# Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # import hashlib import os import pathlib import shutil import sys import time import cv2 import numpy as np import torch def add_path(): Alphapose_path = os.path.abspath('joints_detectors/Alphapose') hrnet_path = os.path.abspath('joints_detectors/hrnet') trackers_path = os.path.abspath('pose_trackers') paths = filter(lambda p: p not in sys.path, [Alphapose_path, hrnet_path, trackers_path]) sys.path.extend(paths) def wrap(func, *args, unsqueeze=False): """ Wrap a torch function so it can be called with NumPy arrays. Input and return types are seamlessly converted. """ # Convert input types where applicable args = list(args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): if type(arg) == np.ndarray: args[i] = torch.from_numpy(arg) if unsqueeze: args[i] = args[i].unsqueeze(0) result = func(*args) # Convert output types where applicable if isinstance(result, tuple): result = list(result) for i, res in enumerate(result): if type(res) == torch.Tensor: if unsqueeze: res = res.squeeze(0) result[i] = res.numpy() return tuple(result) elif type(result) == torch.Tensor: if unsqueeze: result = result.squeeze(0) return result.numpy() else: return result def deterministic_random(min_value, max_value, data): digest = hashlib.sha256(data.encode()).digest() raw_value = int.from_bytes(digest[:4], byteorder='little', signed=False) return int(raw_value / (2 ** 32 - 1) * (max_value - min_value)) + min_value def alpha_map(prediction): p_min, p_max = prediction.min(), prediction.max() k = 1.6 / (p_max - p_min) b = 0.8 - k * p_max prediction = k * prediction + b return prediction def change_score(prediction, detectron_detection_path): detectron_predictions = np.load(detectron_detection_path, allow_pickle=True)['positions_2d'].item() pose = detectron_predictions['S1']['Directions 1'] prediction[..., 2] = pose[..., 2] return prediction class Timer: def __init__(self, message, show=True): self.message = message self.elapsed = 0 self.show = show def __enter__(self): self.start = time.perf_counter() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.show: print(f'{self.message} --- elapsed time: {time.perf_counter() - self.start} s') def calculate_area(data): """ Get the rectangle area of keypoints. :param data: AlphaPose json keypoint format([x, y, score, ... , x, y, score]) or AlphaPose result keypoint format([[x, y], ..., [x, y]]) :return: area """ data = np.array(data) if len(data.shape) == 1: data = np.reshape(data, (-1, 3)) width = min(data[:, 0]) - max(data[:, 0]) height = min(data[:, 1]) - max(data[:, 1]) return np.abs(width * height) def read_video(filename, fps=None, skip=0, limit=-1): stream = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) i = 0 while True: grabbed, frame = stream.read() # if the `grabbed` boolean is `False`, then we have # reached the end of the video file if not grabbed: print('===========================> This video get ' + str(i) + ' frames in total.') sys.stdout.flush() break i += 1 if i > skip: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) yield np.array(frame) if i == limit: break def split_video(video_path): stream = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) output_dir = os.path.dirname(video_path) video_name = os.path.basename(video_path) video_name = video_name[:video_name.rfind('.')] save_folder = pathlib.Path(f'./{output_dir}/alpha_pose_{video_name}/split_image/') shutil.rmtree(str(save_folder), ignore_errors=True) save_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) total_frames = int(stream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) length = len(str(total_frames)) + 1 i = 1 while True: grabbed, frame = stream.read() if not grabbed: print(f'Split totally {i + 1} images from video.') break save_path = f'{save_folder}/output{str(i).zfill(length)}.png' cv2.imwrite(save_path, frame) i += 1 saved_path = os.path.dirname(save_path) print(f'Split images saved in {saved_path}') return saved_path def evaluate(test_generator, model_pos, action=None, return_predictions=False): """ Inference the 3d positions from 2d position. :type test_generator: UnchunkedGenerator :param test_generator: :param model_pos: 3d pose model :param return_predictions: return predictions if true :return: """ joints_left, joints_right = list([4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13]), list([1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16]) with torch.no_grad(): model_pos.eval() N = 0 for _, batch, batch_2d in test_generator.next_epoch(): inputs_2d = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32')) if torch.cuda.is_available(): inputs_2d = inputs_2d.cuda() # Positional model predicted_3d_pos = model_pos(inputs_2d) if test_generator.augment_enabled(): # Undo flipping and take average with non-flipped version predicted_3d_pos[1, :, :, 0] *= -1 predicted_3d_pos[1, :, joints_left + joints_right] = predicted_3d_pos[1, :, joints_right + joints_left] predicted_3d_pos = torch.mean(predicted_3d_pos, dim=0, keepdim=True) if return_predictions: return predicted_3d_pos.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('..') split_video('outputs/kobe.mp4')