# import the streamlit library import streamlit as st # give a title to our app st.title('Welcome to BMI Calculator') # TAKE WEIGHT INPUT in kgs weight = st.number_input("Enter your weight (in kgs)") # TAKE HEIGHT INPUT # radio button to choose height format status = st.radio('Select your height format: ', ('cms', 'meters', 'feet')) # compare status value if(status == 'cms'): # take height input in centimeters height = st.number_input('Centimeters') try: bmi = weight / ((height/100)**2) except: st.text("Enter some value of height") elif(status == 'meters'): # take height input in meters height = st.number_input('Meters') try: bmi = weight / (height ** 2) except: st.text("Enter some value of height") else: # take height input in feet height = st.number_input('Feet') # 1 meter = 3.28 try: bmi = weight / (((height/3.28))**2) except: st.text("Enter some value of height") # check if the button is pressed or not if(st.button('Calculate BMI')): # print the BMI INDEX st.text("Your BMI Index is {}.".format(bmi)) # give the interpretation of BMI index if(bmi < 16): st.error("You are Extremely Underweight") elif(bmi >= 16 and bmi < 18.5): st.warning("You are Underweight") elif(bmi >= 18.5 and bmi < 25): st.success("Healthy") elif(bmi >= 25 and bmi < 30): st.warning("Overweight") elif(bmi >= 30): st.error("Extremely Overweight")