import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_top_predictions(prediction = None, threshold = 0.7): if prediction is None: return None, None else: sorted_scores_ids = prediction.pred_instances.scores.argsort()[::-1] sorted_scores = prediction.pred_instances.scores[sorted_scores_ids] sorted_predictions = prediction.pred_instances.labels[sorted_scores_ids] return {'pred_above_thresh': sorted_predictions[sorted_scores > threshold], 'pred_above_thresh_id': sorted_scores_ids[sorted_scores > threshold], 'pred_above_thresh_scores': sorted_scores[sorted_scores > threshold], 'pred_above_thresh_bboxes': prediction.pred_instances['bboxes'][sorted_scores_ids][sorted_scores > threshold]} def add_class_labels(top_pred = {}, class_labels = None): if class_labels == None: print('No class labels provided, returning original dictionary') return top_pred else: top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels'] = [class_labels[x].lower() for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh']] top_pred['any_detection'] = len(top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']) > 0 if top_pred['any_detection']: # Get shark / human / unknown vectors top_pred['is_shark'] = np.array([1 if 'shark' in x else 0 for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']]) top_pred['is_human'] = np.array([1 if 'person' in x else 1 if 'surfer' in x else 0 for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']]) top_pred['is_unknown'] = np.array([1 if 'unidentifiable' in x else 0 for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']]) # Get shark / human / unknown numbers of detections top_pred['shark_n'] = np.sum(top_pred['is_shark']) top_pred['human_n'] = np.sum(top_pred['is_human']) top_pred['unknown_n'] = np.sum(top_pred['is_unknown']) else: # Get shark / human / unknown vectors top_pred['is_shark'] = None top_pred['is_human'] = None top_pred['is_unknown'] = None # Get shark / human / unknown numbers of detections top_pred['shark_n'] = 0 top_pred['human_n'] = 0 top_pred['unknown_n'] = 0 return top_pred def add_class_sizes(top_pred = {}, class_sizes = None): size_list = [] shark_size_list = [] if top_pred['any_detection']: for tmp_pred in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']: tmp_class_sizes = class_sizes[tmp_pred.lower()] if tmp_class_sizes == None: size_list.append(None) else: size_list.append(tmp_class_sizes['feet']) if 'shark' in tmp_pred.lower(): shark_size_list.append(np.mean(tmp_class_sizes['feet'])) top_pred['pred_above_thresh_sizes'] = size_list if top_pred['shark_n'] > 0: top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] = np.max(shark_size_list) else: top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] = None else: top_pred['pred_above_thresh_sizes'] = None top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] = None return top_pred def add_class_weights(top_pred = {}, class_weights = None): weight_list = [] shark_weight_list = [] if top_pred['any_detection']: for tmp_pred in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']: tmp_class_weights = class_weights[tmp_pred.lower()] if tmp_class_weights == None: weight_list.append(None) else: weight_list.append(tmp_class_weights['pounds']) if 'shark' in tmp_pred.lower(): shark_weight_list.append(np.mean(tmp_class_weights['pounds'])) top_pred['pred_above_thresh_weights'] = weight_list if top_pred['shark_n'] > 0: top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] = np.max(shark_weight_list) else: top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] = None else: top_pred['pred_above_thresh_weights'] = None top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] = None return top_pred # Sizes def get_min_distance_shark_person(top_pred, class_sizes = None, dangerous_distance = 100): min_dist = 99999 dist_calculated = False # Calculate distance for every pairing of human and shark # and accumulate the min distance for i, tmp_shark in enumerate(top_pred['is_shark']): for j, tmp_person in enumerate(top_pred['is_human']): if tmp_shark == 1 and tmp_person == 1: dist_calculated = True #print(top_pred['pred_above_thresh_bboxes'][i]) #print(top_pred['pred_above_thresh_bboxes'][j]) tmp_dist_feed = _calculate_dist_estimate(top_pred['pred_above_thresh_bboxes'][i], top_pred['pred_above_thresh_bboxes'][j], [top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels'][i], top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels'][j]], class_sizes, measurement = 'feet') #print(tmp_dist_feed) min_dist = min(min_dist, tmp_dist_feed) else: pass return {'min_dist': str(round(min_dist,1)) + ' feet' if dist_calculated else '', 'any_dist_calculated': dist_calculated, 'dangerous_dist': min_dist < dangerous_distance} def _calculate_dist_estimate(bbox1, bbox2, labels, class_sizes = None, measurement = 'feet'): class_feet_size_mean = np.array([class_sizes[labels[0]][measurement][0], class_sizes[labels[1]][measurement][0]]).mean() box_pixel_size_mean = np.array([np.linalg.norm(bbox1[[0, 1]] - bbox1[[2, 3]]), np.linalg.norm(bbox2[[0, 1]] - bbox2[[2, 3]])]).mean() # Calculate the max size of the two boxes box_center_1 = np.array([(bbox1[2] - bbox1[0])/2 + bbox1[0], (bbox1[3] - bbox1[1])/2 + bbox1[1]]) box_center_2 = np.array([(bbox2[2] - bbox2[0])/2 + bbox2[0], (bbox2[3] - bbox2[1])/2 + bbox2[1]]) # Return ratio distance return np.linalg.norm(box_center_1 - box_center_2) / box_pixel_size_mean * class_feet_size_mean # bboxes info! # 1 x1 (left, lower pixel number) # 2 y1 (top , lower pixel number) # 3 x2 (right, higher pixel number) # 4 y2 (bottom, higher pixel number) def process_results_for_plot(predictions = None, threshold = 0.5, classes = None, class_sizes = None, dangerous_distance = 100): top_pred = get_top_predictions(predictions, threshold = threshold) top_pred = add_class_labels(top_pred, class_labels = classes) top_pred = add_class_sizes(top_pred, class_sizes = class_sizes) top_pred = add_class_weights(top_pred, class_weights = class_sizes) if len(top_pred['pred_above_thresh']) > 0: min_dist = get_min_distance_shark_person(top_pred, class_sizes = class_sizes) else: min_dist = {'any_dist_calculated': False, 'min_dist': '', 'dangerous_dist': False} return {'min_dist_str': min_dist['min_dist'], 'shark_sighted': top_pred['shark_n'] > 0, 'human_sighted': top_pred['human_n'] > 0, 'shark_n': top_pred['shark_n'], 'human_n': top_pred['human_n'], 'human_and_shark': (top_pred['shark_n'] > 0) and (top_pred['human_n'] > 0), 'dangerous_dist': min_dist['dangerous_dist'], 'dist_calculated': min_dist['any_dist_calculated'], 'biggest_shark_size': '' if top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] == None else str(round(top_pred['biggest_shark_size'],1)) + ' feet', 'biggest_shark_weight': '' if top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] == None else str(round(top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'],1)) + ' pounds', } def prediction_dashboard(top_pred = None): # Bullet points: shark_sighted = 'Shark Detected: ' + str(top_pred['shark_sighted']) human_sighted = 'Number of Humans: ' + str(top_pred['human_n']) shark_size_estimate = 'Biggest shark size: ' + str(top_pred['biggest_shark_size']) shark_weight_estimate = 'Biggest shark weight: ' + str(top_pred['biggest_shark_weight']) danger_level = 'Danger Level: ' danger_level += 'High' if top_pred['dangerous_dist'] else 'Low' danger_color = 'orangered' if top_pred['dangerous_dist'] else 'yellowgreen' # Create a list of strings to plot strings = [shark_sighted, human_sighted, shark_size_estimate, shark_weight_estimate, danger_level] # Create a figure and axis fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_facecolor((35/255,40/255,54/255)) # Hide axes ax.axis('off') # Position for starting to place text, starting from top y_pos = 0.7 # Iterate through list and place each item as text on the plot for s in strings: if 'danger' in s.lower(): ax.text(0.05, y_pos, s, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16, color=danger_color) else: ax.text(0.05, y_pos, s, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16, color=(0, 204/255, 153/255)) y_pos -= 0.1 # move down for next item # plt.tight_layout() # If we haven't already shown or saved the plot, then we need to # draw the figure first... fig.canvas.draw(); # Now we can save it to a numpy array. data = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) plt.close() #plt.savefig('tmp.png', format='png') return data