import gradio as gr import gradio.inputs #interacting with input and output directories import pickle from final_maybe import LanguageModel with open('without_laplace.sav','rb') as handle: loaded_model = pickle.load(handle) def fn(X_test): X_final_list = list(map(str, X_test.split(' '))) X_final=tuple(X_final_list[-2:]) model = loaded_model result = model._best_candidate(X_final,0) return result description = "Here is an interface for next word prediction using tri-gram model. Given an input, our model will predict the next word. Please make sure not to add a space after the last word." here = gr.Interface(fn=fn, inputs= gradio.inputs.Textbox( lines=1, placeholder=None, default="", label=None), outputs='text', title="Next Word Prediction", description=description, theme="default", allow_flagging="auto", flagging_dir='flagging records') here.launch(inline=False,share=False) # if __name__ == "__main__": # app, local_url, share_url = here.launch()