import torch import gradio as gr import pytube as pt from transformers import pipeline from huggingface_hub import model_info import time import unicodedata MODEL_NAME = "SakshiRathi77/Fine-tune-Whisper-Kagglex" lang = "hi" my_theme = gr.Theme.from_hub("gradio/seafoam") device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" pipe = pipeline( task="automatic-speech-recognition", model=MODEL_NAME, device=device, ) def transcribe(microphone, file_upload): warn_output = "" if (microphone is not None) and (file_upload is not None): warn_output = ( "WARNING: You've uploaded an audio file and used the microphone. " "The recorded file from the microphone will be used and the uploaded audio will be discarded.\n" ) elif (microphone is None) and (file_upload is None): return "ERROR: You have to either use the microphone or upload an audio file" file = microphone if microphone is not None else file_upload text = pipe(file)["text"] return warn_output + text def rt_transcribe(audio, state=""): time.sleep(2) text = pipe(audio)["text"] state += unicodedata.normalize("NFC",text) + " " return state, state demo = gr.Blocks(theme=my_theme) examples=[["examples/example1.mp3"], ["examples/example2.mp3"],["examples/example3.mp3"]] title =""" HindiSpeechPro: Whisper-Powered ASR Interface """ description = """

Welcome to the HindiSpeechPro, a cutting-edge interface powered by a fine-tuned version of OpenAi/Whisper on the common_voice dataset. logo

""" # article = "

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" mf_transcribe = gr.Interface( fn=transcribe, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath"), gr.inputs.Audio(source="upload", type="filepath"), ], outputs="text", # theme='EveryPizza/Cartoony-Gradio-Theme', title=title, description= description , allow_flagging="never", examples=examples, ) rt_transcribe = gr.Interface( fn=rt_transcribe, inputs=[ gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", streaming=True), "state" ], outputs=[ "textbox", "state"], # theme='EveryPizza/Cartoony-Gradio-Theme', title=title, description= description , allow_flagging="never", live=True, ) with demo: gr.TabbedInterface([mf_transcribe, rt_transcribe], ["Transcribe Audio", "Transcribe Realtime Voice"]) demo.launch(share=True)