Evaluating Pre-trained Models on Task Datasets ############################################### LAVIS provides pre-trained and finetuned model for off-the-shelf evaluation on task dataset. Let's now see an example to evaluate BLIP model on the captioning task, using MSCOCO dataset. .. _prep coco: Preparing Datasets ****************** First, let's download the dataset. LAVIS provides `automatic downloading scripts` to help prepare most of the public dataset, to download MSCOCO dataset, simply run .. code-block:: bash cd lavis/datasets/download_scripts && bash download_coco.py This will put the downloaded dataset at a default cache location ``cache`` used by LAVIS. If you want to use a different cache location, you can specify it by updating ``cache_root`` in ``lavis/configs/default.yaml``. If you have a local copy of the dataset, it is recommended to create a symlink from the cache location to the local copy, e.g. .. code-block:: bash ln -s /path/to/local/coco cache/coco Evaluating pre-trained models ****************************** To evaluate pre-trained model, simply run .. code-block:: bash bash run_scripts/lavis/blip/eval/eval_coco_cap.sh Or to evaluate a large model: .. code-block:: bash bash run_scripts/lavis/blip/eval/eval_coco_cap_large.sh