import axios from "axios"; import CryptoJS from "crypto-js"; import { substringAfter, substringBefore } from "../utils/index.js"; import type { Video, Subtitle, Intro } from "../types/extractor.js"; type extractReturn = { sources: Video[]; subtitles: Subtitle[]; }; // class RapidCloud { private serverName = "RapidCloud"; private sources: Video[] = []; // private readonly fallbackKey = "c1d17096f2ca11b7"; private readonly host = ""; async extract(videoUrl: URL): Promise { const result: extractReturn & { intro?: Intro; outro?: Intro } = { sources: [], subtitles: [], }; try { const id = videoUrl.href.split("/").pop()?.split("?")[0]; const options = { headers: { "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", }, }; let res = null; res = await axios.get( `https://${videoUrl.hostname}/embed-2/ajax/e-1/getSources?id=${id}`, options ); let { data: { sources, tracks, intro, outro, encrypted }, } = res; let decryptKey = await ( await axios.get( "" ) ).data; decryptKey = substringBefore( substringAfter(decryptKey, '"blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line">'), "" ); if (!decryptKey) { decryptKey = await ( await axios.get( "" ) ).data; } if (!decryptKey) decryptKey = this.fallbackKey; try { if (encrypted) { const sourcesArray = sources.split(""); let extractedKey = ""; let currentIndex = 0; for (const index of decryptKey) { const start = index[0] + currentIndex; const end = start + index[1]; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { extractedKey +=[i]; sourcesArray[i] = ""; } currentIndex += index[1]; } decryptKey = extractedKey; sources = sourcesArray.join(""); const decrypt = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(sources, decryptKey); sources = JSON.parse(decrypt.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)); } } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.message); throw new Error("Cannot decrypt sources. Perhaps the key is invalid."); } this.sources = sources?.map((s: any) => ({ url: s.file, isM3U8: s.file.includes(".m3u8"), })); result.sources.push(...this.sources); if (videoUrl.href.includes(new URL( { result.sources = []; this.sources = []; for (const source of sources) { const { data } = await axios.get(source.file, options); const m3u8data = data .split("\n") .filter( (line: string) => line.includes(".m3u8") && line.includes("RESOLUTION=") ); const secondHalf = string) => line.match(/RESOLUTION=.*,(C)|URI=.*/g)?.map((s) => s.split("=")[1]) ); const TdArray = string[]) => { const f1 = s[0].split(",C")[0]; const f2 = s[1].replace(/"/g, ""); return [f1, f2]; }); for (const [f1, f2] of TdArray) { this.sources.push({ url: `${source.file?.split("master.m3u8")[0]}${f2.replace( "iframes", "index" )}`, quality: f1.split("x")[1] + "p", isM3U8: f2.includes(".m3u8"), }); } result.sources.push(...this.sources); } } result.intro = intro?.end > 1 ? { start: intro.start, end: intro.end } : undefined; result.outro = outro?.end > 1 ? { start: outro.start, end: outro.end } : undefined; result.sources.push({ url: sources[0].file, isM3U8: sources[0].file.includes(".m3u8"), quality: "auto", }); result.subtitles = tracks .map((s: any) => s.file ? { url: s.file, lang: s.label ? s.label : "Thumbnails" } : null ) .filter((s: any) => s); return result; } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.message); throw err; } } } export default RapidCloud;