import os import streamlit as st from hydralit import HydraHeadApp MENU_LAYOUT = [1,1,1,7,2] class HomeApp(HydraHeadApp): def __init__(self, title = 'Hydralit Explorer', **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.title = title #This one method that must be implemented in order to be used in a Hydralit application. #The application must also inherit from the hydrapp class in order to correctly work within Hydralit. def run(self): try: st.markdown("


",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("

This example was written using the Hydralit library. Sourecode for this example is located here.

",unsafe_allow_html=True) col_header_logo_left_far, col_header_logo_left,col_header_text,col_header_logo_right,col_header_logo_right_far = st.columns([1,2,2,2,1]) #col_header_logo_right_far.image(os.path.join(".","resources","hydra.png"),width=100,) if col_header_text.button('This will open a new tab and go'): self.do_redirect("") _,_,col_logo, col_text,_ = st.columns(MENU_LAYOUT) col_logo.image(os.path.join(".","resources","data.png"),width=80,) col_text.subheader("This explorer has multiple applications, each application could be run individually, however where is the fun in that? Below is a sample home page.") st.markdown('

',unsafe_allow_html=True) _,_,col_logo, col_text,col_btn = st.columns(MENU_LAYOUT) # if col_text.button('Cheat Sheet ➡️'): # self.do_redirect('Cheat Sheet') col_logo.image(os.path.join(".","resources","classroom.png"),width=50,)"This application is all credit to [streamlit cheat sheet](, this is an example of how quickly an existing application can be wrapped in a HydraHeadAPP class and used in Hydralit.") #The sample content in a sub-section with jump to format. _,_,col_logo, col_text,col_btn = st.columns(MENU_LAYOUT) # if col_text.button('Sequency Denoising ➡️'): # self.do_redirect('Sequency Denoising') col_logo.image(os.path.join(".","resources","denoise.png"),width=50,)"This application is a quick look at some analysis of vessel queue data with discrete denoising using Sequency methods as provided by the [Hotstepper]( package.") _,_,col_logo, col_text,col_btn = st.columns(MENU_LAYOUT) # if col_text.button('Solar Mach ➡️'): # self.do_redirect('Solar Mach') col_logo.image(os.path.join(".","resources","satellite.png"),width=50,)"This application is all credit to [Solar-MACH](, this is an example of how quickly an existing application can be wrapped in a HydraHeadAPP class and used in Hydralit.") _,_,col_logo, col_text,col_btn = st.columns(MENU_LAYOUT) # if col_text.button('Spacy NLP ➡️'): # self.do_redirect('Spacy NLP') col_logo.image(os.path.join(".","resources","belgium.png"),width=50,)"This application is all credit to [spacy-streamlit-demo](, this is an example of how quickly an existing application can be wrapped in a HydraHeadAPP class and used in Hydralit.") _,_,col_logo, col_text,col_btn = st.columns(MENU_LAYOUT) # if col_text.button('Uber Pickups ➡️'): # self.do_redirect('Uber Pickups') col_logo.image(os.path.join(".","resources","taxi.png"),width=50,)"This application is all credit to [demo-uber-nyc-pickups](, this is an example of how quickly an existing application can be wrapped in a HydraHeadAPP class and used in Hydralit.") except Exception as e: st.image(os.path.join(".","resources","failure.png"),width=100,) st.error('An error has occurred, someone will be punished for your inconvenience, we humbly request you try again.') st.error('Error details: {}'.format(e))