,text,name,input_type,core_type 0,I expect that it will be well produced and presented,Presentation,slider,dimension 1,It was well produced and presented,Presentation,slider,dimension 5,I expect that it will be different from things I've experienced before,Distinctiveness,slider,dimension 6,I expect it will move and inspire me,Meaning,slider,dimension 7,I expect it will have something to say about the world in which we live,Relevance,slider,dimension 13,I expect that it will hold my interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 15,I expect that the artists will not be afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 20,I expect that it will be well thought through and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 28,It was different from things I've experienced before,Distinctiveness,slider,dimension 29,It held my interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 30,It had something to say about the world in which we live,Relevance,slider,dimension 31,It moved and inspired me,Meaning,slider,dimension 43,The artists were not afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 45,It was well thought through and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 61,It was different from things we've experienced before,Distinctiveness,slider,dimension 63,It was absorbing and held my attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 65,It was relevant to today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 72,It's important that it's happening here,Local Impact,slider,dimension 73,It made me feel safe and welcome,Safe,slider,dimension 74,It helped me to feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 106,It helped me connect to others like me,Bond,slider,dimension 132,It helped me to enjoy a greater quality of life,Quality of Life,slider,dimension 134,It made me feel connected to a shared history/culture,Heritage,slider,dimension 135,It helped me feel part of the community,Belonging,slider,dimension 136,It made me feel proud of my local area,Place,slider,dimension 137,It engaged people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 138,It encouraged me to participate in community activities,Participation,slider,dimension 139,It gave me greater respect for cultural diversity,Respect,slider,dimension 140,It inspired my own creativity,Creativity,slider,dimension 142,It gave me the opportunity to access activities I would otherwise not have access to,Access,slider,dimension 157,The library is an important part of the place where I live,Role,slider,dimension 158,I feel safe and welcome when using the library service,Safe and Trusted,slider,dimension 159,The library helps me to feel connected to my local community,Connection,slider,dimension 162,I would come to something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 202,I felt like my contribution mattered,Contribution,slider,dimension 203,I gained new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 204,It helped me gain new insight or knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 207,It had a positive impact on my physical health and mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 208,I felt part of the team,Belonging,slider,dimension 209,"It gave me a sense of joy, beauty and wonder",Aesthetic Experience,slider,dimension 240,It made me feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 242,The library has helped me to enjoy learning,Learning,slider,dimension 398,I learned something new,Learning,slider,dimension 414,I enjoy the vibrancy and activity here,Vibrancy,slider,dimension 417,It was thought provoking,Challenge,slider,dimension 423,It presented a new point of view,Imagination,slider,dimension 432,It had something to say about today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 436,It is amongst the best of its type in the world,Excellence,slider,dimension 438,It is amongst the best of its type in Australia,Excellence (national),slider,dimension 447,I expect that it will have something to say about today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 448,I expect that it will be thought provoking,Challenge,slider,dimension 449,I expect that it will move and inspire me,Meaning,slider,dimension 451,I expect that it will be amongst the best of its type in the world,Excellence,slider,dimension 452,I expect that it will be amongst the best of its type in Australia,Excellence (national),slider,dimension 454,I expect that it will be absorbing and hold my attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 474,It felt like a real artistic experience,Authenticity,slider,dimension 476,I felt comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 477,It was an interesting idea/programme,Concept,slider,dimension 497,It provides an important addition to the cultural life of the area,Cultural Contribution,slider,dimension 519,It connected me with other people in my field,Networks,slider,dimension 530,It gave me a better understanding of today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 684,It improved my financial situation,Independence,slider,dimension 687,It opened up new opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 688,It contributed to the development of my arts practice or business,Practice development,slider,dimension 706,It challenged me to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 729,It gave me the opportunity to access cultural activities,Access,slider,dimension 774,It is important that it will be happening here,Local Impact,slider,dimension 775,I expect it will make me feel safe and welcome,Safe,slider,dimension 776,I expect that it will help me feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 810,I feel more confident about doing new things,Confidence,slider,dimension 812,I felt close to other people involved in the project,Friendship,slider,dimension 815,I improved my artistic skills,Artistic Skills,slider,dimension 831,It could engage people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 949,I got to know people who are different to me,New People,slider,dimension 953,I had a good time,Enjoyment,slider,dimension 974,It gave me a greater appreciation of why library programs should be accessible to everyone,Social Inclusion,slider,dimension 980,It made me feel positive about the community's future,Positivity,slider,dimension 1019,It made me feel more able to express myself creatively,Expression,slider,dimension 1023,It helped me gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 1058,The library is changing in ways that increase its relevance for me,Relevance,slider,dimension 1060,The library has helped me be more creative in my own life and work,Creativity,slider,dimension 1061,My library experience has encouraged me to read more,Literacy,slider,dimension 1062,The library service has enabled me to learn and gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 1063,The library has helped me to improve the success of my business,Enterprise,slider,dimension 1064,The library encourages me to spend more quality time with my children,Time With Children,slider,dimension 1065,The library helps me to be more digitally connected to others,Digital Connection,slider,dimension 1068,The library has encouraged me to become more engaged in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 1146,The library is changing in ways that increase its relevance to the community,Relevance,slider,dimension 1147,The library plays an important role in the local area,Role,slider,dimension 1148,The library helps people to be more creative in their lives and work,Creativity,slider,dimension 1149,The library experience encourages people to read more,Literacy,slider,dimension 1150,The library service enables people to learn and gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 1151,The library helps users to improve the success of their business,Enterprise,slider,dimension 1152,The library encourages people to spend more quality time with their children,Time With Children,slider,dimension 1153,The library helps people to be more digitally connected to others,Digital Connection,slider,dimension 1154,The library helps users to enjoy learning,Learning,slider,dimension 1155,People feel safe and welcome when using the library service,Safe and Trusted,slider,dimension 1156,The library encourages users to become more engaged in their community,Connection,slider,dimension 1234,It made me feel that my ideas were taken seriously,Voice,slider,dimension 1250,It inspired me to play a leadership role in the community,Leadership,slider,dimension 1255,It provided opportunities for collaboration,Collaboration,slider,dimension 1258,It opened my mind to new possibilities,Imagination,slider,dimension 1327,It gave me the opportunity to access cultural activities,Cultural Access,slider,dimension 1328,It is one of the best examples of its type that I have experienced,Excellence,slider,dimension 1428,The artists/curators really challenged themselves with this work,Risk,slider,dimension 1474,It helped me to develop stronger relationships,Relationships,slider,dimension 1577,I feel more able to express myself creatively,Expression,slider,dimension 1591,It helped me improve my artistic skills,Artistic Skills,slider,dimension 1594,I felt I was treated with respect,Respect,slider,dimension 1596,I felt my ideas were taken seriously,Voice,slider,dimension 1609,It had a connection to the State/Country we live in,Authenticity,slider,dimension 1615,It celebrated my own cultural heritage,Celebration,slider,dimension 1635,I would take part in something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 1636,The project was well organised,Organisation,slider,dimension 1637,I expect that it will open up new opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 1641,I feel like my contribution matters,Contribution,slider,dimension 1643,It strengthened my cultural pride,Pride,slider,dimension 1663,It is opening up new opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 1703,People in the group supported each other,Support,slider,dimension 1706,I feel motivated to do more creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 1708,It enabled me to collaborate with others,Collaboration,slider,dimension 1709,I feel a sense of a community here,Community,slider,dimension 1823,"There is a high quality of goods, services and activities here",Quality,slider,dimension 1824,There is a wide range of goods and services here,Choice,slider,dimension 1827,I feel safe here,Safety,slider,dimension 1828,I find it easy to get to and from here,Accessibility,slider,dimension 1829,I find it easy to move around once I'm here,Mobility,slider,dimension 1830,I am satisfied with the public facilities here,Facilities,slider,dimension 1831,I feel comfortable here in all weather conditions,Comfort,slider,dimension 2003,I enjoy the atmosphere here,Atmosphere,slider,dimension 2044,It was well thought through and put together,,slider,dimension 2045,I gained new skills,,slider,dimension 2046,It connected me with other people in my field,,slider,dimension 2047,It helped me to feel connected to people in the community,,slider,dimension 2067,It was ground-breaking,Originality,slider,dimension 2331,It gave me new understanding and perspective of art,Understanding,slider,dimension 2368,It is important for the City of Gold Coast,Local Impact,slider,dimension 2372,It helped me appreciate the Gold Coast's unique characteristics and culture,Unique,slider,dimension 2569,I was treated as an equal,Equality,slider,dimension 2781,It connected organisations and groups in the local area,Local Networks,slider,dimension 2785,It made me feel proud of my community,Community Pride,slider,dimension 3428,It reflected a broad and inclusive range of voices,Content,slider,dimension 3435,I was clear about what we were here to achieve,Clarity,slider,dimension 4419,It connected creative ideas to the real world,Innovation,slider,dimension 4488,"I enjoy attending events here (e.g. festivals, markets, concerts)",Events,slider,dimension 4581,There are activities here that I’m willing to travel for,Destination,slider,dimension 4669,It appealed to new audiences,Growth,slider,dimension 4782,The library helps people to feel connected to their local community,Connection,slider,dimension 4883,I feel more confident around contemporary art,Contemporary Art,slider,dimension 4886,It sparked my curiosity and made me want to find out more,Curiosity,slider,dimension 5036,I felt supported by the organisers,Organiser Support,slider,dimension 5039,The organisers responded well to the needs of the group,Responsiveness,slider,dimension 5170,I enjoy the vibrancy and the people in this place,Vibe,slider,dimension 5219,I expect I will enjoy the vibrancy and people in this place,Vibe,slider,dimension 5222,I expect it will make me feel proud of my local area,Place,slider,dimension 5223,I expect it will help me feel part of the community,Belonging,slider,dimension 5224,I expect it will provide an important addition to the cultural life of the area,Cultural Contribution,slider,dimension 5226,I expect that I will have a good time,Enjoyment,slider,dimension 5431,It made my child feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 5432,It gave my child the opportunity to access activities they would otherwise not have access to,Access,slider,dimension 5433,It made my child feel more motivated to do creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 5435,My child would come to something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 5438,It held my child's interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 5501,I was amazed by what we achieved,Achievement,slider,dimension 5502,It respected cultural tradition,Cultural Tradition,slider,dimension 5504,It was one of the best examples of its type in the country,Excellence (national),slider,dimension 5506,It helped to raise my profile,Profile,slider,dimension 5554,It helped participants gain new insight or knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 5556,I'm glad that we could do this at school,Local Impact,slider,dimension 6016,It reflects the unique character of the area and its people,Character,slider,dimension 6094,It made me reflect on the world we live in today,Currency,slider,dimension 6121,It helped me to better understand the place and people where I live,Understanding,slider,dimension 6162,It helped me appreciate the place's characteristics,Unique,slider,dimension 6467,It could appeal to new audiences,Growth,slider,dimension 6468,It was introduced to the audience in a new way,Innovation,slider,dimension 6470,It is one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,Excellence,slider,dimension 6603,I would watch something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 7006,It explored a new point of view,Imagination,slider,dimension 7108,It helped me to feel connected to my local community,Connection,slider,dimension 7174,It opened my eyes to issues in the environment,Awareness,slider,dimension 7178,I felt like I could be myself,Acceptance,slider,dimension 7397,It created a platform for new work,Platform,slider,dimension 7447,It appeals to a large community of interest (i.e. people that engage with the work),Growth,slider,dimension 7448,It meant something to me personally,Meaning,slider,dimension 7735,The library plays an active role in providing opportunities to learn about and use emerging technology and equipment,Technology,slider,dimension 8942,I got helpful feedback,Feedback,slider,dimension 9628,I feel more confident after the workshop,Confidence,slider,dimension 9629,I felt part of the group,Inclusion,slider,dimension 9630,I felt good after the workshop,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 9632,I'm glad we could do this at school,Local Impact,slider,dimension 9663,It provides an important addition to the cultural life of Hong Kong,Cultural Contribution,slider,dimension 9664,It raised the profile of the artists,Artist Profile,slider,dimension 9666,It helps me to understand and value different cultures,Cohesion,slider,dimension 10077,My ideas were taken seriously,Voice,slider,dimension 10080,It helped me to better understand the place and people where I live,Understanding,slider,dimension 10083,Its insights into the past gave me a perspective on today’s world,Perspective,slider,dimension 10158,It was an interesting idea,Concept,slider,dimension 10522,I strengthened my ability to overcome challenges,Resilience,slider,dimension 11279,I expect it will connect me with other people in my field,Networks,slider,dimension 11280,I expect it will have a positive impact on my mental wellbeing,Mental Wellbeing,slider,dimension 11281,I expect it will help me to develop stronger relationships,Relationships,slider,dimension 11282,I expect it will have a positive impact on my physical health and mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 11283,I expect it will give me the opportunity to access activities I would otherwise not have access to,Access,slider,dimension 11284,I expect that I will learn something new,Learning,slider,dimension 11297,It had a positive impact on my mental wellbeing,Mental Wellbeing,slider,dimension 12717,It gave me greater appreciation for different people and cultures,Appreciation,slider,dimension 12874,We would come to something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 12876,It gave them the opportunity to access cultural activities,Access,slider,dimension 13137,I expect it will celebrate my own cultural heritage,Celebration,slider,dimension 13199,The library has helped me to feel more confident about using digital resources,Digital Confidence,slider,dimension 13859,I did something I didn’t know I was capable of,Stretch,slider,dimension 13986,It’s important that the event is happening here,Local Impact,slider,dimension 13988,The information about the exhibition was clear and helpful,Interpretation,slider,dimension 15041,The story gave me a better understanding of today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 15042,The story moved and inspired me,Meaning,slider,dimension 15043,The story was well-conceived and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 15164,I expect it will give me a better understand of today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 15166,I expect that it will be well-conceived and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 15184,It was well-conceived and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 15271,I expect it will contribute to the development of my arts practice or business,Practice development,slider,dimension 15272,I expect that I will improve my artistic skills,Artistic Skills,slider,dimension 15273,I expect that I will feel more confident about doing new things,Confidence,slider,dimension 15275,I expect that it will give me new understanding and perspective of art,Understanding,slider,dimension 15277,I expect it will inspire my own creativity,Creativity,slider,dimension 15278,I expect that I will gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 15979,I enjoyed the vibrancy and activity here,Vibrancy,slider,dimension 15980,It encouraged me to participate in cultural and community activities,Participation,slider,dimension 15981,It gave me greater respect for diverse cultures,Respect,slider,dimension 16511,It helped me get to know people who are different from me,New People,slider,dimension 16523,It has made me feel confident about future employment prospects,Prospects,slider,dimension 16581,I expect that it could engage people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 16582,I expect it will provide opportunities for collaboration,Collaboration,slider,dimension 16585,I expect it will give me the opportunity to access cultural activities,Access,slider,dimension 16586,I expect to feel a connection to a shared history/culture,Heritage,slider,dimension 16588,I expect it will reflect a broad and inclusive range of voices,Content,slider,dimension 16901,"There are cultural things that I like to do here (e.g. museum, art gallery, live music)",Culture,slider,dimension 16977,It gave me a better understanding of today’s world,Relevance,slider,dimension 17114,It held our interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 17216,It is important for the local area,Local Impact,slider,dimension 17490,It's important that it's happening in Tai Kwun,Local Impact,slider,dimension 17567,I expect it will make me feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 17568,I expect I will feel like my contribution matters,Contribution,slider,dimension 17569,I expect I will feel motivated to do more creative things in future,Motivation,slider,dimension 17570,I expect I will feel like I can be myself,Acceptance,slider,dimension 19168,The library has met my informational and reading needs,Information,slider,dimension 19688,It made me want to find out more about the work,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 19707,It had a positive impact on my physical health,Physical Health,slider,dimension 19766,I expect it will make me feel that my ideas are taken seriously,Voice,slider,dimension 19767,I expect it will help me connect to others like me,Bond,slider,dimension 20336,It challenged me to think in a different way,,slider,dimension 20337,It held my interest and attention,,slider,dimension 20338,I improved my artistic skills,,slider,dimension 20340,I would come to something like this again,,slider,dimension 20375,It is one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,,slider,dimension 20377,It moved and inspired me,,slider,dimension 20380,It could appeal to new audiences,,slider,dimension 20381,It raised the profile of the artists,,slider,dimension 20382,The artists were not afraid to try new things,,slider,dimension 20404,I got to know people who are different to me,,slider,dimension 20431,It had something to say about today's world,,slider,dimension 20473,It held your interest and attention,,slider,dimension 20474,You would come to something like this again,,slider,dimension 20475,It is one of the best examples of its type that you have seen,,slider,dimension 20479,It challenged you to think in a different way,,slider,dimension 20763,It gave me greater respect for different people and cultures,Respect,slider,dimension 21045,I expect it will give me greater respect for cultural diversity,Respect,slider,dimension 21046,I expect it will help me gain new insight or knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 21337,It inspired me to produce new work,Production,slider,dimension 21338,It helped me to understand and value different cultures,Cohesion,slider,dimension 21339,It made me reflect on my own beliefs,Reflect,slider,dimension 21344,It helped me to understand something new about the world,Worldview,slider,dimension 21350,It made me feel more motivated to do creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 21368,I felt I was treated as an equal,Equality,slider,dimension 21967,It made me feel connected to nature,Nature,slider,dimension 21979,It challenged me to think in a different wayyy,Challenge,slider,dimension 22060,We feel more confident around contemporary art,Contemporary Art,slider,dimension 22062,It challenged us to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 25868,I expect it will help me gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 25915,I think that this place reflects the unique character of the area and its people,Authenticity,slider,dimension 25928,It made me more physically active,Activity,slider,dimension 26254,It moved and inspired them,Meaning,slider,dimension 26258,It held their interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 26358,I expect that I will feel close to other people involved,Friendship,slider,dimension 26359,I expect the organisers will respond well to the needs of the group,Responsiveness,slider,dimension 26361,"I expect it will give me a sense of joy, beauty and wonder",Aesthetic Experience,slider,dimension 26362,I expect that it will be one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,Excellence,slider,dimension 26363,I expect that it will be ground-breaking,Originality,slider,dimension 26695,It has the potential to inspire other artists and artforms,Platform,slider,dimension 27008,It helped me to enjoy a greater quality of life,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 28195,It reflects the unique character of the area and its people,Authenticity,slider,dimension 28465,The library has helped me feel more knowledgeable about using digital resources,Digital Knowledge,slider,dimension 28589,,,slider,dimension 29282,It helped them to feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 29285,It contributed to the development of my business,Practice development,slider,dimension 29585,I expect that it will be well thought through and put together,,slider,dimension 29586,I expect that I will feel more confident about doing new things,,slider,dimension 29587,I expect it will make me feel safe and welcome,,slider,dimension 29588,I expect it will help me gain new skills,,slider,dimension 29589,I expect that it will help me feel connected to people in the community,,slider,dimension 30784,It meant something to me personally,Personal Meaning,slider,dimension 31341,It provides an important addition to the cultural life of Hong Kong,,slider,dimension 31342,It engaged people from different backgrounds,,slider,dimension 31344,It was well produced and presented,,slider,dimension 31345,It appealed to new audiences,,slider,dimension 31348,It helped me to understand and value different cultures,,slider,dimension 31350,"It gave me a sense of joy, beauty and wonder",,slider,dimension 31388,It attracted new audiences,,slider,dimension 31389,It opened my mind to new possibilities,,slider,dimension 31393,It gave me new understanding and perspective of art,,slider,dimension 31402,It was one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,,slider,dimension 31404,It attracts new audiences,,slider,dimension 31406,It created a platform for new work,,slider,dimension 31453,It reflected a broad and inclusive range of voices,,slider,dimension 31469,It was different from things I've experienced before,,slider,dimension 31540,It helps me to understand and value different cultures,,slider,dimension 31765,It inspired my own creativity,,slider,dimension 31767,I enjoy the atmosphere here,,slider,dimension 31784,It helped me feel part of the community,,slider,dimension 31785,It made me feel welcome and included,,slider,dimension 31788,It gave me the opportunity to access activities I would otherwise not have access to,,slider,dimension 31789,It helped me gain new insight or knowledge,,slider,dimension 35740,It encouraged me to join a local group,Membership,slider,dimension 35741,We explored and learnt together as a family,Family,slider,dimension 36138,I feel safe here,,slider,dimension 36140,It opened up new opportunities for me,,slider,dimension 36165,It opened up new work opportunities for me,,slider,dimension 36239,I felt like my contribution mattered,,slider,dimension 36268,I expect that I will gain new skills,,slider,dimension 36270,I expect it will connect me with other people in my field,,slider,dimension 36299,I feel more confident about doing new things,,slider,dimension 36317,I expect that it will open up new work opportunities for me,,slider,dimension 36349,It made me feel safe and welcome,,slider,dimension 36367,I expect it will make me feel welcome and included,,slider,dimension 36385,I expect it will help me gain new insight or knowledge,,slider,dimension 36388,I expect it will inspire my own creativity and/or production of new work,,slider,dimension 36413,It inspired my own creativity and/or production of new work,,slider,dimension 36460,I strengthened my ability to overcome challenges,,slider,dimension 38322,It raised the profile of the artists,Profile,slider,dimension 38775,I expect it will help me to better understand the place and people where I live,Understanding,slider,dimension 38776,I expect it will make me feel proud of my community,Community Pride,slider,dimension 38781,I expect I will be treated with respect,Respect,slider,dimension 38782,I expect it wil give me the opportunity to access cultural activities,Cultural Access,slider,dimension 38784,I expect I will feel treated as an equal,Equality,slider,dimension 38787,I expect that its insights into the past will give a perspective on today's world,Perspective,slider,dimension 38914,I expect it will open my eyes to issues in the environment,Awareness,slider,dimension 38918,I expect it will help me to enjoy a greater quality of life,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 44467,I feel more confident about my skills as a producer,Confidence,slider,dimension 45516,It strengthened my cultural pride,,slider,dimension 45950,It had an interesting mix of activities and programmes,Concept,slider,dimension 46377,It improved my ability to communicate with others,Communication,slider,dimension 47150,It connected organisations and groups across the City,Collaboration,slider,dimension 47384,The library plays an active role in providing opportunities to learn about and use emerging technology and equipment,Emerging Technology,slider,dimension 47385,The library has helped me become more aware of applicable resources and services that it provides,Services,slider,dimension 47392,My business or employment opportunities are helped by the library,Enterprise,slider,dimension 47444,I expect the library will help people to be more digitally connected to others,Digital Connection,slider,dimension 47928,I expect it will challenge me to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 47984,The artists/curators were not afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 48004,It inspired me,Meaning,slider,dimension 48024,I expect that the artists/curators will not be afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 49331,It provides an important addition to the cultural life of the area,,slider,dimension 49333,It was an interesting idea/programme,,slider,dimension 49337,It made me reflect on the world we live in today,,slider,dimension 49340,It opened my eyes to issues in the environment,,slider,dimension 50231,We had a good time,Enjoyment,slider,dimension 50347,I expect it will open my mind to new possibilities,Imagination,slider,dimension 53899,I feel a greater sense of responsibility to the community and environment,Responsibility,slider,dimension 54242,The library has helped me learn skills I can share with or teach to my children,Childhood Teaching,slider,dimension 54382,I expect that it will make me reflect on the world we live in today,Currency,slider,dimension 54388,I expect that the artists/curators will really challenge themselves with this work,Risk,slider,dimension 56882,It helped me appreciate Tai Kwun's characteristics,Unique,slider,dimension 57268,I felt deeply involved in the process,Intensity,slider,dimension 57339,It's works are some of the best examples of their type that I have experienced,Excellence,slider,dimension 57342,It engages people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 57493,It helps me to feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 59506,It helped me to better understand the place and people where I live,,slider,dimension 59511,I felt like I could be myself,,slider,dimension 59516,It gave me greater respect for different people and cultures,,slider,dimension 60392,They feel motivated to do more creative things in future,Motivation,slider,dimension 61066,I feel that I'm part of a community here,Community,slider,dimension 65551,It respected cultural tradition,Authenticity,slider,dimension 66674,The library is relevant to my needs,Relevance,slider,dimension 66677,The library has encouraged me to read and write more,Literacy,slider,dimension 69266,It helped participants develop new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 69891,It could attract a variety of investors,Leverage,slider,dimension 70593,It inspired my own creativity and/or production of new work,Creativity,slider,dimension 70635,It opened up new work opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 76116,It gave me new understanding and perspective of poetry,Understanding,slider,dimension 76201,It was an interesting idea/program,Concept,slider,dimension 76437,I feel empowered to make a contribution,Contribution,slider,dimension 76481,Our organisation would take part in something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 76483,The program gave participants a new understanding and perspective of poetry,Understanding,slider,dimension 76485,"The program gave participants a sense of joy, beauty and wonder",Aesthetic Experience,slider,dimension 76486,The program inspired participants' creativity,Creativity,slider,dimension 76771,I expect it will create a platform for new work,Platform,slider,dimension 76772,I expect it will engage people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 78648,I expect it will help them gain new skills,,slider,dimension 78649,I expect that it will open up new opportunities for them,,slider,dimension 78650,I expect it will connect them with other people in their field,,slider,dimension 78655,I expect I will feel supported by the organisers,,slider,dimension 79907,It connected other artists,Collaboration,slider,dimension 80139,I expect it will be clear what we are there to achieve,Clarity,slider,dimension 90185,It helped me to enjoy a greater quality of life,,slider,dimension 94470,The visual beauty of this place makes me enjoy spending time here,Attractive Features,slider,dimension 94520,I think that this place reflects the unique character of the area and its people,Character,slider,dimension 94528,I expect it will strengthen my cultural pride,Pride,slider,dimension 94595,I expect it will make me feel positive about the community's future,Positivity,slider,dimension 94596,I expect it will connect organisations and groups in the local area,Local Networks,slider,dimension 94597,I expect it will improve my ability to communicate with others,Communication,slider,dimension 94598,I expect it will appeal to new audiences,Growth,slider,dimension 94876,The library meets the informational and reading needs of users,Information,slider,dimension 94878,The library has helped people learn skills they can share with or teach to their children,Childhood Teaching,slider,dimension 94879,The library meets the information and reading needs of users,Information,slider,dimension 95344,I enjoy the vibrancy and activity here,,slider,dimension 95347,It's important that it's happening in Tai Kwun,,slider,dimension 96406,It enabled me to get involved in community decision-making,Decision-making,slider,dimension 98600,I expect it will improve my financial situation,Independence,slider,dimension 98605,I expect I will feel my ideas are taken seriously,Voice,slider,dimension 98612,I expect it will inspire me to produce new work,Production,slider,dimension 98617,I expect people in the group will support each other,Support,slider,dimension 98619,I expect it will mean something to me personally,Personal Meaning,slider,dimension 100362,It's important that it's happening here,,slider,dimension 100374,The visual beauty of this place makes me enjoy spending time here,,slider,dimension 102251,I expect I will enjoy the vibrancy and activity here,Vibrancy,slider,dimension 102252,I expect it will encourage me to participate in community activities,Participation,slider,dimension 105583,It contributed to the development of my practice or business,Practice development,slider,dimension 105825,It's important that it's happening in South Australia,Local Impact,slider,dimension 105956,It respected cultural tradition (Other),,shorttext,dimension 105957,It respected cultural tradition,,slider,dimension 105964,It respected cultural tradition,4. Importance of Visit,slider,dimension 105965,It respected cultural tradition,6. Event Influence,slider,dimension 106338,It was different from things they've experienced before,Distinctiveness,slider,dimension 106339,"It gave them a sense of joy, beauty and wonder",Aesthetic Experience,slider,dimension 108435,I expect that it will be introduced to the audience in a new way,Innovation,slider,dimension 108439,I expect it will give me a better understanding of today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 109540,Its insights into the past gave me a perspective on today’s world,,slider,dimension 109542,It made me feel connected to a shared history/culture,,slider,dimension 113569,It's important that it happens here in Melbourne,Local Impact,slider,dimension 114013,They felt more confident about doing new things,Confidence,slider,dimension 114014,They felt like they could be themselves,Acceptance,slider,dimension 114015,It had a positive impact on their physical health and mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 114017,It made them feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 114018,They learned something new,Learning,slider,dimension 114019,They were glad they could do this at school,Local Impact,slider,dimension 114020,It gave them the opportunity to access cultural activities they would otherwise not have access to,Access,slider,dimension 114504,It helped me appreciate the Gold Coast's unique characteristics and people,Unique,slider,dimension 118171,They gained new skills,,slider,dimension 118172,It opened up new work opportunities for them,,slider,dimension 118173,It connected them with other people in the field,,slider,dimension 118175,I felt supported by the organisers,,slider,dimension 123655,I expect it will make me feel more motivated to do creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 123656,I expect that I will feel comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 124824, It made me feel more motivated to do creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 127698,I expect it will help to raise my profile,Profile,slider,dimension 130626,I enjoyed the vibrancy and activity there,Vibrancy,slider,dimension 134845,I expect that it will challenge me to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 144061,I expect it will have something to say about today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 144160,I expect it will help me improve my artistic skills,Artistic Skills,slider,dimension 144163,I expect that it will make me want to find out more about the work,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 144164, I expect it will make me feel more motivated to do creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 145410,I expect I will want to attend something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 145415,I expect that it will be an interesting idea/programme,Concept,slider,dimension 145452,It's important that it's happening in Perth,Local Impact,slider,dimension 145457,It made me want to find out more about the artwork,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 150039,The New Annual Festival reflected a broad and inclusive range of voices,Content,slider,dimension 150040,The New Annual Festival engaged people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 150041,The New Annual Festival was well thought through and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 152811,It encouraged me to find out more about the art,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 153423,It made me want to find out more about the artist,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 153649,I expect it to be able to appeal to new audiences,Growth,slider,dimension 153650,I expect that it will explore a new point of view,Imagination,slider,dimension 153652,I expect that it will encourage me to find out more about the art,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 153732,The organisers were not afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 153803,I expect that the organisers will not be afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 154454,It helped to raise our profile,Profile,slider,dimension 154759,I am improving my artistic skills,Artistic Skills,slider,dimension 158618,It helped me appreciate Hong Kong's characteristics,Unique,slider,dimension 158624,I feel a greater sense of responsibility to the community and environment,,slider,dimension 158625,It celebrated my own cultural heritage,,slider,dimension 158630,It helped me appreciate Hong Kong's characteristics,,slider,dimension 159251,The library reflects the needs and make up of the local community,Representative,slider,dimension 159429,I would come to Tai Kwun again,,slider,dimension 161070,It made me want to create my own art,Creativity,slider,dimension 161842,It affected me emotionally,Meaning,slider,dimension 167990,It gave me new ideas and understanding of art,Understanding,slider,dimension 168143,It inspired me to produce new work,Creativity,slider,dimension 173110,This is a great location for events,Events,slider,dimension 173661,The program challenged learners to think in a different way,,slider,dimension 173662,The program was an interesting idea,,slider,dimension 173663,The program was well thought through and put together,,slider,dimension 173698,The program helped learners appreciate the place's characteristics,,slider,dimension 173733,The learners were amazed by what they achieved,,slider,dimension 176036,Darwin Festival made me feel proud of my local area,Place,slider,dimension 176038,Darwin Festival helped me feel part of the community,Belonging,slider,dimension 176039,Darwin Festival reflected a broad and inclusive range of voices,Content,slider,dimension 176042,Darwin Festival has a connection to the State/Country we live in,Authenticity,slider,dimension 178091,It has made me think about starting a new business,Entrepreneurship,slider,dimension 178590,We feel motivated to do more creative things in the future,Motivation,slider,dimension 181851,It opened audiences' mind to new possibilities,Imagination,slider,dimension 181852,It made audiences feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 181860,The program was well organised,Organisation,slider,dimension 181887,It helped artists gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 181889,It opened up new opportunities for artists,Opportunity,slider,dimension 182163,I expect that I will get helpful feedback,Feedback,slider,dimension 182977,There is a range of good quality dining options here,Dining,slider,dimension 184443,It is amongst the best of its type in the UK,Excellence (national),slider,dimension 185431,It was an interesting program,Concept,slider,dimension 186107,I expect I will want to take part in something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 187959,I expect it will spark my curiosity and make me want to find out more,Curiosity,slider,dimension 188227,It has made me feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 188228,It has helped to raise my profile,Profile,slider,dimension 188229,It has connected me with other people in my field,Networks,slider,dimension 188230,It has opened up new opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 188231,It has inspired me to produce new work,Creativity,slider,dimension 188233,I have gained new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 189738,I expect it will inspire me to produce new work,Creativity,slider,dimension 191822,It could inspire other makers,Platform,slider,dimension 191824,The project opened up new opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 194438,It contributed to the development of their arts practice or business,Practice development,slider,dimension 199206,It encouraged me to find our more about the art,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 201322,It could generate future opportunities for other artists and participants,Platform,slider,dimension 203451,It made me want to find out more about the artists,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 204863,It made me feel proud of Hong Kong,Place,slider,dimension 207545,I expect it will give me greater respect for different people and cultures,Respect,slider,dimension 209069,I expect I will be more able to express myself creatively,Expression,slider,dimension 211233,It helped the students to understand something new about the world,Worldview,slider,dimension 211234,The students learned something new,Learning,slider,dimension 211236,It helped me to the students feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 211237,It opened the students' mind to new possibilities,Imagination,slider,dimension 216420,I expect it will be thought provoking,Challenge,slider,dimension 216430,I expect it will be relevant to today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 220164,I feel a greater sense of civic pride,Civic Pride,slider,dimension 220165,I feel a greater sense of civic trust,Civic Trust,slider,dimension 220500,I expect that my ideas will be taken seriously,Voice,slider,dimension 221728,I expect that I will feel deeply involved in the process,Intensity,slider,dimension 226140,It helped me to understand Shakespeare,Shakespeare,slider,dimension 228123,The event helped me to feel connected to my local community,Connection,slider,dimension 231764,The tunnel makes me feel safe and welcome,,slider,dimension 232724,I expect it will inspire me to play a leadership role in the community,Leadership,slider,dimension 232729,I expect it will enable me to collaborate with others,Collaboration,slider,dimension 233181,The tunnel made me feel safe and welcome,,slider,dimension 233182,The tunnel made me feel proud of my local area,,slider,dimension 233187,I enjoyed the atmosphere there,,slider,dimension 233271,The tunnel makes me feel proud of my local area,,slider,dimension 241580,It had a positive impact on my health and wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 241777,Umbrella Studio provides an important addition to the cultural life of the area,Cultural Contribution,slider,dimension 248255,I expect it will help participants gain new insight or knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 255021,I expect it to appeal to a large community of interest,Growth,slider,dimension 255022,I expect it will raise the profile of the artists,Profile,slider,dimension 255681,I expect it will help me to understand and value different cultures,Cohesion,slider,dimension 255737,I expect we will want to attend something like this again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 261651,It gave me the opportunity to access cultural activities,,slider,dimension 264971,The Ethics Centre has a positive impact on my mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 264972,The Ethics Centre helps me gain new insight or knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 264975,The Ethics Centre challenges me to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 266911,I would come to Tai Kwun again,Enthusiasm,slider,dimension 267332,It moved and inspired us,Meaning,slider,dimension 269063,New Annual engaged people from different backgrounds,Diversity,slider,dimension 269064,New Annual was well thought through and put together,Rigour,slider,dimension 269065,New Annual reflected a broad and inclusive range of voices,Content,slider,dimension 280284,It made me think,Challenge,slider,dimension 280295,It raised the profile of the organisation,Profile,slider,dimension 287045,I expect it will hold our interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 287050,I expect it will help me feel connected to my local community,Connection,slider,dimension 288569,It sparked their curiosity and made them want to find out more,Curiosity,slider,dimension 289054,I expect I will get to know people who are different to me,New People,slider,dimension 292518,I am gaining new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 292662,I expect that I will do something that I didn't know I was capable of,Stretch,slider,dimension 292664,I expect that the project will be well organised,Organisation,slider,dimension 292665,I expect that it will open up new work opportunities for me,Opportunity,slider,dimension 292666,I expect it will make me feel confident about future employment prospects,Prospects,slider,dimension 299185,The library helps me to better understand the place and people where I live,Understanding,slider,dimension 300943,They were treated as an equal,Equality,slider,dimension 300944,They felt comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 301059,It gave them greater respect for cultural diversity,Respect,slider,dimension 301062,It challenged them to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 305821,I expect it will help them to feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 305822,I expect it to be of importance to the local area,Local Impact,slider,dimension 306657,It gave me a better understanding of today's world,,slider,dimension 306857,The Project connected other organisations and groups across the City,Collaboration,slider,dimension 306858,The Project made me feel proud of my city,Place,slider,dimension 306862,It's important that the Project is happening in Tai Kwun,Local Impact,slider,dimension 306863,The Project provides an important addition to the cultural life of the area,Cultural Contribution,slider,dimension 306867,The Project made me reflect on the world we live in today,Currency,slider,dimension 306869,The Project moved and inspired me,Meaning,slider,dimension 315588,It's important that it's happening in Western Australia,Local Impact,slider,dimension 316038,I expect that it improved their artistic skills,Artistic Skills,slider,dimension 316041,I expect they felt comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 316042,I expect they received helpful feedback,Feedback,slider,dimension 316045,I expect that it opened up new opportunities for them,Opportunity,slider,dimension 316136,There is a wide variety of programming here,Choice,slider,dimension 322590,I was clear about what we were there to achieve,Clarity,slider,dimension 322725,It gave me new understanding and perspective of Cantonese Opera,,slider,dimension 323845,I expect that I will be amazed with what we achieve,Achievement,slider,dimension 323855,I expect that I will feel part of the team,Belonging,slider,dimension 328842,It made me feel proud of my local area,,slider,dimension 328846,It provided an important addition to the cultural life of Hong Kong,,slider,dimension 331328,"There are recreational things that I like to do here (e.g. sit in the park, play sport, go to the gym)",Recreation,slider,dimension 332363,You/They were treated as an equal,Equality,slider,dimension 332374,I/They learned something new,Learning,slider,dimension 332375,It sparked my/their curiosity and made me/them want to find out more,Curiosity,slider,dimension 332377,I/They felt comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 333969,I expect it will hold their interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 336191,I feel comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 337237,I think there is something here for every age group,Lifestage,slider,dimension 341021,Craft Victoria contributed to the development of my arts practice or business,Practice development,slider,dimension 341023,Craft Victoria helped me gain new insight or knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 341024,Craft Victoria connected me with other people in my field,Networks,slider,dimension 341026,Craft Victoria encouraged me to participate in community activities,Participation,slider,dimension 341027,Craft Victoria gave me a better understanding of today's world,Relevance,slider,dimension 341028,Craft Victoria gave me greater respect for different people and cultures,Respect,slider,dimension 348768,"In general, the staff here were helpful and welcoming",Service,slider,dimension 351870,I would like help to learn new things and gain further skills,Skills,slider,dimension 352911,I feel more confident about being involved in my community.,Connection,slider,dimension 354589,It respected cultural tradition (Other),,dropdown,dimension 354590,Custom list 1,,slider,dimension 355152,The library experience encourages people to make some changes in their lives,Change,slider,dimension 355172,The library meets my needs,Needs,slider,dimension 355187,I feel connected to my local community,Connection,slider,dimension 355333,Did the event influence your decision to travel to the local area?,6. Event Influence,slider,dimension 355334,How important was this event in your decision to visit the local area?,4. Importance of Visit,slider,dimension 355347,My library experience has encouraged me to make some changes in my life,Change,slider,dimension 360120,I enjoy regularly spending time here,Like,slider,dimension 367410,It’s important that the event is happening at State Library of Queensland,Local Impact,slider,dimension 368103,It made me want to find out more about the performance/artform/work of art,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 373403,We felt comfortable trying new things,Experimenting,slider,dimension 373840,It was one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,Excellence,slider,dimension 374078,Tai Kwun Circus Plays was one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,Excellence,slider,dimension 374083,Tai Kwun Circus Plays was introduced to the audience in a new way,Innovation,slider,dimension 374942,I received support from others,Support,slider,dimension 374943,I expect it will make me more physically active,Activity,slider,dimension 379513,It held my/their interest and attention,Captivation,slider,dimension 382559,It's important that it's happening in the City of Perth,Local Impact,slider,dimension 382560,It makes me feel proud of the city,Place,slider,dimension 384583,The event is one of the best examples of its type that I have seen,Excellence,slider,dimension 386631,The collection in the gallery spaces was well produced and presented,Presentation,slider,dimension 386632,The collection in the gallery spaces was thought-provoking,Challenge,slider,dimension 390550,I expect it will inspire my own creativity and/or production of new work,Creativity,slider,dimension 391770,The library has helped people to feel more confident about using digital resources,Digital Confidence,slider,dimension 398691,It's important that it's happening here,Local impact,slider,dimension 398693,It made me feel proud of my city,Place,slider,dimension 399441,It's important that it's happening in Tai Kwun,Local impact,slider,dimension 401811,My access to beneficial networks or other resources has been increased,Networks Increased,slider,dimension 401814,"I gained new ideas, knowledge or insight",Insight Gained,slider,dimension 402029,I think that the event reflects the unique character of the area and its people,Authenticity,slider,dimension 402234,We did something we didn't know we were capable of,Stretch,slider,dimension 406777,It gave us the opportunity to access activities we would otherwise not have access to,Access,slider,dimension 406779,It made us feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 406781,"It gave us a sense of joy, beauty and wonder",Aesthetic Experience,slider,dimension 410103,My professional practice capability has increased,Professional Capability,slider,dimension 410133,It gave me a better understanding of today's society,Relevance,slider,dimension 415458,It improved my ability to use technology,Technology,slider,dimension 416414,I expect that it will have a connection to the State/Country we live in,Authenticity,slider,dimension 419033,"In general, the staff in shops and businesses here are helpful and welcoming",Service,slider,dimension 419438,It helped me appreciate the region's characteristics,Unique,slider,dimension 420777,It's important that it's happening in Darwin,Local Impact,slider,dimension 420845,I felt comfortable trying new things,,slider,dimension 420852,The project was well organised,,slider,dimension 420860,I feel empowered to make a contribution,,slider,dimension 423667,I expect that it will make me want to find out more about the artwork,Inquisitiveness,slider,dimension 423669,I expect it could connect other artists,Collaboration,slider,dimension 430062,The volunteer program was well organised,Organisation,slider,dimension 430580,I expect that I will feel comfortable trying new things,,slider,dimension 430770,I expect that the project will be well organised,,slider,dimension 433129,It had a positive impact on my physical health or mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 433231,It had a positive impact on their physical health or mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 433736,I feel recent developments have added to the character here,Development,slider,dimension 434457,It is important that we could watch this at school,Local Impact,slider,dimension 440879,It held my interest and attention (can translate),Captivation (can translate),slider,dimension 442828,I expect it will help participants develop new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 450741,It helped me gain new insight and knowledge,Insight,slider,dimension 450742,It helped me to better understand the place and people where I live and work,Understanding,slider,dimension 450767,It helped me to better understand the place and people where I live and work,Understanding,slider,dimension 451386,I expect that it will have something to say about the world in which we live,Relevance,slider,dimension 451530,It gave me new ideas about art or about the region,Understanding,slider,dimension 454608,How important is it for you be able to engage in cultural activities here?,Culture,slider,dimension 457360,I feel more connected to people different to me,Differences Bridged,slider,dimension 457788,I expect that it will connect creative ideas to the real world,Innovation,slider,dimension 459784,It connected organisations and groups across the city,Collaboration,slider,dimension 461451,The library can help with business and employment opportunities,Enterprise,slider,dimension 461494,The library has helped me feel more knowledgeable about what it takes to establish a business,Enterprise,slider,dimension 465774,They was treated as an equal,Equality,slider,dimension 469115,It was thought-provoking,Challenge,slider,dimension 470546,"In general, I find it too crowded here",Crowding,slider,dimension 472312,I expect I will feel more confident around contemporary art,Contemporary Art,slider,dimension 477902,I expect I will strengthen my ability to overcome challenges,Resilience,slider,dimension 479870,I expect it will connect organisations and groups across the City,Collaboration,slider,dimension 482782,I expect it will mean something to me personally,Meaning,slider,dimension 482805,People in the group support each other,Support,slider,dimension 488627,The designers were not afraid to try new things,Risk,slider,dimension 490140,The mobile library service has encouraged me to read more,Literacy,slider,dimension 490141,My business or employment opportunities are helped by the mobile library service,Enterprise,slider,dimension 490147,I feel safe and welcome when using the mobile library service,Safe and Trusted,slider,dimension 490159,The mobile library service has helped me be more creative in my own life and work,Creativity,slider,dimension 490166,The mobile library service helps me to feel connected to my local community,Connection,slider,dimension 490183,The mobile library service has enabled me to learn and gain new skills,Skills,slider,dimension 492881,I feel part of the team,Belonging,slider,dimension 496193,I felt empowered to make a contribution,Contribution,slider,dimension 496382,I am inspired to be creative,Creativity,slider,dimension 496383,I have the opportunity to access cultural and community activities,Access,slider,dimension 496385,I feel proud of my local area,Place,slider,dimension 496386,I am encouraged to participate in community activities,Participation,slider,dimension 496387,I feel safe and welcome,Safe,slider,dimension 496388,I feel confident about future employment prospects,Prospects,slider,dimension 496389,I feel connected to people in the community,Connection,slider,dimension 497173,It reflects a broad and inclusive range of voices,Content,slider,dimension 497250,It adds to the visual beauty of the place,Attractive Features,slider,dimension 498316,It contributed to the development of my arts practice,Practice development,slider,dimension 503737,It helped me to feel connected to my community,Connection,slider,dimension 507557,It has improved our business financial situation,Independence,slider,dimension 507558,It makes me feel proud of my local area,Place,slider,dimension 507616,It makes me feel positive about the community's future,Positivity,slider,dimension 507942,It adds to the visual beauty of this place,Attractive Features,slider,dimension 508061,I think that there is something here for every lifestage,Lifestage,slider,dimension 511466,I expect it will help me to understand something new about the world,Worldview,slider,dimension 511835,It contributed to the development of my practice or research,Practice development,slider,dimension 513228,I feel more able to express myself creatively,Creativity,slider,dimension 513248,The educators responded well to the needs of the group,Responsiveness,slider,dimension 513249,The program challenged us to think in a different way,Challenge,slider,dimension 513252,The program helped us to understand something new about the world,Worldview,slider,dimension 513256,The educators made my students feel welcome and included,Inclusion,slider,dimension 514800,It's important that it's happening in Melbourne,Local Impact,slider,dimension 515857,The library has helped me to be more aware of issues in my community,Awareness,slider,dimension 517989,I learned something new about art,Learning,slider,dimension 518141,It connects other artists and participants,Collaboration,slider,dimension 519953,There are activities at Peninsula Hot Springs that I’m willing to travel for,Destination,slider,dimension 519954,The events at Peninsula Hot Springs provide an important addition to the cultural life of the area,Cultural Contribution,slider,dimension 519955,The event helped me feel part of the community,Belonging,slider,dimension 519958,The performance moved and inspired me,Meaning,slider,dimension 519970,The performance had a positive impact on my physical health and mental wellbeing,Wellbeing,slider,dimension 519971,The performance made me feel connected to nature,Nature,slider,dimension 526224,My appreciation of a different form of cultural expression has increased,Diversity_Appreciated_CDN,slider,dimension 526425,I had an aesthetically enriching experience,Aesthetic_Enrichment_CDN,slider,dimension 530574,"The noise from traffic, trains or other sources reduces my enjoyment of the place",Noise,slider,dimension 530575,Being here when it's hot or raining is comfortable as I'm generally protected from the weather,Comfort,slider,dimension 530576,"I like that I can sit down, use a drink fountain or find a bathroom here if I need to",Facilities,slider,dimension 533899,I enjoyed the atmosphere in the National Gallery of Ireland,Atmosphere,slider,dimension 535329,Effort was made to listen to the things that matter most to me about my health issues,Attentiveness,slider,dimension 535365,I am comfortable at Raine Square when it's hot or raining as I am generally protected from the weather,Comfort,slider,dimension 535366,I find it easy to get to and from Raine Square,Accessibility,slider,dimension 535367,"In general, the shops at Raine Square look attractive and welcoming",Tenancy Quality,slider,dimension 535378,Raine Square reflects the unique character of the area and its people,Authenticity,slider,dimension 535385,It makes me feel connected to a shared history/culture,Heritage,slider,dimension 535387,I am willing to travel for the activities available at Raine Square,Destination,slider,dimension 535738,It's important that it's happening in the Gold Coast,Local Impact,slider,dimension 536081,It helped me appreciate Townsville's unique characteristics and culture,Unique,slider,dimension 536115,"There are social things that I like to do here (e.g. meet friends, have a night out)",Social,slider,dimension 536295,How important is it for you to feel like part of a community here?,Community,slider,dimension 536331,I find it convenient to get around this area,Mobility,slider,dimension 536416,The library service helps me better understand the role of the local Council,Council,slider,dimension