import streamlit as st import itertools import os import funcs def about_course(): st.image("images//wireframe_header.jpg", use_column_width=True) st.title("Fundamentals of Resource Estimation") # get text from text_blocks: text = funcs.get_text_block("about_course.txt") st.write(text) st.write("") st.image("images//wireframe_header.jpg", use_column_width=True) st.markdown("# Presenters") # presenter = st.selectbox("", options=['Sean Horan', 'Valerie Wilson', 'Pierre Landry', 'Ian Weir']) for presenter in ['Sean Horan', 'Valerie Wilson', 'Pierre Landry', 'Ian Weir']: split_name = presenter.split(" ") lcase_name = (split_name[0] + "_" + split_name[1]).lower() ucase_name = (split_name[0] + "_" + split_name[1]) col1, col2 = st.beta_columns([1,2.5]) with col1: st.image("headshots//" + ucase_name + ".jpg", use_column_width=True) text = funcs.get_text_block("title_" + lcase_name + ".txt") st.markdown(text) with col2: text = funcs.get_text_block("resume_" + lcase_name + ".txt") st.write(text)