import time import os from typing import Dict import streamlit as st from hydralit import HydraHeadApp class SignUpApp(HydraHeadApp): """ This is an example signup application to be used to secure access within a HydraApp streamlit application. This application is an example of allowing an application to run from the login without requiring authentication. """ def __init__(self, title = '', **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.title = title def run(self) -> None: """ Application entry point. """ st.markdown("

Secure Hydralit Signup

", unsafe_allow_html=True) c1,c2,c3 = st.columns([2,2,2]) c3.image("./resources/lock.png",width=100,) c3.image("./resources/hydra.png",width=100,) pretty_btn = """

""" c2.markdown(pretty_btn,unsafe_allow_html=True) if 'MSG' in os.environ.keys():['MSG']) form_data = self._create_signup_form(c2) pretty_btn = """

""" c2.markdown(pretty_btn,unsafe_allow_html=True) if form_data['submitted']: self._do_signup(form_data, c2) def _create_signup_form(self, parent_container) -> Dict: login_form = parent_container.form(key="login_form") form_state = {} form_state['username'] = login_form.text_input('Username') form_state['password'] = login_form.text_input('Password',type="password") form_state['password2'] = login_form.text_input('Confirm Password',type="password") form_state['access_level'] = login_form.selectbox('Example Access Level',(1,2)) form_state['submitted'] = login_form.form_submit_button('Sign Up') if parent_container.button('Login',key='loginbtn'): # set access level to a negative number to allow a kick to the unsecure_app set in the parent self.set_access(0, None) #Do the kick to the signup app self.do_redirect() return form_state def _do_signup(self, form_data, msg_container) -> None: if form_data['submitted'] and (form_data['password'] != form_data['password2']): st.error('Passwords do not match, please try again.') else: with st.spinner("🤓 now redirecting to login...."): self._save_signup(form_data) time.sleep(2) #access control uses an int value to allow for levels of permission that can be set for each user, this can then be checked within each app seperately. self.set_access(0, None) #Do the kick back to the login screen self.do_redirect() def _save_signup(self, signup_data): #get the user details from the form and save somehwere #signup_data # this is the data submitted #just show the data we captured what_we_got = f""" captured signup details: \n username: {signup_data['username']} \n password: {signup_data['password']} \n access level: {signup_data['access_level']} \n """ st.write(what_we_got)