import axios from "axios"; export const config = { "name": "bing", "url": "/api/bing", "description": "Get response from Bing. Bing is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things. It have access to real time internet! It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/bing?prompt=hello" } export default async function handler(req, res2) { let prompt = req.query.prompt;'', { }).then((res) => {'',{, "invocationId": 0, "conversationStyle": "Balanced", "prompt": prompt, "allowSearch": true, "context": "" }).then((res) => { let jsonString = // console.log(jsonString) // require('fs').writeFileSync('output.txt', jsonString) // Define the regex pattern to match the desired text const regexPattern = /"message":"(.*?)"/; // Use the regex pattern to find matches in the JSON string const matches = jsonString.match(regexPattern); // Extract the matched text const extractedText = matches ? matches[matches.length-1] : null; function replaceUnicodeWithEmoji(inputString) { return inputString.replace(/\\u([\d\w]{4})/gi, (match, grp) => { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(grp, 16)); }); } const input = extractedText; const output = replaceUnicodeWithEmoji(input); console.log(output.split('\\n').join('\n')); res2.status(200).json({ "status": "Success", "message": output.split('\\n').join('\n') }); // Output: Hello! How can I assist you today? 😊 }) }) }