from base64 import standard_b64encode from json import loads from math import floor, pow from os import environ from re import findall, match, search, sub from time import sleep from urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urlparse from uuid import uuid4 import aiohttp from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from cfscrape import create_scraper from lk21 import Bypass from lxml import etree from requests import get,session import requests GDTOT_CRYPT = environ.get("CRYPT","b0lDek5LSCt6ZjVRR2EwZnY4T1EvVndqeDRtbCtTWmMwcGNuKy8wYWpDaz0%3D") UPTOBOX_TOKEN = environ.get("UPTOBOX_TOKEN","4a4ecf35552fea876da1d63e7fd000d2cb2fo") ndus = environ.get("TERA_COOKIE","YyWQSuHteHuijCfIgBiScxzV7iD2JVex_Wvd3KlE") # YQOR7exteHuiC7XNl_TAD_ZaXGexSokJJwoblC4S if ndus is None: TERA_COOKIE = None else: TERA_COOKIE = {"ndus": ndus} ddllist = ['','','','','','', '','','','','streamtape','racaty','', '','','','','akmfiles','linkbox','shrdsk','', '','','','terabox','nephobox','4funbox','mirrobox','momerybox', 'teraboxapp','','','','','filepress', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','', '', '', '', '','', '', '', '', '','', '', '','pressbee'] def is_share_link(url): return bool(match(r'https?:\/\/.+\.gdtot\.\S+|https?:\/\/(filepress|filebee|appdrive|gdflix|driveseed|new.filepress|new2.filepress|new3.filepress|new4.filepress|pressbee)\.\S+', url)) class DDLException(Exception): """Not method found for extracting direct download link from the http link""" pass def get_readable_time(seconds): result = '' (days, remainder) = divmod(seconds, 86400) days = int(days) if days != 0: result += f'{days}d' (hours, remainder) = divmod(remainder, 3600) hours = int(hours) if hours != 0: result += f'{hours}h' (minutes, seconds) = divmod(remainder, 60) minutes = int(minutes) if minutes != 0: result += f'{minutes}m' seconds = int(seconds) result += f'{seconds}s' return result fmed_list = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] anonfilesBaseSites = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] async def seconds_to_hhmmss(seconds): hours = int(seconds // 3600) minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) seconds = int(seconds % 60) return f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}" async def humanbytes(size): print(type(size)) if not size: return "" power = 2**10 n = 0 Dic_powerN = {0: ' ', 1: 'Ki', 2: 'Mi', 3: 'Gi', 4: 'Ti'} while size > power: size /= power n += 1 return str(round(size, 2)) + " " + Dic_powerN[n] + 'B' async def direct_link_generator(link: str): """ direct links generator """ domain = urlparse(link).hostname if '' in domain or '' in domain: return yandex_disk(link) elif '' in domain: return mediafire(link) elif '' in domain: return uptobox(link) elif '' in domain: return osdn(link) elif '' in domain: return github(link) elif '' in domain: return hxfile(link) elif '' in domain: return onedrive(link) elif '' in domain: return pixeldrain(link) elif '' in domain: return antfiles(link) elif 'streamtape' in domain: return streamtape(link) elif 'racaty' in domain: return racaty(link) elif '' in domain: return fichier(link) elif '' in domain: return solidfiles(link) elif '' in domain: return krakenfiles(link) elif '' in domain: return uploadee(link) elif 'akmfiles' in domain: return akmfiles(link) elif 'linkbox' in domain: return linkbox(link) elif 'shrdsk' in domain: return shrdsk(link) elif '' in domain: return letsupload(link) elif '' in domain: return zippyshare(link) elif '' in domain: return mdisk(link) elif any(x in domain for x in ['', '']): return wetransfer(link) elif any(x in domain for x in anonfilesBaseSites): return anonfilesBased(link) elif any(x in domain for x in ['terabox', 'nephobox', '4funbox', 'mirrobox', 'momerybox', 'teraboxapp']): return terabox(link) elif any(x in domain for x in fmed_list): return fembed(link) elif any(x in domain for x in ['', '', '', '']): return sbembed(link) elif is_share_link(link): if 'gdtot' in domain: return gdtot(link) elif 'filepress' in domain or '' in domain or 'pressbee' in domain or 'new3.filepress' in domain or 'new4.filepress' in domain: return await filepress(link) else: return sharer_scraper(link) else: return f'No Direct link function found for\n\n{link}\n\nuse /ddllist' def mdisk(url): header = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Referer': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36' } id = url.split("/")[-1] URL = f'{id}' return get(url=URL, headers=header).json()['source'] def yandex_disk(url: str) -> str: """ Yandex.Disk direct link generator Based on """ try: link = findall(r'\b(https?://(|\S+)', url)[0][0] except IndexError: return "No Yandex.Disk links found\n" api = '{}' cget = create_scraper().request try: return cget('get', api.format(link)).json()['href'] except KeyError: return ( "ERROR: File not found/Download limit reached") def uptobox(url: str) -> str: """ Uptobox direct link generator based on and """ try: link = findall(r'\bhttps?://.*uptobox\.com\S+', url)[0] except IndexError: return ("No Uptobox links found") link = findall(r'\bhttps?://.*\.uptobox\.com/dl\S+', url) if link: return link[0] cget = create_scraper().request try: file_id = findall(r'\bhttps?://.*uptobox\.com/(\w+)', url)[0] if UPTOBOX_TOKEN: file_link = f'{UPTOBOX_TOKEN}&file_code={file_id}' else: file_link = f'{file_id}' res = cget('get', file_link).json() except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") if res['statusCode'] == 0: return res['data']['dlLink'] elif res['statusCode'] == 16: sleep(1) waiting_token = res["data"]["waitingToken"] sleep(res["data"]["waiting"]) elif res['statusCode'] == 39: return ( f"ERROR: Uptobox is being limited please wait {get_readable_time(res['data']['waiting'])}") else: return (f"ERROR: {res['message']}") try: res = cget('get', f"{file_link}&waitingToken={waiting_token}").json() return res['data']['dlLink'] except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def mediafire(url: str) -> str: final_link = findall(r'https?:\/\/download\d+\.mediafire\.com\/\S+\/\S+\/\S+', url) if final_link: return final_link[0] cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('get', url).url page = cget('get', url).text except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") final_link = findall(r"\'(https?:\/\/download\d+\.mediafire\.com\/\S+\/\S+\/\S+)\'", page) if not final_link:return ("ERROR: No links found in this page") return final_link[0] def osdn(url: str) -> str: """ OSDN direct link generator """ osdn_link = '' try: link = findall(r'\bhttps?://.*osdn\.net\S+', url)[0] except IndexError: return ("No OSDN links found") cget = create_scraper().request try: page = BeautifulSoup( cget('get', link, allow_redirects=True).content, 'lxml') except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") info = page.find('a', {'class': 'mirror_link'}) link = unquote(osdn_link + info['href']) mirrors = page.find('form', {'id': 'mirror-select-form'}).findAll('tr') urls = [] for data in mirrors[1:]: mirror = data.find('input')['value'] urls.append(sub(r'm=(.*)&f', f'm={mirror}&f', link)) return urls[0] def github(url: str) -> str: """ GitHub direct links generator """ try: findall(r'\bhttps?://.*github\.com.*releases\S+', url)[0] except IndexError: return ("No GitHub Releases links found") cget = create_scraper().request download = cget('get', url, stream=True, allow_redirects=False) try: return download.headers["location"] except KeyError: return ("ERROR: Can't extract the link") def hxfile(url: str) -> str: """ Hxfile direct link generator Based on """ try: return Bypass().bypass_filesIm(url) except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def letsupload(url: str) -> str: cget = create_scraper().request try: res = cget("POST", url) except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') direct_link = findall(r"(https?://letsupload\.io\/.+?)\'", res.text) if direct_link: return direct_link[0] else: return ('ERROR: Direct Link not found') def anonfilesBased(url: str) -> str: cget = create_scraper().request try: soup = BeautifulSoup(cget('get', url).content, 'lxml') except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") sa = soup.find(id="download-url") if sa: return sa['href'] return ("ERROR: File not found!") def fembed(link: str) -> str: """ Fembed direct link generator Based on """ try: dl_url = Bypass().bypass_fembed(link) count = len(dl_url) lst_link = [dl_url[i] for i in dl_url] return lst_link[count-1] except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def sbembed(link: str) -> str: """ Sbembed direct link generator Based on """ try: dl_url = Bypass().bypass_sbembed(link) count = len(dl_url) lst_link = [dl_url[i] for i in dl_url] return lst_link[count-1] except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def onedrive(link: str) -> str: """ Onedrive direct link generator Based on """ link_without_query = urlparse(link)._replace(query=None).geturl() direct_link_encoded = str(standard_b64encode( bytes(link_without_query, "utf-8")), "utf-8") direct_link1 = f"!{direct_link_encoded}/root/content" cget = create_scraper().request try: resp = cget('head', direct_link1) except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") if resp.status_code != 302: return ( "ERROR: Unauthorized link, the link may be private") return def pixeldrain(url: str) -> str: """ Based on """ url = url.strip("/ ") file_id = url.split("/")[-1] if url.split("/")[-2] == "l": info_link = f"{file_id}" dl_link = f"{file_id}/zip" else: info_link = f"{file_id}/info" dl_link = f"{file_id}" cget = create_scraper().request try: resp = cget('get', info_link).json() except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") if resp["success"]: return dl_link else: return ( f"ERROR: Cant't download due {resp['message']}.") def antfiles(url: str) -> str: """ Antfiles direct link generator Based on """ try: return Bypass().bypass_antfiles(url) except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def streamtape(url: str) -> str: response = get(url) if (videolink := findall(r"document.*((?=id\=)[^\"']+)", response.text)): nexturl = "" + videolink[-1] try: return nexturl except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def racaty(url: str) -> str: """ Racaty direct link generator By """ cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url json_data = { 'op': 'download2', 'id': url.split('/')[-1] } res = cget('POST', url, data=json_data) except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') html_tree = etree.HTML(res.text) direct_link = html_tree.xpath("//a[contains(@id,'uniqueExpirylink')]/@href") if direct_link: return direct_link[0] else: return ('ERROR: Direct link not found') def fichier(link: str) -> str: """ 1Fichier direct link generator Based on """ regex = r"^([http:\/\/|https:\/\/]+)?.*1fichier\.com\/\?.+" gan = match(regex, link) if not gan: return ( "ERROR: The link you entered is wrong!") if "::" in link: pswd = link.split("::")[-1] url = link.split("::")[-2] else: pswd = None url = link cget = create_scraper().request try: if pswd is None: req = cget('post', url) else: pw = {"pass": pswd} req = cget('post', url, data=pw) except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") if req.status_code == 404: return ( "ERROR: File not found/The link you entered is wrong!") soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'lxml') if soup.find("a", {"class": "ok btn-general btn-orange"}): dl_url = soup.find("a", {"class": "ok btn-general btn-orange"})["href"] if dl_url: return dl_url return ( "ERROR: Unable to generate Direct Link 1fichier!") elif len(soup.find_all("div", {"class": "ct_warn"})) == 3: str_2 = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "ct_warn"})[-1] if "you must wait" in str(str_2).lower(): numbers = [int(word) for word in str(str_2).split() if word.isdigit()] if numbers: return ( f"ERROR: 1fichier is on a limit. Please wait {numbers[0]} minute.") else: return ( "ERROR: 1fichier is on a limit. Please wait a few minutes/hour.") elif "protect access" in str(str_2).lower(): return ( "ERROR: This link requires a password!\n\nThis link requires a password!\n- Insert sign :: after the link and write the password after the sign.\n\nExample: you\n\n* No spaces between the signs ::\n* For the password, you can use a space!") else: return ( "ERROR: Failed to generate Direct Link from 1fichier!") elif len(soup.find_all("div", {"class": "ct_warn"})) == 4: str_1 = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "ct_warn"})[-2] str_3 = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "ct_warn"})[-1] if "you must wait" in str(str_1).lower(): numbers = [int(word) for word in str(str_1).split() if word.isdigit()] if numbers: return ( f"ERROR: 1fichier is on a limit. Please wait {numbers[0]} minute.") else: return ( "ERROR: 1fichier is on a limit. Please wait a few minutes/hour.") elif "bad password" in str(str_3).lower(): return ( "ERROR: The password you entered is wrong!") else: return ( "ERROR: Error trying to generate Direct Link from 1fichier!") else: return ( "ERROR: Error trying to generate Direct Link from 1fichier!") def solidfiles(url: str) -> str: """ Solidfiles direct link generator Based on By """ cget = create_scraper().request try: headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36' } pageSource = cget('get', url, headers=headers).text mainOptions = str( search(r'viewerOptions\'\,\ (.*?)\)\;', pageSource).group(1)) return loads(mainOptions)["downloadUrl"] except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") def krakenfiles(page_link: str) -> str: """ krakenfiles direct link generator Based on By """ cget = create_scraper().request try: page_resp = cget('get', page_link) except Exception as e: return (f"ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}") soup = BeautifulSoup(page_resp.text, "lxml") try: token = soup.find("input", id="dl-token")["value"] except: return ( f"ERROR: Page link is wrong: {page_link}") hashes = [ item["data-file-hash"] for item in soup.find_all("div", attrs={"data-file-hash": True}) ] if not hashes: return ( f"ERROR: Hash not found for : {page_link}") dl_hash = hashes[0] payload = f'------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="token"\r\n\r\n{token}\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW--' headers = { "content-type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW", "cache-control": "no-cache", "hash": dl_hash, } dl_link_resp = cget( 'post', f"{hash}", data=payload, headers=headers) dl_link_json = dl_link_resp.json() if "url" in dl_link_json: return dl_link_json["url"] else: return ( f"ERROR: Failed to acquire download URL from kraken for : {page_link}") def uploadee(url: str) -> str: """ uploadee direct link generator By""" cget = create_scraper().request try: soup = BeautifulSoup(cget('get', url).content, 'lxml') sa = soup.find('a', attrs={'id': 'd_l'}) return sa['href'] except: return ( f"ERROR: Failed to acquire download URL from for : {url}") def terabox(url) -> str: sess = session() while True: try: res = sess.get(url) print("connected") break except: print("retrying") url = res.url key = url.split('?surl=')[-1] url = f'{key}' sess.cookies.update(TERA_COOKIE) while True: try: res = sess.get(url) print("connected") break except Exception as e: print("retrying") key = res.url.split('?surl=')[-1] soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') jsToken = None for fs in soup.find_all('script'): fstring = fs.string if fstring and fstring.startswith('try {eval(decodeURIComponent'): jsToken = fstring.split('%22')[1] while True: try: res = sess.get(f'{jsToken}&shorturl={key}&root=1') print("connected") break except: print("retrying") result = res.json() if result['errno'] != 0: return f"ERROR: '{result['errmsg']}' Check cookies" result = result['list'] if len(result) > 1: return "ERROR: Can't download mutiple files" result = result[0] if result['isdir'] != '0':return "ERROR: Can't download folder" return result.get('dlink',"Error") async def filepress(url): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get(url) as response: url = str(response.url) raw = urlparse(url) json_data = { 'id': raw.path.split('/')[-1], 'method': 'publicDownlaod', } tapi = f'{raw.scheme}://{raw.hostname}/api/file/telegram/downlaod/' api = f'{raw.scheme}://{raw.hostname}/api/file/downlaod/' async with, headers={'Referer': f'{raw.scheme}://{raw.hostname}'}, json=json_data) as api_response: res = await api_response.json() async with, headers={'Referer': f'{raw.scheme}://{raw.hostname}'}, json=json_data) as tapi_response: res1 = await tapi_response.json() if res1.get('data',False): telegram=f'{res1["data"]}' else:telegram=None async with session.get(f"{raw.scheme}://{raw.hostname}/api/file/get/{raw.path.split('/')[-1]}", headers={'Referer': f'{raw.scheme}://{raw.hostname}'}) as details_response: details = await details_response.json() details=details['data'] except Exception as e: return f'ERROR: {str(e)}' if 'data' not in res: return 'Drive Link not found' index = f'{res["data"]}' title = details['name'] size = await humanbytes(int(details['size'])) language = details['videoFileDetails']['audioLangList'] Subtiles = details['videoFileDetails']['subLangList'] duration = None try: duration = await seconds_to_hhmmss(details['videoFileDetails']['duration']) except:pass return f'\n✨ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ: {title}\n📀 sɪᴢᴇ: {size}\n💫 ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ: {language}\n💫 subtitles: {Subtiles}\n⏰ ᴅᴜʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: {duration} \nᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ʟɪɴᴋ | ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ʟɪɴᴋ | ɪɴᴅᴇx ʟɪɴᴋ' def gdtot(url): cget = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False) try: url = cget.get(url).url p_url = urlparse(url) res ="{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}/ddl", data={'dl': str(url.split('/')[-1])}) except Exception as e: return(f'{e.__class__.__name__}') if (drive_link := findall(r"myDl\('(.*?)'\)", res.text)) and "" in drive_link[0]: d_link = drive_link[0] elif GDTOT_CRYPT: cget.get(url, cookies={'crypt': GDTOT_CRYPT}) p_url = urlparse(url) js_script ="{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}/dld", data={'dwnld': url.split('/')[-1]}) g_id = findall('gd=(.*?)&', js_script.text) try: decoded_id = b64decode(str(g_id[0])).decode('utf-8') except: return("Try in your browser, mostly file not found or user limit exceeded!") d_link = f'{decoded_id}' else: return('Drive Link not found, Try in your broswer! GDTOT_CRYPT not Provided!') soup = BeautifulSoup(cget.get(url).content, "html.parser") parse_data = ('meta[property^="og:description"]')[0]['content']).replace('Download ' , '').rsplit('-', maxsplit=1) parse_txt = f'''┎ Name : {parse_data[0]}Size : {parse_data[-1]} ┃ ┠ GDToT Link : {url} ''' try: res=cget.get(url) if (tele_link := findall(r"myDl2\('(.*?)'\)", res.text)): print(tele_link[0]) parse_txt += f"┖ Telegram Link : {tele_link[0]}\n" except:pass parse_txt += f'┠ Index Link :{get_gdriveid(d_link)}\n' parse_txt += f"┖ Drive Link : {d_link}" return parse_txt def sharer_scraper(url): cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url raw = urlparse(url) header = { "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.548.0 Safari/534.10"} res = cget('GET', url, headers=header) except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') key = findall('"key",\s+"(.*?)"', res.text) if not key: return ("ERROR: Key not found!") key = key[0] if not etree.HTML(res.content).xpath("//button[@id='drc']"): return ( "ERROR: This link don't have direct download button") boundary = uuid4() headers = { 'Content-Type': f'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary{boundary}', 'x-token': raw.hostname, 'useragent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.548.0 Safari/534.10' } data = f'------WebKitFormBoundary{boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="action"\r\n\r\ndirect\r\n' \ f'------WebKitFormBoundary{boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="key"\r\n\r\n{key}\r\n' \ f'------WebKitFormBoundary{boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="action_token"\r\n\r\n\r\n' \ f'------WebKitFormBoundary{boundary}--\r\n' try: res = cget("POST", url, cookies=res.cookies, headers=headers, data=data).json() except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') if "url" not in res: return ( 'ERROR: Drive Link not found, Try in your broswer') if "" in res["url"]: return res["url"] try: res = cget('GET', res["url"]) except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') html_tree = etree.HTML(res.content) drive_link = html_tree.xpath("//a[contains(@class,'btn')]/@href") if drive_link and "" in drive_link[0]: return drive_link[0] else: return ( 'ERROR: Drive Link not found, Try in your broswer') def wetransfer(url): cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url json_data = { 'security_hash': url.split('/')[-1], 'intent': 'entire_transfer' } res = cget( 'POST', f'{url.split("/")[-2]}/download', json=json_data).json() except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') if "direct_link" in res: return res["direct_link"] elif "message" in res: return (f"ERROR: {res['message']}") elif "error" in res: return (f"ERROR: {res['error']}") else: return ("ERROR: cannot find direct link") def akmfiles(url): cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url json_data = { 'op': 'download2', 'id': url.split('/')[-1] } res = cget('POST', url, data=json_data) except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') html_tree = etree.HTML(res.content) direct_link = html_tree.xpath("//a[contains(@class,'btn btn-dow')]/@href") if direct_link: return direct_link[0] else: return ('ERROR: Direct link not found') def shrdsk(url): cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url res = cget( 'GET', f'{url.split("/")[-1]}') except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') if res.status_code != 200: return ( f'ERROR: Status Code {res.status_code}') res = res.json() if ("type" in res and res["type"].lower() == "upload" and "video_url" in res): return res["video_url"] return ("ERROR: cannot find direct link") def linkbox(url): cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url res = cget( 'GET', f'{url.split("/")[-1]}').json() except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') if 'data' not in res: return ('ERROR: Data not found!!') data = res['data'] if not data: return ('ERROR: Data is None!!') if 'itemInfo' not in data: return ('ERROR: itemInfo not found!!') itemInfo = data['itemInfo'] if 'url' not in itemInfo: return ('ERROR: url not found in itemInfo!!') if "name" not in itemInfo: return ( 'ERROR: Name not found in itemInfo!!') name = quote(itemInfo["name"]) raw = itemInfo['url'].split("/", 3)[-1] return f'{raw}&filename={name}' def zippyshare(url): cget = create_scraper().request try: url = cget('GET', url).url resp = cget('GET', url) except Exception as e: return (f'ERROR: {e.__class__.__name__}') if not resp.ok: return ( 'ERROR: Something went wrong!!, Try in your browser') if findall(r'>File does not exist on this server<', resp.text): return ( 'ERROR: File does not exist on server!!, Try in your browser') pages = etree.HTML(resp.text).xpath( "//script[contains(text(),'dlbutton')][3]/text()") if not pages: return ('ERROR: Page not found!!') js_script = pages[0] uri1 = None uri2 = None method = '' omg = findall(r"\.omg.=.(.*?);", js_script) var_a = findall(r"var.a.=.(\d+)", js_script) var_ab = findall(r"var.[ab].=.(\d+)", js_script) unknown = findall(r"\+\((.*?).\+", js_script) unknown1 = findall(r"\+.\((.*?)\).\+", js_script) if omg: omg = omg[0] method = f'omg = {omg}' mtk = (eval(omg) * (int(omg.split("%")[0]) % 3)) + 18 uri1 = findall(r'"/(d/\S+)/"', js_script) uri2 = findall(r'\/d.*?\+"/(\S+)";', js_script) elif var_a: var_a = var_a[0] method = f'var_a = {var_a}' mtk = int(pow(int(var_a), 3) + 3) uri1 = findall(r"\.href.=.\"/(.*?)/\"", js_script) uri2 = findall(r"\+\"/(.*?)\"", js_script) elif var_ab: a = var_ab[0] b = var_ab[1] method = f'a = {a}, b = {b}' mtk = eval(f"{floor(int(a)/3) + int(a) % int(b)}") uri1 = findall(r"\.href.=.\"/(.*?)/\"", js_script) uri2 = findall(r"\)\+\"/(.*?)\"", js_script) elif unknown: method = f'unknown = {unknown[0]}' mtk = eval(f"{unknown[0]}+ 11") uri1 = findall(r"\.href.=.\"/(.*?)/\"", js_script) uri2 = findall(r"\)\+\"/(.*?)\"", js_script) elif unknown1: method = f'unknown1 = {unknown1[0]}' mtk = eval(unknown1[0]) uri1 = findall(r"\.href.=.\"/(.*?)/\"", js_script) uri2 = findall(r"\+.\"/(.*?)\"", js_script) else: return ("ERROR: Direct link not found") if not any([uri1, uri2]): return ( f"ERROR: uri1 or uri2 not found with method {method}") domain = urlparse(url).hostname return f"https://{domain}/{uri1[0]}/{mtk}/{uri2[0]}"