import asyncio import datetime import json import re import uuid import urllib.parse import contextlib from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import List, Optional from websockets import exceptions as ws_exceptions import aiohttp import websockets import bot_img import bot_strings MESSAGE_CREDS = {} SEMAPHORE_ITEMS = {} PENDING_REQUESTS = {} URL = 'wss://' class ChatHubException(Exception): pass @dataclass class SydRenderCard: text: Optional[str] url: str @dataclass class ResponseTypeText: answer: str cards: List[str] render_card: Optional[SydRenderCard] @dataclass class ResponseTypeImage: images: List[str] caption: str class Style(Enum): CREATIVE = 1 BALANCED = 2 PRECISE = 3 def __str__(self) -> str: return def read_until_separator(message): out = "" for x in message: if x == '\u001e': break out += x return out async def clear_session(userID): global MESSAGE_CREDS if userID in MESSAGE_CREDS.keys(): del MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] return True return False async def get_session(userID): return MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] if userID in MESSAGE_CREDS.keys() else None async def prepare_request(uuid): global PENDING_REQUESTS PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid] = None async def set_pending(uuid, ws): global PENDING_REQUESTS if (await is_queued(uuid)): PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid] = ws async def cancel_request(uuid): global PENDING_REQUESTS if uuid in PENDING_REQUESTS.keys(): if PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid]: ws = PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid] if await ws.close() del PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid] return True return False async def is_pending(uuid): return uuid in PENDING_REQUESTS.keys() and PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid] async def is_queued(uuid): return uuid in PENDING_REQUESTS.keys() and not PENDING_REQUESTS[uuid] async def finish_request(uuid): global PENDING_REQUESTS return await cancel_request(uuid) async def create_session(cookies): chat_session = {} error = None headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0 BingSapphire/24.1.410310303', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' } async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, cookie_jar=cookies) as session: async with session.get('') as response: if response.status == 200: js = await response.json() if 'result' in js.keys(): result = js['result'] if result['message']: error = result['message'] else: chat_session['traceID'] = uuid.uuid4() chat_session['clientID'] = js['clientId'] chat_session['conversationId'] = js['conversationId'] chat_session['conversationSignature'] = js['conversationSignature'] return chat_session, error async def send_message(userID, message, cookies, style, retry_on_disconnect=True, request_id=None): global SEMAPHORE_ITEMS if userID not in SEMAPHORE_ITEMS.keys(): SEMAPHORE_ITEMS[userID] = asyncio.Semaphore(1) seconds = 120 if (await is_queued(request_id) or not (await is_pending(request_id))): async with SEMAPHORE_ITEMS[userID]: try: result = await asyncio.wait_for(_send_message(userID, message, cookies, style, retry_on_disconnect=retry_on_disconnect, request_id=request_id), timeout=seconds) return result except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise asyncio.TimeoutError( f"Function {_send_message.__name__} timed out after {seconds} seconds") async def _send_message(userID, message, cookies, style, retry_on_disconnect=True, request_id=None): global MESSAGE_CREDS chat_session = None answer = None update = None image_query = None try_again = False cards = [] render_card = None last_message_type = -1 if userID not in MESSAGE_CREDS.keys(): chat_session, error = await create_session(cookies) if error: raise ChatHubException(error) chat_session['isStartOfSession'] = True chat_session['style'] = style chat_session['invocationId'] = 0 chat_session['conversationExpiryTime'] = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=4) chat_session['numRemainingUserMessagesInConversation'] = None MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] = chat_session else: chat_session = MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] if chat_session['style'] != style: del MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] return await send_message(userID, message, cookies, style, retry_on_disconnect=retry_on_disconnect, request_id=request_id) if chat_session['conversationExpiryTime'].timestamp() < datetime.utcnow().timestamp(): del MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] return await send_message(userID, message, cookies, style, retry_on_disconnect=retry_on_disconnect, request_id=request_id) if chat_session['numRemainingUserMessagesInConversation'] == 0: del MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] return await send_message(userID, message, cookies, style, retry_on_disconnect=retry_on_disconnect, request_id=request_id) chat_session['isStartOfSession'] = False chat_session['question'] = message ws_messages = [] message_payload = await build_message(**chat_session) with contextlib.suppress(ws_exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK): async with websockets.connect(URL, ssl=True, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None, extensions=[ websockets.extensions.permessage_deflate.ClientPerMessageDeflateFactory( server_max_window_bits=11, client_max_window_bits=11, compress_settings={ 'memLevel': 4}, ), ]) as ws: await set_pending(request_id, ws) await ws.send('{"protocol":"json","version":1}') await ws.recv() await ws.send('{"type":6}') await ws.send(json.dumps(message_payload) + '') async for responses in ws: if not (await is_pending(request_id)): break js = json.loads(read_until_separator(responses)) if ( js['type'] == 2 and js['item']['result']['value'] == 'Throttled' ): raise ChatHubException(bot_strings.RATELIMIT_STRING) last_message_type = js['type'] if last_message_type == 6: await ws.send('{"type":6}') elif last_message_type == 1: ws_messages.append(js) elif last_message_type == 2: ws_messages.append(js) break elif last_message_type == 7: if js['allowReconnect'] and retry_on_disconnect: try_again = True break raise ChatHubException( bot_strings.CLOSE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_STRING) else: break if try_again: return await send_message(userID=userID, message=message, cookies=cookies, style=style, retry_on_disconnect=False, request_id=request_id) if ws_messages: for responses in ws_messages: if responses['type'] == 1 and 'arguments' in responses.keys(): argument = responses['arguments'][-1] if messages := argument.get('messages'): messages = responses['arguments'][-1]['messages'] for response in messages: if 'text' in response.keys() and response['author'] == 'bot' and 'messageType' not in response.keys(): if response['text']: update = response['text'] if 'adaptiveCards' in response.keys() and len(response['adaptiveCards']) > 0: _cards = [] for _card in response['adaptiveCards']: if _card['type'] == 'AdaptiveCard': card = _card['body'][-1]['text'] markdown_pattern = re.findall( r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', card) _cards.extend( iter(markdown_pattern)) cards = _cards elif 'adaptiveCards' in response.keys() and len(response['adaptiveCards']) > 0: body = response['adaptiveCards'][-1]['body'][0] if 'text' in body.keys(): update = response['adaptiveCards'][-1]['body'][0]['text'] if responses['type'] == 2: cards = [] item = responses['item'] if 'result' in item.keys(): if 'error' in item['result']: raise ChatHubException( item['result']['error']['message']) if 'messages' in item.keys(): if 'conversationExpiryTime' in item.keys() and item['conversationExpiryTime']: chat_session['conversationExpiryTime'] = dateparse( item['conversationExpiryTime']) if 'throttling' in item.keys() and 'messages' in item.keys(): if 'throttling' in responses['item']: chat_session['numRemainingUserMessagesInConversation'] = responses['item']['throttling'][ 'maxNumUserMessagesInConversation'] - responses['item']['throttling']['numUserMessagesInConversation'] for response in item['messages']: if response['author'] == 'bot' and 'messageType' not in response.keys() and 'text' in response.keys(): if response['text']: answer = response['text'] if 'adaptiveCards' in response.keys(): for _card in response['adaptiveCards']: if _card['type'] == 'AdaptiveCard': card = _card['body'][-1]['text'] markdown_pattern = re.findall( r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', card) cards.extend( iter(markdown_pattern)) elif response['author'] == 'bot' and 'messageType' in response.keys() and response['messageType'] == 'RenderCardRequest': uri = '' render_card = SydRenderCard( response["text"], f'{uri}{urllib.parse.quote(response["text"])}') elif 'adaptiveCards' in response.keys() and len(response['adaptiveCards']) > 0: body = response['adaptiveCards'][-1]['body'][0] if 'text' in body: answer = response['adaptiveCards'][-1]['body'][0]['text'] if 'contentType' in response.keys() and response['contentType'] == 'IMAGE': image_query = response['text'] if 'contentOrigin' in response.keys() and response['contentOrigin'] == 'Apology': answer = response['adaptiveCards'][0]['body'][0]['text'] if 'messageType' in response.keys() and response['messageType'] == 'Disengaged' and userID in MESSAGE_CREDS.keys(): del MESSAGE_CREDS[userID] break if image_query: images, error, canceled = await bot_img.generate_image(userID, response['text'], cookies, request_id=request_id) if error: await finish_request(request_id) raise ChatHubException(error) if images: await finish_request(request_id) return ResponseTypeImage(images, response['text']) if not answer and not update: if render_card: answer = f'[{render_card.text}]({render_card.url})' if last_message_type not in [-1, 1, 2, 6, 7]: await finish_request(request_id) raise ChatHubException( f'{bot_strings.PROCESSING_ERROR_STRING}: {last_message_type}') await finish_request(request_id) return ResponseTypeText(answer or update, cards, render_card) async def build_message(question, clientID, traceID, conversationId, conversationSignature, isStartOfSession, style, invocationId, **kwargs): global MESSAGE_CREDS now = formatted_date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') optionsSets = [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "weanow", "uquopt", "rai271", "refpromptv1", "smartname", "mvcargnd", "dagslnv1nr", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "galileo", "saharagenconv5" ] if style == Style.CREATIVE: optionsSets = [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "weanow", "uquopt", "rai271", "refpromptv1", "smartname", "mvcargnd", "dagslnv1nr", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "h3imaginative", "clgalileo", "gencontentv3" ] if style == Style.PRECISE: optionsSets = [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "weanow", "uquopt", "rai271", "refpromptv1", "smartname", "mvcargnd", "dagslnv1nr", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "h3precise", "clgalileo", "gencontentv3" ] payload = { "arguments": [ { "source": "cib", "optionsSets": optionsSets, "allowedMessageTypes": [ "ActionRequest", "Chat", "Context", "InternalSearchQuery", "InternalSearchResult", "Disengaged", "InternalLoaderMessage", "Progress", "RenderCardRequest", "AdsQuery", "SemanticSerp", "GenerateContentQuery", "SearchQuery" ], "sliceIds": [ "winmuid1tf", "anssupltmr2", "rankcf", "production", "tts2", "voicelang2", "anssupfo2", "revpayaad", "winlongmsg2tf", "sydtransl", "606rai271", "602refusal", "0510wow", "wowcds", "516ajcome", "621docxfmtho", "threadstitle", "615scss0", "tempcacheread", "temptacache", "619dagslnv1nr" ], "verbosity": "verbose", "traceId": str(traceID), "isStartOfSession": isStartOfSession, "message": { "locale": "en-US", "market": "en-US", "region": "WW", "location": "", "locationHints": [ ], "timestamp": formatted_date, "author": "user", "inputMethod": "Keyboard", "text": question, "messageType": "Chat" }, "tone": str(style), "conversationSignature": conversationSignature, "participant": { "id": clientID }, "spokenTextMode": "None", "conversationId": conversationId, } ], "invocationId": f'{invocationId}', "target": "chat", "type": 4 } return payload