[ { "name": "blackbox", "url": "/api/blackbox", "description": "Get response from Blackbox AI Model. Blackbox AI is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/blackbox?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "chatgpt3", "url": "/api/chatgpt3", "description": "Get response from Chatgpt3. Chatgpt3 is a ChatGPT API. It can be used to get responses from ChatGPT. It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/chatgpt3?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "chatgpt4", "url": "/api/chatgpt4", "description": "Get response from Chatgpt4. Chatgpt4 is a ChatGPT API. It can be used to get responses from ChatGPT. It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/chatgpt4?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "geminiweb", "url": "/api/geminiweb", "description": "Get response from Gemini AI. Gemini AI is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things. It have access to real time internet! It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/geminiweb?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "huggingchat", "url": "/api/huggingchat", "description": "Get response from huggingchat AI. huggingchat AI is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things. It have access to real time internet! It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query": "prompt, web_search", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/huggingchat?prompt=hello&web_search=false" }, { "name": "imagine", "url": "/api/imagine", "description": "Get response from imagine AI Model. imagine AI is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/imagine?prompt=cute+cat" }, { "name": "liner", "url": "/api/liner", "description": "Get response from liner AI. Liner Ai is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things. It have access to real time internet! It can provide you with the latest news, weather, and more.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/liner?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "llama", "url": "/api/llama", "description": "Get response from llama AI Model. llama AI is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/llama?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "mistral", "url": "/api/mistral", "description": "Get response from Mistral AI Model. Mistral AI is a very powerful AI that can do a lot of things.", "query": "prompt", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/mistral?prompt=hello" }, { "name": "pretend", "url": "/api/pretend", "description": "Pretending to be someone, generate response!", "query": "prompt, name", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/pretend?prompt=hello&name=goku" }, { "name": "upscaler", "url": "/api/upscaler", "description": "Get response from Upscaler AI Model. Upscaler AI can restore the image to its original state.", "query": "url", "response": "text", "testURL": "./api/upscaler?url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent.fdac27-2.fna.fbcdn.net%2Fv%2Ft39.30808-1%2F386334419_843740254146283_32129838220110611_n.jpg%3Fstp%3Dc0.29.100.100a_dst-jpg_p100x100%26_nc_cat%3D105%26ccb%3D1-7%26_nc_sid%3D5f2048%26_nc_eui2%3DAeGirXPT1E56jzWOq3tJatv5HsWuBCzqiQIexa4ELOqJAuncqimdF8tQfaP-IQsyWKB1k2KRJgwsjLnqlMdyG0gS%26_nc_ohc%3Dic3HON0M4RoAb5e2J7a%26_nc_ad%3Dz-m%26_nc_cid%3D0%26_nc_ht%3Dscontent.fdac27-2.fna%26oh%3D00_AfDQQEelZWQ1AL6mhd32t45Lk5ioYN43ZjAj__UW5d_wuQ%26oe%3D661D418E" } ]