# PuLID ### :open_book: PuLID: Pure and Lightning ID Customization via Contrastive Alignment > [![arXiv](https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-Paper-.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.16022)
> Zinan Guo*, Yanze Wu*✝, Zhuowei Chen, Lang Chen, Qian He
> (*Equal Contribution, ✝Corresponding Author)
> ByteDance Inc
### :triangular_flag_on_post: Updates * **2024.05.01**: release codes&models. * **2024.04.25**: release arXiv paper. ## Examples Images generated with our PuLID ![examples](https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID/assets/11482921/65610b0d-ba4f-4dc3-a74d-bd60f8f5ce37) Applications https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID/assets/11482921/9bdd0c8a-99e8-4eab-ab9e-39bf796cc6b8 ## :wrench: Dependencies and Installation - Python >= 3.7 (Recommend to use [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/#linux) or [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html)) - [PyTorch >= 2.0](https://pytorch.org/) ```bash # clone PuLID repo git clone https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID.git cd PuLID # create conda env conda create --name pulid python=3.10 # activate env conda activate pulid # Install dependent packages pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## :zap: Quick Inference ### Gradio Demo ```bash python app.py ``` ## Citation If PuLID is helpful, please help to ⭐ the repo. If you find this project useful for your research, please consider citing our paper: ```bibtex @article{guo2024pulid, title={PuLID: Pure and Lightning ID Customization via Contrastive Alignment}, author={Guo, Zinan and Wu, Yanze and Chen, Zhuowei and Chen, Lang and He, Qian}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.16022}, year={2024} } ``` ## :e-mail: Contact If you have any comments or questions, please [open a new issue](https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID/issues/new/choose) or feel free to contact [Yanze Wu](https://tothebeginning.github.io/) and [Zinan Guo](mailto:guozinan.1@bytedance.com).