import axios from "axios"; export const config = { "name" : "liner", "url" : "/api/liner", "description" : "Get response from liner AI. Liner Ai is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things. It have access to real time internet! It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query" : "prompt", "response" : "text", "testURL" : "./api/liner?prompt=hello" } const headers = { Cookie: "ab180ClientId=d124745c-b8e0-44c9-8712-82056e1571ed; __stripe_mid=ad30335b-6b5e-4340-8ceb-ac91d6b8cc34a0a896; __stripe_sid=18e0d0e2-0b72-4a6c-8859-ee62b3dcfd02c953ea; connect.sid=s%3AZpWUIMuuF7jh09Z7QriboFEE2chRqxxF.VYhAtox3jyd6ECn2tPDci4e4oSNPicTovuHyOJBv4Wo; _ga_9RRDSJXHYC=GS1.1.1709884220.1.1.1709884314.59.0.0; _ga_67C29LFSEM=GS1.1.1709884222.1.1.1709884316.57.0.1264912748; _dd_s=rum=0&expire=null; amp_ac9120=byJG3kKNpv1SoxEYhgl-ki.OTA4MzY3MQ==..1hoeglaf8.1hoegpbgo.1f.3.1i", "Content-Type": "application/json", }; export default function handler(req, res) { let prompt = req.query.prompt; const data = { spaceId: 18572253, threadId: "57117968", userMessageId: 69370497, userId: 9083671, experimentId: 56, query: " " + prompt, agentId: "@liner", platform: "web", regenerate: false, showReferenceChunks: true, }; // Make POST request axios .post("", data, { headers }) .then((response) => { let da ="\n"); console.log(da[da.length - 2]); res.status(200).json( JSON.parse(da[da.length - 2])); }); }