste_left, paste_top, paste_right, paste_bottom)) return aug_image,paste_mask def cutpaste(self, image, area_ratio = (0.02, 0.15), aspect_ratio = ((0.3, 1) , (1, 3.3))): ''' CutPaste augmentation :image: [PIL] - original image :area_ratio: [tuple] - range for area ratio for patch :aspect_ratio: [tuple] - range for aspect ratio :return: PIL image after CutPaste transformation ''' img_area = image.size[0] * image.size[1] patch_area = random.uniform(*area_ratio) * img_area patch_aspect = random.choice([random.uniform(*aspect_ratio[0]), random.uniform(*aspect_ratio[1])]) patch_w = int(np.sqrt(patch_area*patch_aspect)) patch_h = int(np.sqrt(patch_area/patch_aspect)) cutpaste,paste_mask = self.crop_and_paste_patch(image, patch_w, patch_h, self.transform, rotation = False) return cutpaste,paste_mask def cutpaste_scar(self, image, width = [2,16], length = [10,25], rotation = (-45, 45)): ''' :image: [PIL] - original image :width: [list] - range for width of patch :length: [list] - range for length of patch :rotation: [tuple] - range for rotation :return: PIL image after CutPaste-Scare transformation ''' patch_w, patch_h = random.randint(*width), random.randint(*length) cutpaste_scar,paste_mask = self.crop_and_paste_patch(image, patch_w, patch_h, self.transform, rotation = rotation) return cutpaste_scar,paste_mask def __call__(self, image): ''' :image: [PIL] - original image :return: if type == 'binary' returns original image and randomly chosen transformation, else it returns original image, an image after CutPaste transformation and an image after CutPaste-Scar transformation ''' if self.type == 'binary': aug = random.choice([self.cutpaste, self.cutpaste_scar]) return image, aug(image) elif self.type == '3way': cutpaste = self.cutpaste(image) scar = self.cutpaste_scar(image) return image, cutpaste, scar