import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import os import threading import time import random import datetime import shutil import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np PROJECT_ROOT_DIR='./' IMAGES_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, "images") os.makedirs(IMAGES_PATH, exist_ok=True) def draw_classroom(occupy_list={}, center_list = {}, out_path = "layout.png"): # Function to draw a trapezoid def draw_trapezoid(ax, center, width, height, table_color, seat_color, tb_idx): # Calculate the coordinates of the trapezoid bottom_width = width / 4 top_width = width / 2 coordinates = np.array([ [center[0] - bottom_width, center[1]], [center[0] - top_width, center[1] + height], [center[0] + top_width, center[1] + height], [center[0] + bottom_width, center[1]], [center[0] - bottom_width, center[1]] # to close the trapezoid ]) # Draw the trapezoid ax.plot(coordinates[:,0], coordinates[:,1], color=table_color) loc_x, loc_y = np.mean(coordinates, axis=0) if tb_idx < 10: ax.text(loc_x, loc_y, str(tb_idx), bbox=dict(facecolor='lightgray', edgecolor='none', boxstyle='round'), fontsize=12) else: ax.text(loc_x-0.1, loc_y+0.1, str(tb_idx), bbox=dict(facecolor='lightgray', edgecolor='none', boxstyle='round'), fontsize=12) # Draw circles on each side for i in range(4): start, end = coordinates[i], coordinates[i+1] #ax.plot(start, end, 'o', color=color) xs = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], 5)[2:3] ys = np.linspace(start[1], end[1], 5)[2:3] for x, y in zip(xs, ys): #print(x, y) if str(tb_idx)+'_'+str(i+1) in occupy_list: if str(tb_idx)+'_'+str(i+1) in center_list: ax.plot(x, y, 's', color= center_list[str(tb_idx)+'_'+str(i+1)][1], markersize=20, markeredgecolor = 'black') else: ax.plot(x, y, 'o', color= occupy_list[str(tb_idx)+'_'+str(i+1)][1], markersize=20, markeredgecolor = 'black') else: ax.plot(x, y, 'o', color=seat_color, markersize=20, markeredgecolor = 'black') if i == 0: ax.text(x-0.4,y, str(i+1), fontsize=12) elif i == 1: ax.text(x,y+0.2, str(i+1), fontsize=12) elif i == 2: ax.text(x+0.2,y, str(i+1), fontsize=12) elif i == 3: ax.text(x,y-0.4, str(i+1), fontsize=12) # Initialize plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,10)) # Define classroom layout parameters tables_in_row = 5 tables_in_column = 5 table_width = 1.5 table_height = 1.5 horizontal_spacing = 1.5 vertical_spacing = 1 # Generate classroom layout tb_idx = 0 for i in range(tables_in_column): for j in range(tables_in_row): center_x = j * (table_width + horizontal_spacing) center_y = i * (table_height + vertical_spacing) draw_trapezoid(ax, (center_x, center_y), table_width, table_height, 'gray', 'white', tb_idx) tb_idx += 1 # Set the aspect of the plot to be equal ax.set_aspect('equal') # Remove axes for better visualization ax.axis('off') # Show the plot print("Saving figure to ",out_path) fig_extension = 'png' plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(out_path, format=fig_extension, dpi=100) #return out_path # Define a lock file_lock = threading.Lock() def data_process(layout, step, desk, seatid, color, instructor): file_path = "data_statistics.csv" color_map = {"Black (default)": 'black', "Red (Group 1)": 'red', "Green (Group 2)": 'green', "Yellow (Group 3)": 'yellow'} if color in color_map: label_color = color_map[color] else: label_color = 'black' # time_elapsed = current_time - previous_time if instructor == '4. Clean Data': img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): current_time ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") backup_filename = f'data_statistics_{current_time}.csv' shutil.move(file_path, backup_filename) # empty file temp_stat.to_csv(file_path, index=False) print("Data removed") else: print("Emtpy data") temp_stat.to_csv(file_path, index=False) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat elif instructor == '5. Remove step 2 data from table': img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) current_time ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") backup_filename = f'data_statistics_{current_time}.csv' shutil.move(file_path, backup_filename) # update file temp_stat = raw_data[raw_data['step'] != 'Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)'] temp_stat.to_csv(file_path, index=False) print("Data udpated") print("temp_stat: ",temp_stat) raw_data_step1 = temp_stat[temp_stat['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: # Reorganize the columns into a dictionary result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) else: print("Emtpy data") temp_stat.to_csv(file_path, index=False) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat elif instructor == '6. Remove step 3 data from table': img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) current_time ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") backup_filename = f'data_statistics_{current_time}.csv' shutil.move(file_path, backup_filename) # update file temp_stat = raw_data[raw_data['step'] != 'Step 3: Find the closest centroid & update cluster label assignments (for all participator)'] temp_stat.to_csv(file_path, index=False) print("Data udpated") print("temp_stat: ",temp_stat) raw_data_step1 = temp_stat[temp_stat['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: # Reorganize the columns into a dictionary result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) else: print("Emtpy data") temp_stat.to_csv(file_path, index=False) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat elif instructor == '0. Display Statistics': img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() raw_data_step1 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: # Reorganize the columns into a dictionary result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) return "Result Updated", img_path, raw_data elif instructor == '1a. Display Check-in Data (Step 1)': temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() raw_data_step1 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: # Reorganize the columns into a dictionary result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat elif instructor == '1b. Display Centroids Data (Step 2)': temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() raw_data_step1 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) raw_data_step2 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)'] raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset=['desk', 'seatid'], keep='last') raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset='color', keep='last').tail(3) # assume three clusters if len(raw_data_step2) != 0: result_step2 = raw_data_step2.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list_step2 = {} for d in result_step2: occupy_list_step2.update(d) print("occupy_list_step2: ", occupy_list_step2) for key,val in occupy_list_step2.items(): occupy_list[key] = val # update the centroid colors print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step2.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, center_list = occupy_list_step2, out_path = img_path) else: # update the centroid colors print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) return "Result Updated", img_path, raw_data_step2 elif instructor == '2. Display Cluster Centroids (Step 2)': temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() raw_data_step1 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) raw_data_step2 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)'] raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset=['desk', 'seatid'], keep='last') raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset='color', keep='last').tail(3) # assume three clusters if len(raw_data_step2) != 0: result_step2 = raw_data_step2.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list_step2 = {} for d in result_step2: occupy_list_step2.update(d) print("occupy_list_step2: ", occupy_list_step2) for key,val in occupy_list_step2.items(): occupy_list[key] = val # update the centroid colors print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) if len(raw_data_step2) != 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step2.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, center_list = occupy_list_step2, out_path = img_path) else: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat elif instructor == '3. Display Updated Cluster Labels (Step 3)': temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() raw_data_step1 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) raw_data_step2 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)'] raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset=['desk', 'seatid'], keep='last') raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset='color', keep='last').tail(3) # assume three clusters if len(raw_data_step2) != 0: result_step2 = raw_data_step2.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list_step2 = {} for d in result_step2: occupy_list_step2.update(d) print("occupy_list_step2: ", occupy_list_step2) for key,val in occupy_list_step2.items(): occupy_list[key] = val raw_data_step3 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 3: Find the closest centroid & update cluster label assignments (for all participator)'] if len(raw_data_step3) != 0: result_step3 = raw_data_step3.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list_step3 = {} for d in result_step3: occupy_list_step3.update(d) print("occupy_list_step3: ", occupy_list_step3) for key,val in occupy_list_step3.items(): occupy_list[key] = val # update the centroid colors print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) if len(raw_data_step2) != 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step3.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, center_list = occupy_list_step2, out_path = img_path) else: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat # Acquire the lock file_lock.acquire() try: if step == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)': label_color = 'black' if step == 'Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)': if label_color == 'black': print("Black color is not allowed in Step 2, please choose another color...") img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat current_time = temp = {"Time":current_time , "layout": layout, "step": step, "desk": int(desk), "seatid": int(seatid), "color": label_color} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp, index=[0]) time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 5)) if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) raw_data = pd.concat([raw_data, temp_stat], ignore_index=True) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() if step != 'None': raw_data.to_csv(file_path, index=False) finally: # Release the lock file_lock.release() if layout: temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) file_path = "data_statistics.csv" if os.path.exists(file_path): print("File exists. Loading the data") raw_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) else: print("Creating the data") raw_data = temp_stat raw_data = raw_data.dropna() raw_data_step1 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)'] if len(raw_data_step1) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) else: # Reorganize the columns into a dictionary result = raw_data_step1.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list = {} for d in result: occupy_list.update(d) print("occupy_list: ",occupy_list) img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step1.png") raw_data_step2 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)'] raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset=['desk', 'seatid'], keep='last') raw_data_step2 = raw_data_step2.drop_duplicates(subset='color', keep='last').tail(3) # assume three clusters if len(raw_data_step2) != 0: result_step2 = raw_data_step2.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list_step2 = {} for d in result_step2: occupy_list_step2.update(d) for key,val in occupy_list_step2.items(): occupy_list[key] = val raw_data_step3 = raw_data[raw_data['step'] == 'Step 3: Find the closest centroid & update cluster label assignments (for all participator)'] if len(raw_data_step3) != 0: result_step3 = raw_data_step3.apply(lambda row: {f"{int(row['desk'])}_{int(row['seatid'])}": ['A', row['color']]}, axis=1) # Combine dictionaries into a single dictionary occupy_list_step3 = {} for d in result_step3: occupy_list_step3.update(d) print("occupy_list_step3: ", occupy_list_step3) for key,val in occupy_list_step3.items(): occupy_list[key] = val if len(raw_data_step3) == 0: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step2.png") else: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout_step3.png") draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, center_list = occupy_list_step2, out_path = img_path) else: draw_classroom(occupy_list = occupy_list, out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat else: img_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, "layout.png") if not os.path.exists(img_path): draw_classroom(occupy_list = [], out_path = img_path) print("Saving layout image to ",img_path) temp = {"Time":[] , "layout": [], "step": [], "desk": [], "seatid": [], "color": []} temp_stat = pd.DataFrame(temp) return "Result Updated", img_path, temp_stat set_layout = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Classroom Layout", value=True, info="Find desk id and seat id in classroom (Check this box, click 'Submit')") set_step = gr.Dropdown( ["None", "Step 1: Check-in if you want to participate (provide desk_id, seat_id below)", "Step 2: Update the locations of centroids (only for centroid student to select)", "Step 3: Find the closest centroid & update cluster label assignments (for all participator)"], value="None", label="1. Select the algorithm step" ) set_desk = gr.Dropdown( [i for i in range(0,25)], value=0, label="2. Submit your Desk ID (Check Classroom Layout)" ) set_seatid = gr.Dropdown( [i for i in range(1,5)], value=1, label="3. Submit your Seat ID (Check Classroom Layout)" ) set_color = gr.Dropdown( ["Black (default)", "Red (Group 1)", "Green (Group 2)", "Yellow (Group 3)"], value="Black (default)", label="4. Pick your seat color (Cluster label)" ) set_instructor = gr.Dropdown( ["I am student", "0. Display Statistics", "1a. Display Check-in Data (Step 1)", "1b. Display Centroids Data (Step 2)", "2. Display Cluster Centroids (Step 2)", "3. Display Updated Cluster Labels (Step 3)", "4. Clean Data", "5. Remove step 2 data from table", "6. Remove step 3 data from table"], value="I am student", label="5. For instructor use only. For students, please always keep 'I am student'" ) set_output = gr.Textbox(label="Status") # define output as the single class text set_out_images = gr.Image(label="Classroom Layout") set_output2 = gr.Dataframe( headers=["Time","layout","step","desk","seatid","color"], datatype=["str","str", "str", "str", "str", "str"], label = 'Statistics' ) ### configure gradio, detailed can be found at interface = gr.Interface(fn=data_process, inputs=[set_layout, set_step, set_desk, set_seatid, set_color, set_instructor], outputs=[set_output,set_out_images,set_output2], title="CSCI4750/5750 Demo 4: In-class Practice for Seat Clustering in BSC 253", description= "Author: Jie Hou. \nPlease follow instructions in class", theme = 'huggingface' ) interface.launch(debug=True)