import os import requests from typing import Optional from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download from fastapi import FastAPI, Header, HTTPException, BackgroundTasks from huggingface_hub.hf_api import HfApi from .models import config, WebhookPayload app = FastAPI() api = HfApi() @app.get("/") def read_root(): return {"Hello": "World!"}"/webhook") async def post_webhook( payload: WebhookPayload, task_queue: BackgroundTasks, x_webhook_secret: Optional[str] = Header(default=None), ): if x_webhook_secret is None: raise HTTPException(401) if x_webhook_secret != "webhooksecret": raise HTTPException(403) if not ( payload.event.action == "update" and payload.event.scope.startswith("repo.content") and == "SakethTest/ThirdParty" and payload.repo.type == "model" ): # no-op return {"processed": False} task_queue.add_task( update_cloned_repo, payload ) return {"processed": True} def update_cloned_repo(payload: WebhookPayload): # Create the update_cloned_repo project try: snapshot_download(repo_id="SakethTest/ThirdParty",local_dir="./ThirdParty") api.upload_folder( folder_path="./ThirdParty", repo_id="shellplc/ThirdParty", repo_type="model", commit_message="uploaded third party model", token="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" ) except requests.HTTPError as err: print("ERROR while requesting AutoTrain API:") print(f" code: {err.response.status_code}") print(f" {err.response.json()}") raise # Notify in the community tab notify_success(project["id"]) return {"processed": True}