--- title: S15 emoji: 🐨 colorFrom: indigo colorTo: blue sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.28.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: mit --- # Inference of Vehicle detection using Yolov9 - This application showcases the inference capabilities of a Yolo v9 trained on the vehicle dataset from kaggle. [Vehicle Dataset Repo Link](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nadinpethiyagoda/vehicle-dataset-for-yolo) - The model is trained on 6 classes: - car - threewheel - bus - truck - motorbike - van - The architecture is based on Yolo v9 papar https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.13616 and model is trained using https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolov9.git - detect.py file used for inference. - From gradio applicaiton call is made to detect.py using command line shell with unique folder name passed as argument - After processing, image/video is picked from same location. Mentioned below is the link for Training Repository [Training Repo Link](https://github.com/Shivdutta/ERA2-Session15-Yolov9) - Post training process, the model is saved locally and then uploaded to Gradio Spaces. - Attached below is the link to [download model file](https://huggingface.co/spaces/Shivdutta/S15-YOLOV9/blob/main/yolov9/runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt) - This app has two features : - **Video Prediction:** " - This feature will allow detection of moving vehicles in the the video - **Image Prediction:** - This feature will allow detection of vehicle in the the image ## Usage: - **Video Prediction:** " - Upload video file and detect vehicles present in the video. - Inferencing is done using CPU therefore it takes more time. - **Image Prediction:** - Upload image file and detect vehicles present in the image. ![Prediction Output](Img-1.png) ![Prediction Output](Img-2.png) ![Prediction Output](Img-3.png) ![Prediction Output](Img-4.png) ## Training repo: https://github.com/Shivdutta/ERA2-Session15-Yolov9 Thank you