from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Dict, List, Union import torch from coqpit import Coqpit from torch import nn from TTS.tts.layers.align_tts.mdn import MDNBlock from TTS.tts.layers.feed_forward.decoder import Decoder from TTS.tts.layers.feed_forward.duration_predictor import DurationPredictor from TTS.tts.layers.feed_forward.encoder import Encoder from TTS.tts.layers.generic.pos_encoding import PositionalEncoding from TTS.tts.models.base_tts import BaseTTS from TTS.tts.utils.helpers import generate_path, maximum_path, sequence_mask from TTS.tts.utils.speakers import SpeakerManager from TTS.tts.utils.text.tokenizer import TTSTokenizer from TTS.tts.utils.visual import plot_alignment, plot_spectrogram from import load_fsspec @dataclass class AlignTTSArgs(Coqpit): """ Args: num_chars (int): number of unique input to characters out_channels (int): number of output tensor channels. It is equal to the expected spectrogram size. hidden_channels (int): number of channels in all the model layers. hidden_channels_ffn (int): number of channels in transformer's conv layers. hidden_channels_dp (int): number of channels in duration predictor network. num_heads (int): number of attention heads in transformer networks. num_transformer_layers (int): number of layers in encoder and decoder transformer blocks. dropout_p (int): dropout rate in transformer layers. length_scale (int, optional): coefficient to set the speech speed. <1 slower, >1 faster. Defaults to 1. num_speakers (int, optional): number of speakers for multi-speaker training. Defaults to 0. external_c (bool, optional): enable external speaker embeddings. Defaults to False. c_in_channels (int, optional): number of channels in speaker embedding vectors. Defaults to 0. """ num_chars: int = None out_channels: int = 80 hidden_channels: int = 256 hidden_channels_dp: int = 256 encoder_type: str = "fftransformer" encoder_params: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: {"hidden_channels_ffn": 1024, "num_heads": 2, "num_layers": 6, "dropout_p": 0.1} ) decoder_type: str = "fftransformer" decoder_params: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: {"hidden_channels_ffn": 1024, "num_heads": 2, "num_layers": 6, "dropout_p": 0.1} ) length_scale: float = 1.0 num_speakers: int = 0 use_speaker_embedding: bool = False use_d_vector_file: bool = False d_vector_dim: int = 0 class AlignTTS(BaseTTS): """AlignTTS with modified duration predictor. Encoder -> DurationPredictor -> Decoder Check :class:`AlignTTSArgs` for the class arguments. Paper Abstract: Targeting at both high efficiency and performance, we propose AlignTTS to predict the mel-spectrum in parallel. AlignTTS is based on a Feed-Forward Transformer which generates mel-spectrum from a sequence of characters, and the duration of each character is determined by a duration predictor.Instead of adopting the attention mechanism in Transformer TTS to align text to mel-spectrum, the alignment loss is presented to consider all possible alignments in training by use of dynamic programming. Experiments on the LJSpeech dataset s how that our model achieves not only state-of-the-art performance which outperforms Transformer TTS by 0.03 in mean option score (MOS), but also a high efficiency which is more than 50 times faster than real-time. Note: Original model uses a separate character embedding layer for duration predictor. However, it causes the duration predictor to overfit and prevents learning higher level interactions among characters. Therefore, we predict durations based on encoder outputs which has higher level information about input characters. This enables training without phases as in the original paper. Original model uses Transormers in encoder and decoder layers. However, here you can set the architecture differently based on your requirements using ```encoder_type``` and ```decoder_type``` parameters. Examples: >>> from TTS.tts.configs.align_tts_config import AlignTTSConfig >>> config = AlignTTSConfig() >>> model = AlignTTS(config) """ # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value def __init__( self, config: "AlignTTSConfig", ap: "AudioProcessor" = None, tokenizer: "TTSTokenizer" = None, speaker_manager: SpeakerManager = None, ): super().__init__(config, ap, tokenizer, speaker_manager) self.speaker_manager = speaker_manager self.phase = -1 self.length_scale = ( float(config.model_args.length_scale) if isinstance(config.model_args.length_scale, int) else config.model_args.length_scale ) self.emb = nn.Embedding(self.config.model_args.num_chars, self.config.model_args.hidden_channels) self.embedded_speaker_dim = 0 self.init_multispeaker(config) self.pos_encoder = PositionalEncoding(config.model_args.hidden_channels) self.encoder = Encoder( config.model_args.hidden_channels, config.model_args.hidden_channels, config.model_args.encoder_type, config.model_args.encoder_params, self.embedded_speaker_dim, ) self.decoder = Decoder( config.model_args.out_channels, config.model_args.hidden_channels, config.model_args.decoder_type, config.model_args.decoder_params, ) self.duration_predictor = DurationPredictor(config.model_args.hidden_channels_dp) self.mod_layer = nn.Conv1d(config.model_args.hidden_channels, config.model_args.hidden_channels, 1) self.mdn_block = MDNBlock(config.model_args.hidden_channels, 2 * config.model_args.out_channels) if self.embedded_speaker_dim > 0 and self.embedded_speaker_dim != config.model_args.hidden_channels: self.proj_g = nn.Conv1d(self.embedded_speaker_dim, config.model_args.hidden_channels, 1) @staticmethod def compute_log_probs(mu, log_sigma, y): # pylint: disable=protected-access, c-extension-no-member y = y.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(1) # [B, 1, T1, D] mu = mu.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(2) # [B, T2, 1, D] log_sigma = log_sigma.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(2) # [B, T2, 1, D] expanded_y, expanded_mu = torch.broadcast_tensors(y, mu) exponential = -0.5 * torch.mean( torch._C._nn.mse_loss(expanded_y, expanded_mu, 0) / torch.pow(log_sigma.exp(), 2), dim=-1 ) # B, L, T logp = exponential - 0.5 * log_sigma.mean(dim=-1) return logp def compute_align_path(self, mu, log_sigma, y, x_mask, y_mask): # find the max alignment path attn_mask = torch.unsqueeze(x_mask, -1) * torch.unsqueeze(y_mask, 2) log_p = self.compute_log_probs(mu, log_sigma, y) # [B, T_en, T_dec] attn = maximum_path(log_p, attn_mask.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1) dr_mas = torch.sum(attn, -1) return dr_mas.squeeze(1), log_p @staticmethod def generate_attn(dr, x_mask, y_mask=None): # compute decode mask from the durations if y_mask is None: y_lengths = dr.sum(1).long() y_lengths[y_lengths < 1] = 1 y_mask = torch.unsqueeze(sequence_mask(y_lengths, None), 1).to(dr.dtype) attn_mask = torch.unsqueeze(x_mask, -1) * torch.unsqueeze(y_mask, 2) attn = generate_path(dr, attn_mask.squeeze(1)).to(dr.dtype) return attn def expand_encoder_outputs(self, en, dr, x_mask, y_mask): """Generate attention alignment map from durations and expand encoder outputs Examples:: - encoder output: [a,b,c,d] - durations: [1, 3, 2, 1] - expanded: [a, b, b, b, c, c, d] - attention map: [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] """ attn = self.generate_attn(dr, x_mask, y_mask) o_en_ex = torch.matmul(attn.squeeze(1).transpose(1, 2), en.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2) return o_en_ex, attn def format_durations(self, o_dr_log, x_mask): o_dr = (torch.exp(o_dr_log) - 1) * x_mask * self.length_scale o_dr[o_dr < 1] = 1.0 o_dr = torch.round(o_dr) return o_dr @staticmethod def _concat_speaker_embedding(o_en, g): g_exp = g.expand(-1, -1, o_en.size(-1)) # [B, C, T_en] o_en =[o_en, g_exp], 1) return o_en def _sum_speaker_embedding(self, x, g): # project g to decoder dim. if hasattr(self, "proj_g"): g = self.proj_g(g) return x + g def _forward_encoder(self, x, x_lengths, g=None): if hasattr(self, "emb_g"): g = nn.functional.normalize(self.speaker_embedding(g)) # [B, C, 1] if g is not None: g = g.unsqueeze(-1) # [B, T, C] x_emb = self.emb(x) # [B, C, T] x_emb = torch.transpose(x_emb, 1, -1) # compute sequence masks x_mask = torch.unsqueeze(sequence_mask(x_lengths, x.shape[1]), 1).to(x.dtype) # encoder pass o_en = self.encoder(x_emb, x_mask) # speaker conditioning for duration predictor if g is not None: o_en_dp = self._concat_speaker_embedding(o_en, g) else: o_en_dp = o_en return o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g def _forward_decoder(self, o_en, o_en_dp, dr, x_mask, y_lengths, g): y_mask = torch.unsqueeze(sequence_mask(y_lengths, None), 1).to(o_en_dp.dtype) # expand o_en with durations o_en_ex, attn = self.expand_encoder_outputs(o_en, dr, x_mask, y_mask) # positional encoding if hasattr(self, "pos_encoder"): o_en_ex = self.pos_encoder(o_en_ex, y_mask) # speaker embedding if g is not None: o_en_ex = self._sum_speaker_embedding(o_en_ex, g) # decoder pass o_de = self.decoder(o_en_ex, y_mask, g=g) return o_de, attn.transpose(1, 2) def _forward_mdn(self, o_en, y, y_lengths, x_mask): # MAS potentials and alignment mu, log_sigma = self.mdn_block(o_en) y_mask = torch.unsqueeze(sequence_mask(y_lengths, None), 1).to(o_en.dtype) dr_mas, logp = self.compute_align_path(mu, log_sigma, y, x_mask, y_mask) return dr_mas, mu, log_sigma, logp def forward( self, x, x_lengths, y, y_lengths, aux_input={"d_vectors": None}, phase=None ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Shapes: - x: :math:`[B, T_max]` - x_lengths: :math:`[B]` - y_lengths: :math:`[B]` - dr: :math:`[B, T_max]` - g: :math:`[B, C]` """ y = y.transpose(1, 2) g = aux_input["d_vectors"] if "d_vectors" in aux_input else None o_de, o_dr_log, dr_mas_log, attn, mu, log_sigma, logp = None, None, None, None, None, None, None if phase == 0: # train encoder and MDN o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g = self._forward_encoder(x, x_lengths, g) dr_mas, mu, log_sigma, logp = self._forward_mdn(o_en, y, y_lengths, x_mask) y_mask = torch.unsqueeze(sequence_mask(y_lengths, None), 1).to(o_en_dp.dtype) attn = self.generate_attn(dr_mas, x_mask, y_mask) elif phase == 1: # train decoder o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g = self._forward_encoder(x, x_lengths, g) dr_mas, _, _, _ = self._forward_mdn(o_en, y, y_lengths, x_mask) o_de, attn = self._forward_decoder(o_en.detach(), o_en_dp.detach(), dr_mas.detach(), x_mask, y_lengths, g=g) elif phase == 2: # train the whole except duration predictor o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g = self._forward_encoder(x, x_lengths, g) dr_mas, mu, log_sigma, logp = self._forward_mdn(o_en, y, y_lengths, x_mask) o_de, attn = self._forward_decoder(o_en, o_en_dp, dr_mas, x_mask, y_lengths, g=g) elif phase == 3: # train duration predictor o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g = self._forward_encoder(x, x_lengths, g) o_dr_log = self.duration_predictor(x, x_mask) dr_mas, mu, log_sigma, logp = self._forward_mdn(o_en, y, y_lengths, x_mask) o_de, attn = self._forward_decoder(o_en, o_en_dp, dr_mas, x_mask, y_lengths, g=g) o_dr_log = o_dr_log.squeeze(1) else: o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g = self._forward_encoder(x, x_lengths, g) o_dr_log = self.duration_predictor(o_en_dp.detach(), x_mask) dr_mas, mu, log_sigma, logp = self._forward_mdn(o_en, y, y_lengths, x_mask) o_de, attn = self._forward_decoder(o_en, o_en_dp, dr_mas, x_mask, y_lengths, g=g) o_dr_log = o_dr_log.squeeze(1) dr_mas_log = torch.log(dr_mas + 1).squeeze(1) outputs = { "model_outputs": o_de.transpose(1, 2), "alignments": attn, "durations_log": o_dr_log, "durations_mas_log": dr_mas_log, "mu": mu, "log_sigma": log_sigma, "logp": logp, } return outputs @torch.no_grad() def inference(self, x, aux_input={"d_vectors": None}): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Shapes: - x: :math:`[B, T_max]` - x_lengths: :math:`[B]` - g: :math:`[B, C]` """ g = aux_input["d_vectors"] if "d_vectors" in aux_input else None x_lengths = torch.tensor(x.shape[1:2]).to(x.device) # pad input to prevent dropping the last word # x = torch.nn.functional.pad(x, pad=(0, 5), mode='constant', value=0) o_en, o_en_dp, x_mask, g = self._forward_encoder(x, x_lengths, g) # o_dr_log = self.duration_predictor(x, x_mask) o_dr_log = self.duration_predictor(o_en_dp, x_mask) # duration predictor pass o_dr = self.format_durations(o_dr_log, x_mask).squeeze(1) y_lengths = o_dr.sum(1) o_de, attn = self._forward_decoder(o_en, o_en_dp, o_dr, x_mask, y_lengths, g=g) outputs = {"model_outputs": o_de.transpose(1, 2), "alignments": attn} return outputs def train_step(self, batch: dict, criterion: nn.Module): text_input = batch["text_input"] text_lengths = batch["text_lengths"] mel_input = batch["mel_input"] mel_lengths = batch["mel_lengths"] d_vectors = batch["d_vectors"] speaker_ids = batch["speaker_ids"] aux_input = {"d_vectors": d_vectors, "speaker_ids": speaker_ids} outputs = self.forward(text_input, text_lengths, mel_input, mel_lengths, aux_input, self.phase) loss_dict = criterion( outputs["logp"], outputs["model_outputs"], mel_input, mel_lengths, outputs["durations_log"], outputs["durations_mas_log"], text_lengths, phase=self.phase, ) return outputs, loss_dict def _create_logs(self, batch, outputs, ap): # pylint: disable=no-self-use model_outputs = outputs["model_outputs"] alignments = outputs["alignments"] mel_input = batch["mel_input"] pred_spec = model_outputs[0].data.cpu().numpy() gt_spec = mel_input[0].data.cpu().numpy() align_img = alignments[0].data.cpu().numpy() figures = { "prediction": plot_spectrogram(pred_spec, ap, output_fig=False), "ground_truth": plot_spectrogram(gt_spec, ap, output_fig=False), "alignment": plot_alignment(align_img, output_fig=False), } # Sample audio train_audio = ap.inv_melspectrogram(pred_spec.T) return figures, {"audio": train_audio} def train_log( self, batch: dict, outputs: dict, logger: "Logger", assets: dict, steps: int ) -> None: # pylint: disable=no-self-use figures, audios = self._create_logs(batch, outputs, self.ap) logger.train_figures(steps, figures) logger.train_audios(steps, audios, self.ap.sample_rate) def eval_step(self, batch: dict, criterion: nn.Module): return self.train_step(batch, criterion) def eval_log(self, batch: dict, outputs: dict, logger: "Logger", assets: dict, steps: int) -> None: figures, audios = self._create_logs(batch, outputs, self.ap) logger.eval_figures(steps, figures) logger.eval_audios(steps, audios, self.ap.sample_rate) def load_checkpoint( self, config, checkpoint_path, eval=False, cache=False ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, redefined-builtin state = load_fsspec(checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"), cache=cache) self.load_state_dict(state["model"]) if eval: self.eval() assert not def get_criterion(self): from TTS.tts.layers.losses import AlignTTSLoss # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return AlignTTSLoss(self.config) @staticmethod def _set_phase(config, global_step): """Decide AlignTTS training phase""" if isinstance(config.phase_start_steps, list): vals = [i < global_step for i in config.phase_start_steps] if not True in vals: phase = 0 else: phase = ( len(config.phase_start_steps) - [i < global_step for i in config.phase_start_steps][::-1].index(True) - 1 ) else: phase = None return phase def on_epoch_start(self, trainer): """Set AlignTTS training phase on epoch start.""" self.phase = self._set_phase(trainer.config, trainer.total_steps_done) @staticmethod def init_from_config(config: "AlignTTSConfig", samples: Union[List[List], List[Dict]] = None): """Initiate model from config Args: config (AlignTTSConfig): Model config. samples (Union[List[List], List[Dict]]): Training samples to parse speaker ids for training. Defaults to None. """ from import AudioProcessor ap = AudioProcessor.init_from_config(config) tokenizer, new_config = TTSTokenizer.init_from_config(config) speaker_manager = SpeakerManager.init_from_config(config, samples) return AlignTTS(new_config, ap, tokenizer, speaker_manager)