import { MESSAGES_BEFORE_LOGIN, RATE_LIMIT } from "$env/static/private"; import { authCondition, requiresUser } from "$lib/server/auth"; import { collections } from "$lib/server/database"; import { models } from "$lib/server/models"; import { ERROR_MESSAGES } from "$lib/stores/errors"; import type { Message } from "$lib/types/Message"; import { error } from "@sveltejs/kit"; import { ObjectId } from "mongodb"; import { z } from "zod"; import type { MessageUpdate } from "$lib/types/MessageUpdate"; import { runWebSearch } from "$lib/server/websearch/runWebSearch"; import type { WebSearch } from "$lib/types/WebSearch"; import { abortedGenerations } from "$lib/server/abortedGenerations"; import { summarize } from "$lib/server/summarize"; import { uploadFile } from "$lib/server/files/uploadFile"; import sizeof from "image-size"; export async function POST({ request, locals, params, getClientAddress }) { const id = z.string().parse(; const convId = new ObjectId(id); const promptedAt = new Date(); const userId = locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId; // check user if (!userId) { throw error(401, "Unauthorized"); } // check if the user has access to the conversation const conv = await collections.conversations.findOne({ _id: convId, ...authCondition(locals), }); if (!conv) { throw error(404, "Conversation not found"); } // register the event for ratelimiting await collections.messageEvents.insertOne({ userId: userId, createdAt: new Date(), ip: getClientAddress(), }); // guest mode check if ( !locals.user?._id && requiresUser && (MESSAGES_BEFORE_LOGIN ? parseInt(MESSAGES_BEFORE_LOGIN) : 0) > 0 ) { const totalMessages = ( await collections.conversations .aggregate([ { $match: authCondition(locals) }, { $project: { messages: 1 } }, { $unwind: "$messages" }, { $match: { "messages.from": "assistant" } }, { $count: "messages" }, ]) .toArray() )[0]?.messages ?? 0; if (totalMessages > parseInt(MESSAGES_BEFORE_LOGIN)) { throw error(429, "Exceeded number of messages before login"); } } // check if the user is rate limited const nEvents = Math.max( await collections.messageEvents.countDocuments({ userId }), await collections.messageEvents.countDocuments({ ip: getClientAddress() }) ); if (RATE_LIMIT != "" && nEvents > parseInt(RATE_LIMIT)) { throw error(429, ERROR_MESSAGES.rateLimited); } // fetch the model const model = models.find((m) => === conv.model); if (!model) { throw error(410, "Model not available anymore"); } // finally parse the content of the request const json = await request.json(); const { inputs: newPrompt, response_id: responseId, id: messageId, is_retry, web_search: webSearch, files: b64files, } = z .object({ inputs: z.string().trim().min(1), id: z.optional(z.string().uuid()), response_id: z.optional(z.string().uuid()), is_retry: z.optional(z.boolean()), web_search: z.optional(z.boolean()), files: z.optional(z.array(z.string())), }) .parse(json); // files is an array of base64 strings encoding Blob objects // we need to convert this array to an array of File objects const files = b64files?.map((file) => { const blob = Buffer.from(file, "base64"); return new File([blob], "image.png"); }); // check sizes if (files) { const filechecks = await Promise.all( (file) => { const dimensions = sizeof(Buffer.from(await file.arrayBuffer())); return ( file.size > 2 * 1024 * 1024 || (dimensions.width ?? 0) > 224 || (dimensions.height ?? 0) > 224 ); }) ); if (filechecks.some((check) => check)) { throw error(413, "File too large, should be <2MB and 224x224 max."); } } let hashes: undefined | string[]; if (files) { hashes = await Promise.all( (file) => await uploadFile(file, conv))); } // get the list of messages // while checking for retries let messages = (() => { if (is_retry && messageId) { // if the message is a retry, replace the message and remove the messages after it let retryMessageIdx = conv.messages.findIndex((message) => === messageId); if (retryMessageIdx === -1) { retryMessageIdx = conv.messages.length; } return [ ...conv.messages.slice(0, retryMessageIdx), { content: newPrompt, from: "user", id: messageId as Message["id"], updatedAt: new Date(), files: conv.messages[retryMessageIdx]?.files, }, ]; } // else append the message at the bottom return [ ...conv.messages, { content: newPrompt, from: "user", id: (messageId as Message["id"]) || crypto.randomUUID(), createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), files: hashes, }, ]; })() satisfies Message[]; await collections.conversations.updateOne( { _id: convId, }, { $set: { messages, title: conv.title, updatedAt: new Date(), }, } ); // we now build the stream const stream = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { const updates: MessageUpdate[] = []; function update(newUpdate: MessageUpdate) { if (newUpdate.type !== "stream") { updates.push(newUpdate); } if (newUpdate.type === "stream" && newUpdate.token === "") { return; } controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify(newUpdate) + "\n"); if (newUpdate.type === "finalAnswer") { // 4096 of spaces to make sure the browser doesn't blocking buffer that holding the response controller.enqueue(" ".repeat(4096)); } } update({ type: "status", status: "started" }); const summarizeIfNeeded = (async () => { if (conv.title === "New Chat" && messages.length === 1) { try { conv.title = (await summarize(newPrompt)) ?? conv.title; update({ type: "status", status: "title", message: conv.title }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } })(); await collections.conversations.updateOne( { _id: convId, }, { $set: { messages, title: conv.title, updatedAt: new Date(), }, } ); let webSearchResults: WebSearch | undefined; if (webSearch) { webSearchResults = await runWebSearch(conv, newPrompt, update); } messages[messages.length - 1].webSearch = webSearchResults; conv.messages = messages; try { const endpoint = await model.getEndpoint(); for await (const output of await endpoint({ conversation: conv })) { // if not generated_text is here it means the generation is not done if (!output.generated_text) { // else we get the next token if (!output.token.special) { update({ type: "stream", token: output.token.text, }); // if the last message is not from assistant, it means this is the first token const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]; if (lastMessage?.from !== "assistant") { // so we create a new message messages = [ ...messages, // id doesn't match the backend id but it's not important for assistant messages // First token has a space at the beginning, trim it { from: "assistant", content: output.token.text.trimStart(), webSearch: webSearchResults, updates: updates, id: (responseId as Message["id"]) || crypto.randomUUID(), createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), }, ]; } else { // abort check const date = abortedGenerations.get(convId.toString()); if (date && date > promptedAt) { break; } if (!output) { break; } // otherwise we just concatenate tokens lastMessage.content += output.token.text; } } } else { // add output.generated text to the last message messages = [ ...messages.slice(0, -1), { ...messages[messages.length - 1], content: output.generated_text, updates: updates, updatedAt: new Date(), }, ]; } } } catch (e) { update({ type: "status", status: "error", message: (e as Error).message }); } await collections.conversations.updateOne( { _id: convId, }, { $set: { messages, title: conv?.title, updatedAt: new Date(), }, } ); update({ type: "finalAnswer", text: messages[messages.length - 1].content, }); await summarizeIfNeeded; return; }, async cancel() { await collections.conversations.updateOne( { _id: convId, }, { $set: { messages, title: conv.title, updatedAt: new Date(), }, } ); }, }); // Todo: maybe we should wait for the message to be saved before ending the response - in case of errors return new Response(stream); } export async function DELETE({ locals, params }) { const convId = new ObjectId(; const conv = await collections.conversations.findOne({ _id: convId, ...authCondition(locals), }); if (!conv) { throw error(404, "Conversation not found"); } await collections.conversations.deleteOne({ _id: conv._id }); return new Response(); } export async function PATCH({ request, locals, params }) { const { title } = z .object({ title: z.string().trim().min(1).max(100) }) .parse(await request.json()); const convId = new ObjectId(; const conv = await collections.conversations.findOne({ _id: convId, ...authCondition(locals), }); if (!conv) { throw error(404, "Conversation not found"); } await collections.conversations.updateOne( { _id: convId, }, { $set: { title, }, } ); return new Response(); }