# Txt2Img Example

This example provides a simple implementation of the use of StreamDiffusion to generate images from text. ## Usage ```bash chmod +x ./start.sh && ./start.sh ``` or ```bash cd server python3 main.py & cd ../view npm start ``` ## Docker Build `GITHUB_TOKEN` is temp until project is public ```bash docker build --secret id=GITHUB_TOKEN,src=./github_token.txt -t realtime-txt2img . ``` Run ```bash docker run -ti -p 9090:9090 -e HF_HOME=/data -v ~/.cache/huggingface:/data --gpus all realtime-txt2img ``` `-e HF_HOME=/data -v ~/.cache/huggingface:/data` is used to mount your local huggingface cache to the container, so that you don't need to download the model again.