import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu import pymongo class ErrorMSG: ERROR_MSG_NONESTR = 0 ERROR_MSG_NOFOUND = 1 ERROR_MSG_NONESTREDIT = 2 msg = [ 'Warning: You should input a Task above and select the right Category & Priority', 'Warning: No such task found, Please check your input agian', 'Warning: You should input a Task you want to edit and input the right information you want to edit' ] uri = "mongodb+srv://" client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri) db = client["demo"] collection = db["class"] st.set_page_config(page_title="Marble's ToDo List",layout='wide') st.title('TODO LIST') st.write('This is a TODO List which allows you to insert, update, delete your task') with st.sidebar: page = option_menu("ToDo List",['Home','Insert','Edit', 'Delete'], icons=['house','box-arrow-in-up','brush', 'backspace-reverse']) if page == 'Insert': st.header('Insert Task') task = st.text_input('Task') cate = st.selectbox('Category', ['Work', 'Study', 'Entertainment']) pri = st.slider('Priority', 1, 5) if st.button('Insert'): if len(task): collection.insert_one({'Task': task, 'Category': cate, 'Priority': pri}) st.success('Successfully Inserted') else: st.warning(ErrorMSG.msg[ErrorMSG.ERROR_MSG_NONESTR], icon="⚠️") elif page == 'Edit': st.header('Edit Task') task = st.text_input('Find the Task & Category & Priority you want to Edit') cate = st.selectbox('Category', ['Work', 'Study', 'Entertainment']) pri = st.slider('Priority', 1, 5) st.header('Input your Edit') taskEdit = st.text_input('Input the Task & Category & Priority you want to Edit') cateEdit = st.selectbox('Edit Category', ['Work', 'Study', 'Entertainment']) priEdit = st.slider('Edit Priority', 1, 5) if st.button('Edit'): if len(task) and len(taskEdit): result = collection.find_one({'Task': task, 'Category': cate, 'Priority': pri}) if (result): collection.update_one({'Task': task, 'Category': cate, 'Priority': pri}, {'$set':{'Task': taskEdit, 'Category': cateEdit, 'Priority': priEdit}}) st.success('Successfully Edited') else: st.warning(ErrorMSG.msg[ErrorMSG.ERROR_MSG_NOFOUND], icon="⚠️") else: st.warning(ErrorMSG.msg[ErrorMSG.ERROR_MSG_NONESTREDIT], icon="⚠️") elif page == 'Delete': st.header('Delete Task') task = st.text_input('Input the Task & Category you want to Delete') cate = st.selectbox('Category', ['Work', 'Study', 'Entertainment']) pri = st.slider('Priority', 1, 5) if st.button('Delete'): if (len(task)): result = collection.find_one({'Task': task, 'Category': cate, 'Priority': pri}) if (result): collection.delete_one({'Task': task, 'Category': cate, 'Priority': pri}) st.success('Successfully Deleted') else: st.warning(ErrorMSG.msg[ErrorMSG.ERROR_MSG_NOFOUND], icon="⚠️") else: st.warning(ErrorMSG.msg[ErrorMSG.ERROR_MSG_NONESTR], icon="⚠️") elif page == 'Home': st.header('Home Page') tasks = collection.find({}, {'_id':0, }).sort([('Priority', -1), ('Task', 1)]) st.table(tasks)