import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from random import randint import threading # import style # from utils import * st.set_page_config(page_title="Animefy", page_icon="images/animefy_logo.png") model_lock = threading.Lock() # remove "Made with Streamlit" footer text # uncomment "#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}" to also remove the default Streamlit hamburger menu hide_streamlit = """ """ st.markdown(hide_streamlit, unsafe_allow_html=True) def imageResCheck (image): # load and preprocess input image as a NumPy array image = np.asarray(load_input_image(image)) image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2] if (image_height <= 2160 and image_width <= 2160): return True else: return False # randomizer. a workaround for clearing the contents of the file_uploader if 'uploader_key' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['uploader_key'] = str(randint(1000, 100000000)) # home page title and caption st.markdown(""" # ✨ Animefy ✨ Convert your photos into **anime** with _ease_ using **AnimeGAN**. """) st.markdown('---') # main container of the page page_container = st.empty() # store home page contents inside page_container home_page = page_container.container() # step #1 home_page.markdown(""" ### Step #1: Upload the photo that you would like to process! """) # just some notes for the user with home_page.expander("📣 Here are some things to take note of...", expanded=True): st.write(""" * Do note that AnimeGAN works best with images containing **sceneries without people**. * For best results, use images that **do not** contain human subjects. * Fore more information on AnimeGAN, click [here]( """) # upload image functionality uploaded_image = home_page.file_uploader( "If you're ready, you can now upload your image here:", type=['png','jpg','jpeg'], key=st.session_state['uploader_key'] ) # some checking if the image resolution is valid # being done only for performance purposes. if uploaded_image is not None: isValidImage = imageResCheck(uploaded_image) else: isValidImage = False # warning if uploaded_image is not None and not isValidImage: st.caption("**Warning:** For better performance, please upload an image that will not exceed a resolution of **2160x2160**.") # if there is an uploaded image, show next steps if isValidImage: # just a preview of the uploaded image home_page.markdown(""" #### Uploaded Image Here's your photo! Just upload another one if you would like to change it 😉 """) home_page.image( home_page.write("---") # step #2 home_page.markdown(""" ### Step #2: Now, select your preferred animation style! """) # drop down list for anime style to be applied to image anime_style = home_page.selectbox ( 'Your preferred animation style:', ('Paprika', 'Shinkai', 'Hayao') ) # just some more notes for the user with home_page.expander("🤔 What are these animation styles?", expanded=False): st.markdown(""" These styles were derived from the works of various directors! Some of these might be familiar to you: * Satoshi Kon: **Paprika** * Makoto **Shinkai**: Your Name, 5 Centimeters per Second, Weathering with You * **Hayao** Miyazaki: Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke """) st.write("---") st.markdown(""" 🔍 Here are some sample images for you: """) st.image('images/sample.png'), caption="Image from") home_page.write("---") # stylize image home_page.markdown("If you're all set, then let's proceed! 😄") stylize_btn = home_page.button("Stylize!") # if "stylize" button is clicked, if stylize_btn: # remove processing page contents page_container.empty() with st.spinner('Hold on... Please do not close this tab....'): model_lock.acquire() # spinner (while processing image) with st.spinner('Hold on... Processing your image...'): # stylize input image and produce output output_image = style.stylize(anime_style, uploaded_image) model_lock.release() # step #3 st.markdown(""" ### Step #3: Download your image! """) # display original and output images st.markdown(""" Here's a before and after! """) # prepare output image for downloading imageRGB = cv.cvtColor(output_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_encode = cv.imencode('.jpg', imageRGB)[1] data_encode = np.array(img_encode) byte_encode = data_encode.tobytes() before_col, after_col = st.columns(2) with before_col: # clamp and channels are used since OpenCV was used in processing the image st.image(uploaded_image, clamp=True, channels='RGB') with after_col: # clamp and channels are used since OpenCV was used in processing the image st.image(output_image, clamp=True, channels='RGB') col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) with col1: pass with col2: # retry message # st.markdown('Not satisfied? Click this to retry!') # retry button retry_btn = st.button("Try another image") if retry_btn: page_container.empty() with col3: # some instruction for downloading # st.write("Finally, just download your _anime-fied_ image!") # download button st.download_button('Download Image', byte_encode, 'output.jpg', 'jpg') with col4: pass st.write("---") # randomizer. just another workaround. st.session_state['uploader_key'] = str(randint(1000, 100000000))