from typing import Dict, Any, Callable from ..utils.logger import get_formatted_logger logger = get_formatted_logger() async def stream_output( type, content, output, websocket=None, output_log=True, metadata=None ): """ Streams output to the websocket Args: type: content: output: Returns: None """ if (not websocket or output_log) and type != "images": try:"{output}") except UnicodeEncodeError: # Option 1: Replace problematic characters with a placeholder logger.error(output.encode( 'cp1252', errors='replace').decode('cp1252')) if websocket: await websocket.send_json( {"type": type, "content": content, "output": output, "metadata": metadata} ) async def safe_send_json(websocket: Any, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Safely send JSON data through a WebSocket connection. Args: websocket (WebSocket): The WebSocket connection to send data through. data (Dict[str, Any]): The data to send as JSON. Returns: None """ try: await websocket.send_json(data) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error sending JSON through WebSocket: {e}") def calculate_cost( prompt_tokens: int, completion_tokens: int, model: str ) -> float: """ Calculate the cost of API usage based on the number of tokens and the model used. Args: prompt_tokens (int): Number of tokens in the prompt. completion_tokens (int): Number of tokens in the completion. model (str): The model used for the API call. Returns: float: The calculated cost in USD. """ # Define cost per 1k tokens for different models costs = { "gpt-3.5-turbo": 0.002, "gpt-4": 0.03, "gpt-4-32k": 0.06, # Add more models and their costs as needed } model = model.lower() if model not in costs: logger.warning( f"Unknown model: {model}. Cost calculation may be inaccurate.") return 0.0 cost_per_1k = costs[model] total_tokens = prompt_tokens + completion_tokens return (total_tokens / 1000) * cost_per_1k def format_token_count(count: int) -> str: """ Format the token count with commas for better readability. Args: count (int): The token count to format. Returns: str: The formatted token count. """ return f"{count:,}" async def update_cost( prompt_tokens: int, completion_tokens: int, model: str, websocket: Any ) -> None: """ Update and send the cost information through the WebSocket. Args: prompt_tokens (int): Number of tokens in the prompt. completion_tokens (int): Number of tokens in the completion. model (str): The model used for the API call. websocket (WebSocket): The WebSocket connection to send data through. Returns: None """ cost = calculate_cost(prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, model) total_tokens = prompt_tokens + completion_tokens await safe_send_json(websocket, { "type": "cost", "data": { "total_tokens": format_token_count(total_tokens), "prompt_tokens": format_token_count(prompt_tokens), "completion_tokens": format_token_count(completion_tokens), "total_cost": f"${cost:.4f}" } }) def create_cost_callback(websocket: Any) -> Callable: """ Create a callback function for updating costs. Args: websocket (WebSocket): The WebSocket connection to send data through. Returns: Callable: A callback function that can be used to update costs. """ async def cost_callback( prompt_tokens: int, completion_tokens: int, model: str ) -> None: await update_cost(prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, model, websocket) return cost_callback