import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import streamlit_nested_layout from streamlit_sparrow_labeling import st_sparrow_labeling from streamlit_sparrow_labeling import DataProcessor import json import math import os from natsort import natsorted from tools import agstyler from tools.agstyler import PINLEFT import pandas as pd from toolbar_main import component_toolbar_main class DataAnnotation: class Model: pageTitle = "Data Annotation" img_file = None rects_file = None labels_file = "docs/labels.json" groups_file = "docs/groups.json" assign_labels_text = "Assign Labels" text_caption_1 = "Check 'Assign Labels' to enable editing of labels and values, move and resize the boxes to annotate the document." text_caption_2 = "Add annotations by clicking and dragging on the document, when 'Assign Labels' is unchecked." labels = ["", "invoice_no", "invoice_date", "seller", "client", "seller_tax_id", "client_tax_id", "iban", "item_desc", "item_qty", "item_net_price", "item_net_worth", "item_vat", "item_gross_worth", "total_net_worth", "total_vat", "total_gross_worth"] groups = ["", "items_row1", "items_row2", "items_row3", "items_row4", "items_row5", "items_row6", "items_row7", "items_row8", "items_row9", "items_row10", "summary"] selected_field = "Selected Field: " save_text = "Save" saved_text = "Saved!" subheader_1 = "Select" subheader_2 = "Upload" annotation_text = "Annotation" no_annotation_file = "No annotation file selected" no_annotation_mapping = "Please annotate the document. Uncheck 'Assign Labels' and draw new annotations" download_text = "Download" download_hint = "Download the annotated structure in JSON format" annotation_selection_help = "Select an annotation file to load" upload_help = "Upload a file to annotate" upload_button_text = "Upload" upload_button_text_desc = "Choose a file" assign_labels_text = "Assign Labels" assign_labels_help = "Check to enable editing of labels and values" export_labels_text = "Export Labels" export_labels_help = "Create key-value pairs for the labels in JSON format" done_text = "Done" grouping_id = "ID" grouping_value = "Value" completed_text = "Completed" completed_help = "Check to mark the annotation as completed" error_text = "Value is too long. Please shorten it." selection_must_be_continuous = "Please select continuous rows" def view(self, model, ui_width, device_type, device_width): with open(model.labels_file, "r") as f: labels_json = json.load(f) labels_list = labels_json["labels"] labels = [''] for label in labels_list: labels.append(label['name']) model.labels = labels with open(model.groups_file, "r") as f: groups_json = json.load(f) groups_list = groups_json["groups"] groups = [''] for group in groups_list: groups.append(group['name']) model.groups = groups with st.sidebar: st.markdown("---") st.subheader(model.subheader_1) placeholder_upload = st.empty() file_names = self.get_existing_file_names('docs/images/') if 'annotation_index' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['annotation_index'] = 0 annotation_index = 0 else: annotation_index = st.session_state['annotation_index'] annotation_selection = placeholder_upload.selectbox(model.annotation_text, file_names, index=annotation_index, help=model.annotation_selection_help) annotation_index = self.get_annotation_index(annotation_selection, file_names) file_extension = self.get_file_extension(annotation_selection, 'docs/images/') model.img_file = f"docs/images/{annotation_selection}" + file_extension model.rects_file = f"docs/json/{annotation_selection}.json" completed_check = st.empty() btn = st.button(model.export_labels_text) if btn: self.export_labels(model) st.write(model.done_text) st.subheader(model.subheader_2) with st.form("upload-form", clear_on_submit=True): uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(model.upload_button_text_desc, accept_multiple_files=False, type=['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'], help=model.upload_help) submitted = st.form_submit_button(model.upload_button_text) if submitted and uploaded_file is not None: ret = self.upload_file(uploaded_file) if ret is not False: file_names = self.get_existing_file_names('docs/images/') annotation_index = self.get_annotation_index(annotation_selection, file_names) annotation_selection = placeholder_upload.selectbox(model.annotation_text, file_names, index=annotation_index, help=model.annotation_selection_help) st.session_state['annotation_index'] = annotation_index # st.title(model.pageTitle + " - " + annotation_selection) if model.img_file is None: st.caption(model.no_annotation_file) return saved_state = self.fetch_annotations(model.rects_file) # annotation file has been changed if annotation_index != st.session_state['annotation_index']: annotation_v = saved_state['meta']['version'] if annotation_v == "v0.1": st.session_state["annotation_done"] = False else: st.session_state["annotation_done"] = True # store the annotation file index st.session_state['annotation_index'] = annotation_index # first load if "annotation_done" not in st.session_state: annotation_v = saved_state['meta']['version'] if annotation_v == "v0.1": st.session_state["annotation_done"] = False else: st.session_state["annotation_done"] = True with completed_check: annotation_done = st.checkbox(model.completed_text, help=model.completed_help, key="annotation_done") if annotation_done: saved_state['meta']['version'] = "v1.0" else: saved_state['meta']['version'] = "v0.1" with open(model.rects_file, "w") as f: json.dump(saved_state, f, indent=2) st.session_state[model.rects_file] = saved_state assign_labels = st.checkbox(model.assign_labels_text, True, help=model.assign_labels_help) mode = "transform" if assign_labels else "rect" docImg = data_processor = DataProcessor() with st.container(): doc_height = saved_state['meta']['image_size']['height'] doc_width = saved_state['meta']['image_size']['width'] canvas_width, number_of_columns = self.canvas_available_width(ui_width, doc_width, device_type, device_width) if number_of_columns > 1: col1, col2 = st.columns([number_of_columns, 10 - number_of_columns]) with col1: result_rects = self.render_doc(model, docImg, saved_state, mode, canvas_width, doc_height, doc_width) with col2: tab ="Select", ["Mapping", "Grouping", "Ordering"], horizontal=True, label_visibility="collapsed") if tab == "Mapping": self.render_form(model, result_rects, data_processor, annotation_selection) elif tab == "Grouping": self.group_annotations(model, result_rects) elif tab == "Ordering": self.order_annotations(model, model.labels, model.groups, result_rects) else: result_rects = self.render_doc(model, docImg, saved_state, mode, canvas_width, doc_height, doc_width) tab ="Select", ["Mapping", "Grouping"], horizontal=True, label_visibility="collapsed") if tab == "Mapping": self.render_form(model, result_rects, data_processor, annotation_selection) else: self.group_annotations(model, result_rects) def render_doc(self, model, docImg, saved_state, mode, canvas_width, doc_height, doc_width): with st.container(): height = 1296 width = 864 result_rects = st_sparrow_labeling( fill_color="rgba(0, 151, 255, 0.3)", stroke_width=2, stroke_color="rgba(0, 50, 255, 0.7)", background_image=docImg, initial_rects=saved_state, height=height, width=width, drawing_mode=mode, display_toolbar=True, update_streamlit=True, canvas_width=canvas_width, doc_height=doc_height, doc_width=doc_width, image_rescale=True, key="doc_annotation" + model.img_file ) st.caption(model.text_caption_1) st.caption(model.text_caption_2) return result_rects def render_form(self, model, result_rects, data_processor, annotation_selection): with st.container(): if result_rects is not None: with st.form(key="fields_form"): toolbar = st.empty() self.render_form_view(result_rects.rects_data['words'], model.labels, result_rects, data_processor) with toolbar: submit = st.form_submit_button(model.save_text, type="primary") if submit: for word in result_rects.rects_data['words']: if len(word['value']) > 1000: st.error(model.error_text) return with open(model.rects_file, "w") as f: json.dump(result_rects.rects_data, f, indent=2) st.session_state[model.rects_file] = result_rects.rects_data # st.write(model.saved_text) st.experimental_rerun() if len(result_rects.rects_data['words']) == 0: st.caption(model.no_annotation_mapping) return else: with open(model.rects_file, 'rb') as file: st.download_button(label=model.download_text, data=file, file_name=annotation_selection + ".json", mime='application/json', help=model.download_hint) def render_form_view(self, words, labels, result_rects, data_processor): data = [] for i, rect in enumerate(words): group, label = rect['label'].split(":", 1) if ":" in rect['label'] else (None, rect['label']) data.append({'id': i, 'value': rect['value'], 'label': label}) df = pd.DataFrame(data) formatter = { 'id': ('ID', {**PINLEFT, 'hide': True}), 'value': ('Value', {**PINLEFT, 'editable': True}), 'label': ('Label', {**PINLEFT, 'width': 80, 'editable': True, 'cellEditor': 'agSelectCellEditor', 'cellEditorParams': { 'values': labels }}) } go = { 'rowClassRules': { 'row-selected': ' === ' + str(result_rects.current_rect_index) } } green_light = "#abf7b1" css = { '.row-selected': { 'background-color': f'{green_light} !important' } } response = agstyler.draw_grid( df, formatter=formatter, fit_columns=True, grid_options=go, css=css ) data = response['data'].values.tolist() for i, rect in enumerate(words): value = data[i][1] label = data[i][2] data_processor.update_rect_data(result_rects.rects_data, i, value, label) def canvas_available_width(self, ui_width, doc_width, device_type, device_width): doc_width_pct = (doc_width * 100) / ui_width if doc_width_pct < 45: canvas_width_pct = 37 elif doc_width_pct < 55: canvas_width_pct = 49 else: canvas_width_pct = 60 if ui_width > 700 and canvas_width_pct == 37 and device_type == "desktop": return math.floor(canvas_width_pct * ui_width / 100), 4 elif ui_width > 700 and canvas_width_pct == 49 and device_type == "desktop": return math.floor(canvas_width_pct * ui_width / 100), 5 elif ui_width > 700 and canvas_width_pct == 60 and device_type == "desktop": return math.floor(canvas_width_pct * ui_width / 100), 6 else: if device_type == "desktop": ui_width = device_width - math.floor((device_width * 22) / 100) elif device_type == "mobile": ui_width = device_width - math.floor((device_width * 13) / 100) return ui_width, 1 def fetch_annotations(self, rects_file): for key in st.session_state: if key.startswith("docs/json/") and key != rects_file: del st.session_state[key] if rects_file not in st.session_state: with open(rects_file, "r") as f: saved_state = json.load(f) st.session_state[rects_file] = saved_state else: saved_state = st.session_state[rects_file] return saved_state def upload_file(self, uploaded_file): if uploaded_file is not None: if os.path.exists(os.path.join("docs/images/", st.write("File already exists") return False if len( > 100: st.write("File name too long") return False with open(os.path.join("docs/images/",, "wb") as f: f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) img_file ="docs/images/", annotations_json = { "meta": { "version": "v0.1", "split": "train", "image_id": len(self.get_existing_file_names("docs/images/")), "image_size": { "width": img_file.width, "height": img_file.height } }, "words": [] } file_name =".")[0] with open(os.path.join("docs/json/", file_name + ".json"), "w") as f: json.dump(annotations_json, f, indent=2) st.success("File uploaded successfully") def get_existing_file_names(self, dir_name): # get ordered list of files without file extension, excluding hidden files return natsorted([os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in os.listdir(dir_name) if not f.startswith('.')]) def get_file_extension(self, file_name, dir_name): # get list of files, excluding hidden files files = [f for f in os.listdir(dir_name) if not f.startswith('.')] for f in files: if file_name is not None and os.path.splitext(f)[0] == file_name: return os.path.splitext(f)[1] def get_annotation_index(self, file, files_list): return files_list.index(file) def group_annotations(self, model, result_rects): with st.form(key="grouping_form"): if result_rects is not None: words = result_rects.rects_data['words'] data = [] for i, rect in enumerate(words): data.append({'id': i, 'value': rect['value']}) df = pd.DataFrame(data) formatter = { 'id': ('ID', {**PINLEFT, 'width': 50}), 'value': ('Value', PINLEFT) } toolbar = st.empty() response = agstyler.draw_grid( df, formatter=formatter, fit_columns=True, selection='multiple', use_checkbox='True', pagination_size=40 ) rows = response['selected_rows'] with toolbar: submit = st.form_submit_button(model.save_text, type="primary") if submit and len(rows) > 0: # check if there are gaps in the selected rows if len(rows) > 1: for i in range(len(rows) - 1): if rows[i]['id'] + 1 != rows[i + 1]['id']: st.error(model.selection_must_be_continuous) return words = result_rects.rects_data['words'] new_words_list = [] coords = [] for row in rows: word_value = words[row['id']]['value'] rect = words[row['id']]['rect'] coords.append(rect) new_words_list.append(word_value) # convert array to string new_word = " ".join(new_words_list) # Get min x1 value from coords array x1_min = min([coord['x1'] for coord in coords]) y1_min = min([coord['y1'] for coord in coords]) x2_max = max([coord['x2'] for coord in coords]) y2_max = max([coord['y2'] for coord in coords]) words[rows[0]['id']]['value'] = new_word words[rows[0]['id']]['rect'] = { "x1": x1_min, "y1": y1_min, "x2": x2_max, "y2": y2_max } # loop array in reverse order and remove selected entries i = 0 for row in rows[::-1]: if i == len(rows) - 1: break del words[row['id']] i += 1 result_rects.rects_data['words'] = words with open(model.rects_file, "w") as f: json.dump(result_rects.rects_data, f, indent=2) st.session_state[model.rects_file] = result_rects.rects_data st.experimental_rerun() def order_annotations(self, model, labels, groups, result_rects): if result_rects is not None: self.action_event = None data = [] idx_list = [""] words = result_rects.rects_data['words'] for i, rect in enumerate(words): if rect['label'] != "": # split string into two variables, assign None to first variable if no split is found group, label = rect['label'].split(":", 1) if ":" in rect['label'] else (None, rect['label']) data.append({'id': i, 'value': rect['value'], 'label': label, 'group': group}) idx_list.append(i) df = pd.DataFrame(data) formatter = { 'id': ('ID', {**PINLEFT, 'width': 50}), 'value': ('Value', {**PINLEFT}), 'label': ('Label', {**PINLEFT, 'width': 80, 'editable': False, 'cellEditor': 'agSelectCellEditor', 'cellEditorParams': { 'values': labels }}), 'group': ('Group', {**PINLEFT, 'width': 80, 'editable': True, 'cellEditor': 'agSelectCellEditor', 'cellEditorParams': { 'values': groups }}) } go = { 'rowClassRules': { 'row-selected': ' === ' + str(result_rects.current_rect_index) } } green_light = "#abf7b1" css = { '.row-selected': { 'background-color': f'{green_light} !important' } } idx_option = st.selectbox('Select row to move into', idx_list) def run_component(props): value = component_toolbar_main(key='toolbar_main', **props) return value def handle_event(value): if value is not None: if 'action_timestamp' not in st.session_state: self.action_event = value['action'] st.session_state['action_timestamp'] = value['timestamp'] else: if st.session_state['action_timestamp'] != value['timestamp']: self.action_event = value['action'] st.session_state['action_timestamp'] = value['timestamp'] else: self.action_event = None props = { 'buttons': { 'up': { 'disabled': False, 'rendered': '' }, 'down': { 'disabled': False, 'rendered': '' }, 'save': { 'disabled': False, 'rendered': '' # 'rendered': 'none', } } } handle_event(run_component(props)) response = agstyler.draw_grid( df, formatter=formatter, fit_columns=True, grid_options=go, css=css ) rows = response['selected_rows'] if len(rows) == 0 and result_rects.current_rect_index > -1: for i, row in enumerate(data): if row['id'] == result_rects.current_rect_index: rows = [ { '_selectedRowNodeInfo': { 'nodeRowIndex': i }, 'id': row['id'] } ] break if str(self.action_event) == 'up': if len(rows) > 0: idx = rows[0]['_selectedRowNodeInfo']['nodeRowIndex'] if idx > 0: row_id = rows[0]['id'] if row_id == idx_option: return # swap row upwards in the array if idx_option == "": words[row_id], words[row_id - 1] = words[row_id - 1], words[row_id] else: for i in range(1000): words[row_id], words[row_id - 1] = words[row_id - 1], words[row_id] row_id -= 1 if row_id == idx_option: break result_rects.rects_data['words'] = words with open(model.rects_file, "w") as f: json.dump(result_rects.rects_data, f, indent=2) st.session_state[model.rects_file] = result_rects.rects_data st.experimental_rerun() elif str(self.action_event) == 'down': if len(rows) > 0: idx = rows[0]['_selectedRowNodeInfo']['nodeRowIndex'] if idx < len(df) - 1: row_id = rows[0]['id'] if row_id == idx_option: return # swap row downwards in the array if idx_option == "": words[row_id], words[row_id + 1] = words[row_id + 1], words[row_id] else: for i in range(1000): words[row_id], words[row_id + 1] = words[row_id + 1], words[row_id] row_id += 1 if row_id == idx_option: break result_rects.rects_data['words'] = words with open(model.rects_file, "w") as f: json.dump(result_rects.rects_data, f, indent=2) st.session_state[model.rects_file] = result_rects.rects_data st.experimental_rerun() elif str(self.action_event) == 'save': data = response['data'].values.tolist() for elem in data: if elem[3] != "None": idx = elem[0] group = elem[3] words[idx]['label'] = f"{group}:{elem[2]}" result_rects.rects_data['words'] = words with open(model.rects_file, "w") as f: json.dump(result_rects.rects_data, f, indent=2) st.session_state[model.rects_file] = result_rects.rects_data st.experimental_rerun() def export_labels(self, model): path_from = os.path.join("docs/json/") path_to = os.path.join("docs/json/key/") files = [f for f in os.listdir(path_from) if not f.startswith('.')] for file in files: path = os.path.join(path_from, file) if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) words = data['words'] keys = {} row_keys = {} for word in words: if word['label'] != '': if ':' in word['label']: group, label = word['label'].split(':', 1) if 'row' not in group: if group not in keys: keys[group] = {} keys[group][label] = word['value'] else: if "items" not in keys: keys["items"] = [] if group not in row_keys: row_keys[group] = {} row_keys[group][label] = word['value'] else: keys[word['label']] = word['value'] if row_keys != {}: for key in row_keys: keys["items"].append(row_keys[key]) if keys != {}: path = os.path.join(path_to, file) with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump(keys, f, indent=2)