import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import docx import io import base64 # Sample data questions = [ {"no": 1, "question": "What is the capital of France?", "a": "Paris", "b": "London", "c": "Berlin", "d": "Madrid", "answer": "Paris"}, {"no": 2, "question": "What is the largest planet in our solar system?", "a": "Earth", "b": "Mars", "c": "Jupiter", "d": "Saturn", "answer": "Jupiter"}, # Add more questions as needed ] text = """Explore pathways to get started with learning and working with Generative AI.Lesson Activities:Introduction (10 minutes): Briefly discuss the history and evolution of AI. Introduce the concept of Generative AI and its different types (e.g., text, image, audio). Showcase examples of Generative AI applications in various industries. Challenges and Opportunities (15 minutes): Discuss the rapid pace of advancements in AI and the resulting confusion. Address ethical concerns and potential biases in AI systems. Explore the vast potential of Generative AI for innovation and problem-solving. The Generative AI Engineer (20 minutes): Define the role and responsibilities of a Generative AI engineer. Explain the skillset required, including machine learning, software engineering, and problem-solving skills. Discuss the importance of bridging the gap between research and practical applications. Getting Started with Generative AI (25 minutes): Provide resources and tools for learning about Generative AI. Introduce popular platforms and frameworks for building AI models. Share tips for building a portfolio and gaining practical experience. Q&A and Discussion (30 minutes): Answer questions from students and address their concerns. Encourage discussion and sharing of ideas. Motivate students to explore and experiment with Generative AI.""" # Initialize score score = 0 answer = ['','','','','','','','','',''] i = 0 st.set_page_config(page_title="", page_icon="🏹") st.title("🏹 🏹 ") # st.subheader('Your personalized teaching assistant by AI Anamolies') default_title = "This is where title of your for the uploaded lecture gets published" default_lessonplan = "This is where the default lesson plan gets uploaded" default_notes = "This is where the notes get published" ss = st.session_state with st.sidebar: with st.form("config"): st.header("Upload here") yturl = st.text_input('Enter YouTube URL ') st.subheader("or") audiofile = st.file_uploader("Please choose a file") st.subheader("or") driveurl = st.text_input('Enter location of the file') if st.form_submit_button("submit"): if '' in yturl: # transcript = extract_youtube_transcript(url) st.write('Text Summary:') # st.write(transcript) elif audiofile: # transcript = extract_pdf_text(url) st.write('Text Summary:') # st.write(transcript) elif driveurl: # transcript = extract_pdf_text(url) st.write('Text Summary:') # st.write(transcript) else: st.write('Please enter a valid YouTube URL or file URL.')""" []( is a personalized teaching assistant built by AI anomalies : [Siddartha]( & [Shiva]( with [Streamlit]( """, icon="ℹ️")""" All you need to do is upload an Youtube url or audio file of your lecture. "Dhron" will give you a detailed, yet crisp notes along with a lesson plan. Once you are done going through the notes, you can test your skills by answering 10 MCQ's """, icon="ℹ️") st.header("Lesson Info") title = st.write(default_title) with st.expander("Lesson Plan"): st.write(f"{default_lessonplan}") with st.expander("Notes"): st.write(f"{default_notes}") # lessonplan = st.text_area("Lesson Plan", default_lessonplan, height=200) # notes = st.text_area("Notes", default_notes, height=600) st.divider() #update your file here file1 = "Notes.docx" # Function to create a Word document from a string def create_word_document(text): doc = docx.Document() doc.add_paragraph(text) # Add more formatting as needed return doc # Function to save the document to a BytesIO object def save_document_to_bytesio(doc): bio = io.BytesIO() return bio # Create a Word document from a string # text = "This is a sample text for the Word document." doc = create_word_document(text) # Save the document to a BytesIO object bio = save_document_to_bytesio(doc) st.subheader("Download your notes here") st.download_button( label="Download Notes", # data=text.encode('utf-8'), # file_name=file1, data= bio.getvalue(), file_name=file1, mime="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", # mime="text/plain", # file_name="", # mime="text/markdown", ) st.divider() st.header("Assessment") with st.expander("Lets take the test when ready!!"): # st.write(f"{default_lessonplan}") # Create a form for the quiz with st.form(key='quiz_form'): for question in questions: st.subheader(f"Question {question['no']}: {question['question']}") options = [question['a'], question['b'], question['c'], question['d']] user_answer ="Select an answer", options, key=f"question_{question['no']}") # st.write(user_answer) answer[i] = user_answer i +=1 print(answer) # Submit button to calculate the score if st.form_submit_button("Submit"): i = 0 # "entering submit function" # st.write(answer) # st.write(questions) for question in questions: # st.write("Entering for loop") # user_answer ="question_{question['no']}") if question['answer'] == answer[i]: # st.write("correct") score += 1 else: pass # return score i = i+1 # Display the final score outside the form st.header(f"Your score: {score}/{len(questions)}")