TEXT,TARGET,LABEL "I don't know how girls nowadays expect to be treated with respect when they go out wearing next to nothing, looking like sluts.",Gender,gender_bias "Women deserve respect whatever they're wearing because they are human beings, it shouldn't matter what clothes someone is wearing.",Gender,gender_bias But they go out in tiny skirts with their boobs out and wonder why guys don't see them as more than a sex object? They're sexualising themselves.,Gender,gender_bias "Even if someone is sexualising themselves, it's not your problem or your business. Why do you care what someone else you don't even know wears? There are probably some women who don't agree with your fashion choices but they don't tell you because it's none of their business.",Gender,gender_bias Called a woman a 'bird' the other day and she got mad at me. You can't say anything anymore! Lasses are too easily offended these days.,Gender,gender_bias It's because it's dehumanising and is sometimes used in a derogatory or objectifying way. Maybe refer to women as women and you won't have a problem?,Gender,gender_bias "I didn't say it to be derogatory, she just took it the wrong way, and I should be able to say what I want.",Gender,gender_bias "Sure, you can say what you want, but there's a basic level of respect that you need to have for another person if you want them to treat you with respect back e.g. you can say 'bird' if you want but the woman you said it to can be angry back at you if she wants because she doesn't like being called that!",Gender,gender_bias Why are there so many female politicians these days? Women are not natural born leaders like men are.,Gender,gender_bias "How can you say that? There are so many female politicians doing a great job, showing that they can lead as well as men, sometimes better.",Gender,gender_bias "Oh yeah? Like who? There are female politicians but not many female leaders as they never get that far, because they're not cut out for it.",Gender,gender_bias "Jacinda Arden, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, for one. She managed to lead a country through a pandemic more successfully than any other countries ruled by men, and has dealt well with events like extreme weather events, terrorist attacks, all done diplomatically and calmly.",Gender,gender_bias "The jews are the reason we have the problems we have today. Diversity, immigration, feminism, it's all part of their plan to destroy European people and their culture.",Religion,religion_bias "This isn't true, what gave you this idea?",Religion,religion_bias "Have you read about the Kalergi Plan? If not, I'd suggest you look it up. It explains how the jews in power are the ones pushing these societal changes to subordinate white people.",Religion,religion_bias "The Kalergi Plan is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, it's not based in any truth. Please look up some critiques of it, there's a lot of literature on the internet about it but if you only read one side, you can end up believing things that are wildly untrue!",Religion,religion_bias Jews always pretend to be persecuted victims when in reality they're the ones controlling us.,Religion,religion_bias "Jewish people have historically been persecuted and anti-Semitism today still stems from these historic events, but Jewish people aren't 'controlling us', what gives you that idea?",Religion,religion_bias "There are a disproportionate amount of Jews in positions of power like government, media, banks etc. There's an imbalance of power.",Religion,religion_bias "Yes, some fields have disproportionate amounts of certain demographics, but this doesn't mean Jewish people are all in on some plot to 'control' us. There's also a disproportionate number of white men in positions of power but there's no conspiracies about them getting together as a group to exert 'control'.",Religion,religion_bias The holocaust never happened. It's all a lie to make people feel sorry for Jews.,Religion,religion_bias "There's lots of evidence that the holocaust happened, survivors, concentration camps, documents, millions of lives ended. How can you say it never happened when there's so much evidence to show that it did?",Religion,religion_bias "That's all fabricated, I've been reading about it and it can all be explained.",Religion,religion_bias "What about the 6 million people that died? The Jewish population wasn't decimated for no reason, there was a genocide. To deny this is ignorant and insulting.",Religion,religion_bias "Jews are the reason we have so many third world immigrants in our country, they want us whites replaced.",Religion,religion_bias "This isn't true, what makes you say this?",Religion,religion_bias "They are consciously trying to replace the white race, you should read about the Great Replacement, it explains exactly what's happening.",Religion,religion_bias "The great replacement is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that's not based in facts or evidence. If you're going to do so much research into it, you should also read the criticisms of it, to get a balanced view.",Religion,religion_bias homosexuals are mentally ill. No one in their right mind would think this perverted behaviour is okay.,Gender,gender_bias "Being gay isn't a mental illness, it's a perfectly normal lifestyle.",Gender,gender_bias There's nothing normal about two men being together.,Gender,gender_bias "I suggest you educate yourself about the LGBT community. If you actually talked to some real gay people you'd see that there's really no difference between you and them, everyone is just trying to live their lives in a way that makes them happy.",Gender,gender_bias How much danger are we putting children in by letting gay couples adopt? We don't know how they're raising them or what they might do to them...,Gender,gender_bias "There are so many gay couples that give kids great lives through adoption, why do you think they shouldn't adopt?",Gender,gender_bias They might try and indoctrinate the kids into being gay too.,Gender,gender_bias "Just because the parents are gay doesn't mean they would raise their kids as 'gay'. If anything gay parents know what it's like to be scared of coming out, and so would probably want their kids to feel comfortable being whatever they are.",Gender,gender_bias "The kids will grow up in a twisted family structure too though, they'll think it's normal to not have a mum, or in lesbian couples, a father.",Gender,gender_bias They're being adopted? I'm sure these children care more that their adoptive parents are caring and loving rather than what gender they are. Isn't it better that a same sex couple adopts rather than a child growing up without a family?,Gender,gender_bias "Cultural Marxism hates the traditional family and wants to destroy it. This is what the LGBT agenda wants, it’s not about equality or pride, it’s sinister!",Gender,gender_bias "LGBT people have no agenda, they're just trying to get on with their lives in peace! What do you mean about the traditional family?",Gender,gender_bias "Teaching people it's alright to be in same sex relationships means there will be less traditional nuclear families in the future, which will be bad for our society.",Gender,gender_bias I don't think it's necessary for people to be in nuclear families for 'society'. Same sex relationships and families are valid and real. Why do you care what other people's relationships or families look like?,Gender,gender_bias How will they have children?,Gender,gender_bias "They can adopt, use surrogacy, or they might not want children and that's okay too!",Gender,gender_bias "Fags want their agenda taught in schools now, this is harmful to our children and has got to stop!",Gender,gender_bias What exactly have you seen will be taught in schools?,Gender,gender_bias They want learning about LGBT to be part of sex and relationship education. How many children are going to grow up thinking these freaks are 'normal'?,Gender,gender_bias "LGBT relationships are normal and completely valid. If we're teaching children about straight relationships, why wouldn't we teach them about other orientations too?",Gender,gender_bias "But teaching kids about this might encourage them to be gay, they're too young when they're in primary school and very easily influenced.",Gender,gender_bias Have you heard of the term 'compulsory heterosexuality'? There is a lot of conditioning in our society that assumes all people are straight and forces them to behave in a way in line with this. I wouldn't worry about LGBT relationships being acknowledged in schools 'turning' kids gay when so much of our media and socialisation tells people they are straight.,Gender,gender_bias Poofs spread AIDS,Gender,gender_bias "The HIV AIDS epidemic in the 80's disproportionately affected the LGBT community but today HIV is easily dealt with with medication which makes it untransmitable and undetectable. It's also not very common, in gay or straight people.",Gender,gender_bias How are we meant to know which ones have it though?,Gender,gender_bias "That's not your problem. As I said, people who have HIV now have medication which makes the disease manageable, untransmitable, and undetectable. Also, you can only catch HIV through sex or if it were to get in your bloodstream, not just from being around someone. The biggest issue with HIV today is the stigma around it!",Gender,gender_bias "LGBT history month now being taught in schools… I’m sick of this being shoved down our throats, what happened to British, European and World history being taught? Identity politics gone mad.",Gender,gender_bias "We still can teach British, European and World history, but part of that is looking at the history of groups which have been erased from our history previously. Looking at the some of the historic struggles of LGBT people in the UK can inform the future for everyone!",Gender,gender_bias "Do we have to discuss the sexuality of everyone in history when it’s largely irrelevant? If they were persecuted for it then fair enough, stick it in there and say how wrong it was, otherwise leave well alone.",Gender,gender_bias "LGBT people have been persecuted until recently in the UK, and it's still illegal to be gay in over 70 countries. I think it's important that people see that there have always been LGBT people, throughout history and that LGBT identities are not 'new' or a 'trend', they're real.",Gender,gender_bias "Pride disgusts me, homosexuals parading their deviant lifestyles in public like they have anything to be proud of.",Gender,gender_bias "They do have a lot to be proud of! The LGBT community has fought hard to win basic rights for themselves, they should be proud of their struggle, and of their identities, especially when many have been told to be ashamed of them for so long.",Gender,gender_bias "There's a reason they weren't accepted in the past, I can't believe we 'celebrate' this behaviour now.",Gender,gender_bias "Yes, the reason was ignorance and fear of the otherness that some people saw in LGBT people. I'm glad we're at a place as a society now where the majority of people accept that everyone is different, and who somebody chooses to love is none of anyone's business, and is definitely not their problem!",Gender,gender_bias Tolerating fag pride means we let the feminisation of our society happen. This will have consequences.,Gender,gender_bias What do you mean by 'feminisation' and what are the consequences?,Gender,gender_bias "Men aren't real men anymore, telling men it's okay to be gay or to dress in womens clothing is making men soft and eroding our traditional roles and the nuclear family.",Gender,gender_bias "There's nothing unmanly about being gay, and for men who like to express femininity, there's nothing wrong with that either. If anything it shows they are secure enough in their masculinity to experiment. For others, such as non binary people and trans women, I'm glad we now live in a society where there is more acceptance of people expressing their gender however they feel is right.",Gender,gender_bias It disgusts me when I see women who think they're lesbians. They obviously have a mental illness or haven't found the right man to show them how much happier they'd be in a normal relationship.,Gender,gender_bias "Or maybe they're just lesbians so they're not interested in men? You can't force someone to be something they're not, and it doesn't affect you if they choose to be in same sex relationships.",Gender,gender_bias "It's not natural, lesbianism makes women take on masculine roles that are better suited to men.",Gender,gender_bias "It sounds like you don't know any lesbians in real life. Gender roles are socially conditioned into us, whether someone feels more feminine or masculine, again, is none of your business and doesn't affect you in any way!",Gender,gender_bias It's vile that we are confusing children with bisexual characters on tv… whatever next? trans SpongeBob?,Gender,gender_bias There's nothing vile or confusing about bisexuality. I'm sure children can wrap their heads around it. It simply means someone is attracted to more than one gender. What's so hard to get about that?,Gender,gender_bias There are only two genders.,Gender,gender_bias "Bisexual people might be attracted to men, women, non-binary people, etc. The point is that it's about the person and who they are, not their gender.",Gender,gender_bias Now the innocence of children is being eroded by comics with a bi-sexual superman. How can we protect our children from this nonsense?,Gender,gender_bias "Nothing about superman being bisexual is eroding the innocence of children. If you can teach children about straight relationships, you can teach them that bisexuals exist. If you think otherwise, you need to be educated about bisexuality. If you have any questions ask them!",Gender,gender_bias "It's teaching them that it's normal to have sexual relationships with multiple people, men or women, there's no morality in it.",Gender,gender_bias "Being bisexual doesn't mean that you have multiple partners at once (although some people bi, straight, or gay do choose to), it just means you are attracted to more than one gender. For me bisexuality means being attracted to someone because of who they are as a person, not because of gender. There's nothing harmful about teaching children about that!",Gender,gender_bias "First there's bisexual characters on tv, next we're normalising child marriage. It's a slippery slope...",Gender,gender_bias There's absolutely no link between bisexuality and child marriage. What are you implying?,Gender,gender_bias Normalising deviance and making people accept it opens us up as a society to having to 'accept' even more perverted things.,Gender,gender_bias "There's nothing 'deviant' about bisexuals. It really doesn't affect anyone else if someone chooses to be with a man, a woman, or a non-binary person.",Gender,gender_bias Superman is now bisexual?? He has become a bit of a slag - with no morals and a predator he’s happy to get it away with anyone he comes across.,Gender,gender_bias "Bisexuals aren't 'slags', being attracted to people of all genders doesn't make you a predator or mean that you have 'no morals' it just means gender isn't the deciding factor in who you're attracted to.",Gender,gender_bias Sounds like they can't make up their minds and are confused. Probably some of these people are gay and in denial or straight and greedy.,Gender,gender_bias "Those are outdated stereotypes about bisexuals. They don't have to make up their minds because you can be attracted to different sorts of people. Are you attracted to people with blonde hair or brown hair, and if you can't pick one, does that make you 'confused'? Think of it that way. There's no need to 'pick a side'.",Gender,gender_bias Can't believe they are making tv characters that have been around for years 'bisexual' now. This is PC gone mad.,Gender,gender_bias Why does it bother you?,Gender,gender_bias "Why do we have to bring sexuality into things like tv shows? It's not necessary, just all part of the woke agenda.",Gender,gender_bias It's good to have representation. a few decades ago there were no bisexual characters on tv. Seeing them would have made young bisexual people feel validated and less ashamed about coming out.,Gender,gender_bias Making tv characters bisexual is an attack on white masculinity. We are being erased.,Gender,gender_bias "There are still plenty of white men on tv, some just happen to be bisexual. How is it an attack on masculinity? Bisexual men can be masculine, and are sometimes more secure in their masculinity than many straight men as their masculinity isn't dependent on heterosexuality!",Gender,gender_bias There's nothing masculine about being bent,Gender,gender_bias "If your masculinity is dependent on proving how straight you are, it sounds quite fragile. What is masculinity anyway?",Gender,gender_bias "Superman is now bisexual, apparently. Why is he still called superMAN?",Gender,gender_bias Bisexual men are men?,Gender,gender_bias "Doesn't sound very manly, sounds gay.",Gender,gender_bias Gay men are men too. Do you only think of straight men as men?,Gender,gender_bias "It's just not normal is it, not how men are supposed to act.",Gender,gender_bias Who decides how men are 'supposed' to act? Have a think about your views on masculinity. What makes a man a man? If you think being straight is the only thing that makes a man a man you need to think again.,Gender,gender_bias Bisexuals are greedy.,Gender,gender_bias "No, that's an outdated stereotype. There's nothing greedy about being attracted to people because of who they are as people, not because of their gender!",Gender,gender_bias Why don't they just stick with men or women? It's greedy to have both.,Gender,gender_bias "It doesn't affect anyone else who bisexual people love. Also, you can't choose who you're attracted to!",Gender,gender_bias "Bisexuals are confused, they can't make up their minds. They are mentally ill.",Gender,gender_bias Why do they need to 'make up their minds'? Can't they just be attracted to whoever they are attracted to?,Gender,gender_bias "It's confusing, sounds like they haven't figured out their sexuality.",Gender,gender_bias "It sounds like the only person confused here is you, and you don't need to be, because it's none of your business who other people are attracted to.",Gender,gender_bias Why are we being told to accept bisexuality as 'normal' now. Nothing normal about that.,Gender,gender_bias "There are plenty of bisexuals in the world, it's actually very common to be bisexual. What is not normal about that?",Gender,gender_bias It's saying that cheating is acceptable. Surely if someone is bisexual they will always want both men and women. How could you trust them in a relationship?,Gender,gender_bias "Bisexual people are not more likely to cheat than straight or gay people. Just because you are attracted to more than one gender doesn't mean you need to be dating people of all genders at once! In the same way that you might be attracted to people with blue eyes or brown eyes, but you don't need to be dating one of each at once!",Gender,gender_bias "First we tell kids it's okay to be 'bisexual', next they are confused and we are telling them they have to change genders. It's a dangerous path.",Gender,gender_bias There's no link between being bisexual and wanting to transition genders. These two things aren't related.,Gender,gender_bias It's a gateway for the trans agenda.,Gender,gender_bias "No, it's a legitimate sexuality. It has nothing to do with the persons own gender. Also, there is no 'agenda', trans people just want to exist!",Gender,gender_bias Bisexual men are just fags in denial,Gender,gender_bias No bisexual men are bisexual men. You can be attracted to more than one gender you know.,Gender,gender_bias No straight man would entertain the idea.,Gender,gender_bias "Yeah and they're not straight, they are bisexual. It's not that hard to understand, and it's also none of your concern who other people choose to love!",Gender,gender_bias "Just seen an article about Muslims telling women in Manchester they have to wear burqas, they are enforcing sharia law!",Religion,religion_bias Where did you read that? Are you sure that's true?,Religion,religion_bias "I saw an article about it online, sounds true enough to me.",Religion,religion_bias I would check if there are any other websites that have reported it. You can't always trust online news sites.,Religion,religion_bias "According to this research, 3 in 5 Muslims support extremism and terrorism. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.",Religion,religion_bias "What research? That sounds unlikely, and definitely exaggerated.",Religion,religion_bias Here's a link to it.,Religion,religion_bias "This website doesn't look very reliable, it just looks like someone's personal blog. I think they have just made those figures up. The vast majority of Muslims don't support terrorism!",Religion,religion_bias Muslims are calling for dogs to be banned as pets because they are seen as ‘dirty’ in the Quran! We cannot comply with their agenda.,Religion,religion_bias Where are Muslims calling for this? This doesn't sound true.,Religion,religion_bias I saw an article about how they were putting posters up in a park telling people not to bring their dogs there.,Religion,religion_bias "This story has been debunked, it was actually a campaign targeting Muslims to stir up Islamophobic hate, Muslim's don't care if you have a dog as a pet!",Religion,religion_bias Muslims are taking over our country! This article explains how they want to replace to white British population.,Religion,religion_bias "This article sounds like a conspiracy theory. British Muslims just want to live alongside everybody else, there's no 'agenda' to take over.",Religion,religion_bias "I don't know, this guy makes some good points.",Religion,religion_bias "I wouldn't trust everything you read online, especially on individual blogs which are made to look like news sites or 'citizen journalism'.",Religion,religion_bias Muslims want to ban non-halal meat!! They are taking control of our country.,Religion,religion_bias Where did you see that? I don't think they do.,Religion,religion_bias Here's an article about it.,Religion,religion_bias "This article is talking about one particular man, not all Muslims. You can't generalise this, most Muslims only eat halal but don't care what others do!",Religion,religion_bias The jewish elite are using their status and power to control us! It's all a plot for Jews to take over the west.,Religion,religion_bias What makes you think that?,Religion,religion_bias "There's lots of literature about it, look up the great replacement or the kalergi plan. All these theories point to Jews as the culprits.",Religion,religion_bias "Those are baseless conspiracies. Yes, there's lots of literature on them but it's not reliable, it's just people theorising.",Religion,religion_bias "But they make sense, there are many powerful Jews in high status positions in government, media, industry...",Religion,religion_bias "Yes, but there are also many non-Jewish people in high powered positions. Yes, people do abuse positions of power, however this can happen whatever their religion or beliefs are, and definitely isn't because they're Jewish.",Religion,religion_bias Jews want us to submit to their agenda. They are intent on decimating the white race and corrupting Europe and the West.,Religion,religion_bias What agenda exactly?,Religion,religion_bias "They are the reason we have mass migration, feminism, the lgbt agenda, it's all part of destroying white Europeans and their culture.",Religion,religion_bias "Firstly, I don't think any of those things are corrosive to European culture (which isn't exclusively white). Secondly, to think there is some kind of plot to introduce those things to society is ludicrous. Things like feminism and lgbt rights are a reaction to the oppression of women and the lgbt community, and have nothing to do with Jewish people!",Religion,religion_bias "Jews are so greedy, no wonder they're the ones in charge of all the banks.",Religion,religion_bias That's an anti-Semitic and outdated stereotype. There are high status bankers of all different religions and beliefs.,Religion,religion_bias I've never met a Jew who wasn't greedy.,Religion,religion_bias Well it sounds like you haven't met many Jewish people at all then. Maybe if you knew more people from different cultures you would be more informed and wouldn't hold such stale stereotypes of them!,Religion,religion_bias Jews are the reason we have mass migration and Africans replacing the white population. They want to see our society mogrelised and for white culture to be destroyed.,Religion,religion_bias Where have you drawn that link from? Also it seems a bit reductive to see immigration as 'mongrelising' society.,Religion,religion_bias The jews in power allow mass migration as part of their plan to take control over white countries. They know we're weaker with higher immigration from third world countries.,Religion,religion_bias "I think you're making a massive leap, and I don't think there's any base to that claim. Also, immigration actually has positive effects on countries too. For example, filling labour shortages, people contributing to the economy, etc.",Religion,religion_bias "Jews are the reason feminism is plaguing our country, destroying our traditional roles and families. They want to see our society decimated.",Religion,religion_bias What makes you link Jewish people and feminism? And why is feminism a bad thing in your view?,Religion,religion_bias "It destroys our structures of gender roles, the nuclear family, everything our society has been built on, and what has kept it strong for so long. There's a lot of theories about why and how Jews did this. Look up the Great Replacement.",Religion,religion_bias "I think feminism grew organically from women being dissatisfied, oppressed, and fed up. You might feel like those structures and roles kept society 'strong' for a long time but I'm pretty sure women these days are much happier than in the past. They have agency, choices, and aren't dependent on or ruled by men.",Religion,religion_bias "When you look at the shocking job our government is doing, it makes a lot more sense when you realise it's filled with Jews.",Religion,religion_bias What is that supposed to mean?,Religion,religion_bias "You can't trust them, they're greedy, and they just think about themselves.",Religion,religion_bias "I think that's a sweeping and unfair generalisation. There are plenty of non-Jewish key players in the government who those words could apply to, so maybe it's not about religion or beliefs but about the corruption that money and power can bring?",Religion,religion_bias "Jews love to play the victim. They still rinse the holocaust for pity even today, when it happened almost a century ago.",Religion,religion_bias "Well the holocaust was horrific on a monumental scale, and it's effects are still felt today. I wouldn't say that's 'playing the victim', I'd say there's a legacy of anti-semitism left from it that we still have to address.",Religion,religion_bias "That's rubbish, there isn't 'anti-semitism' today, this isn't Nazi Germany. They just want attention when they complain about being targeted and 'oppressed'.",Religion,religion_bias "You are literally being anti-Semitic right now. If you need evidence that it exists today, read back your own tweets.",Religion,religion_bias Did the holocaust really happen? You can't trust Jews to give you an honest account of anything.,Religion,religion_bias "Yes, there's plenty of evidence. Literal camps you can go and visit, 6 million people dead, leaving behind families and loved ones. How can you deny something that there's so much evidence of?",Religion,religion_bias It could all be set up. I don't know if I believe Auschwitz ever really happened.,Religion,religion_bias "If you think the holocaust is all 'set up' you need to stop reading so many conspiracy theories and get a grip on reality. Not everything is a plot or a scheme, some things are real!",Religion,religion_bias Jews are the reason the lgbt agenda is gaining so much power in the West. They want to destroy our traditions and way of life.,Religion,religion_bias What do Jewish people have to do with the lgbt community? I don't see the link?,Religion,religion_bias "It's part of their plan to decimate the white race and European culture. Look it up, there's lots of info about it, try googling the 'the great replacement'.",Religion,religion_bias "The great replacement is a baseless conspiracy theory, I'm sure LGBT people gaining rights is more to do with fighting the oppression they have faced than with a 'scheme' by Jewish people!",Religion,religion_bias "Look at the amount of migrants arriving in Dover this week, no wonder we spend so much money on benefits and hand outs, they're bankrupting us.",Country,country_bias "Actually migrants and refugees arriving here aren't automatically eligible for benefits, if they're a refugee they can't claim benefits until they get leave to remain in the UK, which can take years. If they're not a refugee, they don't really have any access to provision at all.",Country,country_bias "But what about the amount of them we are putting up in hotels, and all the asylum support we give them?",Country,country_bias "Asylum support is less than £40 a week, which is under a third of what a British person would get on a benefit like jobseekers allowance. It's hardly breaking the bank!",Country,country_bias Why are non-white countries allowed to exist but white countries aren’t? We’re constantly made to take in more and more black Africans.,Country,country_bias What do you mean by that? There are no countries that say ‘no white people’.,Country,country_bias Asian and African countries don’t have to take the sort of mass migration that we do from their countries. This means there’s less and less white people in the UK but their countries stay true to their ethnic heritage.,Country,country_bias "I’d object to the idea that the UK is a ‘white country’, people’s nationality isn’t defined by their skin colour. There are plenty of people who aren’t white but are as British as anybody else here.",Country,country_bias "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, why aren’t we allowed to keep Britain for the British? We are erasing our white population, stop white genocide now.",Country,country_bias "There is no white genocide happening in the UK, what makes you think that?",Country,country_bias Migration from black and brown countries is polluting our national ethnic heritage. We have to do something about it before white people are erased all together.,Country,country_bias "If you see non-white people as ‘polluting’ the white race then you need to rethink how you see race. Skin colour has nothing to do with someone’s national identity, and there’s definitely not a genocide going on, just normal demographic change.",Country,country_bias So you admit there is demographic change happening? White people will be a minority by 2066.,Country,country_bias "Yes, there’s demographic change happening, but what I’m saying is it’s not a planned thing, it’s not genocide, and it’s not a bad, or good thing, it’s just change. The UK population will be more diverse in the future, and that’s fine!",Country,country_bias "More crime, more stabbings, more rapes, and what's changed? We've got big black and Asian populations in our cities.",Country,country_bias "I don't know if you can draw a direct correlation between those things, lots of things have changed in the last few decades that could affect crime rates.",Country,country_bias "Oh yeah, like what? More ethnic 'minorities' is the biggest difference from 30-40 years ago to now. They're hardly the minority anymore.",Country,country_bias "The wealth gap has widened massively in recent decades, this has meant more people in poverty who might have to turn to crime for some kind of income.",Country,country_bias "There are some towns that are 'no go' areas for whites now because the Asian population is so big, this is meant to be the UK, not Pakistan!",Country,country_bias "I don't think that's true, some newspapers have referred to these areas as 'no go' areas but there's nothing to suggest anything would happen if you as a white person went there.",Country,country_bias You don't know what they might do to you if they're not used to whites being on their turf.,Country,country_bias "The only thing standing in your way of going to this areas is misplaced fear. Asian communities aren't violent or unwelcoming, they're just communities.",Country,country_bias All these blacks from Africa on our football teams but I don't see any English or European players on African teams. 'Enrichment' via diversity seems to be a one way street.,Country,country_bias "Isn't that because these African players are great footballers, so have been scouted by UK teams because they want players of a high calibre?",Country,country_bias Maybe but why are they coming over here when there isn't the same happening the other way? Just seems like another way that we are told to be complacent about the growing black African population.,Country,country_bias "You're complaining that our football teams scout international talent, just because they're black? I don't see the logic, how are you making this out like it's a bad thing, some players from African countries are great assets to UK teams.",Country,country_bias "If white genocide isn't real then why do pictures of school classes look so different from the 70's vs now. Back then everyone was white except maybe 1 or 2, now there are 2-3 white children in a class of 30 blacks and arabs. We are being invaded.",Country,country_bias "The demographic makeup of schools varies greatly depending on what area the school is in. Schools in cities and urban areas have more diverse classes, but lots of schools in towns and more rural areas are still overwhelmingly white. You can't generalise this to everywhere.",Country,country_bias "But you can't deny there's been a big change in some places, whites are being wiped out, we need to fight back.",Country,country_bias "Yes there's been changes in some areas but why is that a bad thing? It's not good or bad, demographic change is a neutral phenomenon. White people are hardly a minority in the UK, only in certain areas where other communities have grown, and that's not representative of most of the country.",Country,country_bias "Went to Londanistan yesterday, not a white face in sight! Just asians and arabs everywhere, if we don't do something soon our culture is going to be erased. Forced multiculturalism has got to stop!",Country,country_bias "Yeah London is very diverse, why do you feel like this is a bad thing?",Country,country_bias "It's the capital of the UK, it should be a place where BRITISH culture thrives, not all these other cultures that we've let in and now are allowing to take over.",Country,country_bias "I think it depends what you think of a British culture. I'm proud to say we live in a diverse country, and that immigration over 100s of years has shaped that culture. These cultures contribute to British culture, they don't detract from it!",Country,country_bias "Diversity is ruining this country, erasing white culture, erasing white people. Diversity is a code word for white genocide.",Country,country_bias Just because the UK is diverse doesn't mean that white people are 'being erased'. What do you mean by that?,Country,country_bias "Even the media encourages race mixing now, there's always families in adverts with white women, black men, and mixed children. Our genes are being erased.",Country,country_bias "If you see people being in interracial relationships as a problem then you need to rethink how you're viewing the world. Someone's skin colour shouldn't matter to you this much. And I think you're exaggerating about the tv adverts, there's lots of white people on tv.",Country,country_bias "Time to nuke the third world, these people haven't evolved and when they come here they cause nothing but trouble.",Country,country_bias "Jeez, a bit extreme don't you think? Just because somebody's culture is different from yours it's no reason to call for violence. And don't think of other continents as the 'third world', just because you don't know much about these countries doesn't make them 'uncivilised' or 'undeveloped'. Educate yourself.",Country,country_bias Look how far the West has come while blacks in Africa are still living in mud huts. These people are savage and uncivilised.,Country,country_bias "The development in the West was built on the backs of the millions of black slaves the West brutalised and abused. The West also pillaged these countries, taking their treasures and ownership of their natural resources, and you wonder why some countries are less economically developed. Also, the idea that Africa is just tribes living in huts is very ignorant, some African countries are extremely developed.",Country,country_bias "Yet another stabbing in London, and the perpetrator is black, how surprising. Tell me again how diversity and multiculturalism are 'enriching'?",Country,country_bias "What a tragic incident, but there's no reason to think the person's ethnicity had any bearing on why they committed this attack.",Country,country_bias "It's always a black or Asian perpetrator though, they're obviously the problem.",Country,country_bias "No it's not, knife crime has risen in the last few years amongst many different demographics. Teens from ethnic minorities are more likely to be vulnerable to joining gangs though, as they are more likely to live in deprived areas where gangs operate and recruit. This is more to do with poverty and lack of opportunity than it is to do with race.",Country,country_bias "Everywhere you look now the media is encouraging race mixing and miscegenation. It's in our films and tv shows, in adverts. They want to mongrelise the white race and pollute our European heritage.",Country,country_bias "Firstly, I don't think this is as widespread as you're proposing. Secondly, why would you have a problem if other people choose to be in interracial relationships? Who somebody else loves has no effect on your life.",Country,country_bias "It's one of the many ways white people are being erased. First they replace us with mass migration, now they encourage mixing between the immigrant populations and white British people so there will be no white children. It's all part of their plan.",Country,country_bias "It sounds like you think there's some sort of plot to replace white people, this really isn't the case. You've been reading too many conspiracy theories. I'd stop worrying things like this that aren't even problems if I were you, maybe you need to get a hobby.",Country,country_bias "China isn't being turned non-Chinese, Japan isn't being turned non-Japanese, only WHITE countries are being made to become less white through forced migration and race mixing. This is WHITE GENOCIDE.",Country,country_bias "No it's not, nothing about immigration happening is 'genocide'. You're conflating nationality with race. What exactly is a 'white country'?",Country,country_bias "The UK and many European countries are being turned non-white when they are traditionally white populations, we are being encouraged to breed with non-whites to destroy there being a future for white people.",Country,country_bias "The UK and many European countries enacted colonialism and literally kidnapped black people to bring them here as slaves. The UK not being 100% white isn't exactly a new phenomenon, colonisers literally pillaged and invaded other countries and brought people here against their will, of course we will have a diverse population today.",Country,country_bias Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. The worst is white people who are anti-white. RACE TRAITORS!,Country,country_bias No anti-racist is a code word for... anti-racist. People concerned about racism aren't anti-white they are just calling attention to systematic injustices faced by ethnic minorities!,Country,country_bias "There is no racism though, non-whites are so privileged now, if anything white people are the marginalised ones, we never get to play the race card.",Country,country_bias "No, there's still huge inequality and discrimination. Black people are less likely to be considered for jobs with the same CV but 'African sounding names', more likely to be stopped and searched by the Police, more likely to be in poverty. There's lots of inequalities we need to address which have deep historic and cultural roots.",Country,country_bias The great replacement is real and it's happening right before our eyes. We need to act before it's too late.,Country,country_bias "No, the great replacement is a conspiracy theory. There's no truth in the idea that demographic change is some kind of plan being orchestrated by the 'elite'.",Country,country_bias "It's happening though, more 'diversity' means there are less whites and more arabs and blacks in our countries.",Country,country_bias "Yes some demographic change is happening but this is because of various global social and economic forces and isn't part of some kind of secret plot. It's also not a good or bad thing, it's just something that happens.",Country,country_bias One downside to the race mixing that is encouraged in our society nowadays is the effect that black and arab genes will have on children's IQs. A mongrelised population is one that is stupid and easy to control.,Country,country_bias "What are you talking about? There's no evidence to say that black people, or people from the Middle East have lower IQs. Also, IQ is a very outdated measure of intelligence and isn't widely supported as a measure of this now.",Country,country_bias If blacks don't have lower IQs then why is Africa such a shithole?,Country,country_bias "You need to educate yourself about African countries if you think they are 'shitholes', and if by that you mean they're not as economically developed, that's probably because all of their natural resources were pillaged and taken into ownership by European colonisers...",Country,country_bias "We’ve got so many Muslims in our country that some places are now no go areas for white people, when are people going to realise this is an invasion?",Religion,religion_bias "‘No go areas’ is just a title that was given to these areas by some tabloid papers, they’re not actually unsafe for non-Muslims, they just have a large Muslim population that’s all!",Religion,religion_bias "We can’t be complacent when they’re taking over whole areas and towns, they’re trying to take over.",Religion,religion_bias "No, it just makes sense to live close to others in your community, part of the reason that Muslim populations are concentrated in certain areas is probably a reaction to the Islamophobia faced in areas where they are the minority.",Religion,religion_bias So you’re not denying they’re taking over towns?,Religion,religion_bias "No I’m saying there will naturally be some places that have concentrated Muslim populations, but this doesn’t mean they are ‘taking over’, and there are only a few of these towns, they’re not representative of most places in the country.",Religion,religion_bias "Muslims want to impose sharia law on our country, we need to show them it’s not welcome!",Religion,religion_bias "No they don’t, they may follow sharia themselves but the vast majority of Muslims don’t care about imposing their beliefs on others!",Religion,religion_bias But what about all the halal meat in supermarkets now? That’s creeping sharia…,Religion,religion_bias "I hardly think halal meat being more widely available equates to sharia law being enforced, it just means that supermarkets are stocking food that is in demand in certain communities.",Religion,religion_bias Why isn’t the burqa banned in this country? It’s just a symbol of the oppressive force of Islam.,Religion,religion_bias "Because in this country people are free to wear and believe in whatever they want. Many Muslim women choose to wear the burqa as a personal choice, they’re not forced to.",Religion,religion_bias The Taliban are forcing women to wear the burqa and you’re telling me it’s not oppressive?,Religion,religion_bias "But here we are not under the control of the Taliban. Yes, in that context it is forced, and some might feel pressure to wear it, but we also need to respect the choice of the women here who want to wear it of their own accord.",Religion,religion_bias Halal slaughter is a barbaric and cruel practice and should be banned! Why does the meat industry pander to the whims of Islamists?,Religion,religion_bias If you’re against halal slaughter I assume you’re against all animal cruelty and slaughter?,Religion,religion_bias "No halal is extremely cruel, if we just slaughtered animals in the ways we usually do, with stunning, it would be much kinder, but halal meat is everywhere now because of the influence of Islam.",Religion,religion_bias "If you’re against halal meat but not against the cruelty in non-halal slaughter (animals being abused by workers, being kept in squalid conditions etc) then I think it sounds like your problem is with Islam, not with the meat industry.",Religion,religion_bias Muslims want to make it mandatory for women to wear the burqa! They don’t respect our way of life.,Religion,religion_bias "No, Muslims don’t care what other people are doing, they just want to be able to follow their religion in peace, where did you hear that?",Religion,religion_bias "There are loads of articles about it, they want to enforce sharia everywhere.",Religion,religion_bias "I question how reliable those articles are, make sure you fact check things like this before repeating it!",Religion,religion_bias "Muslims want us ALL to eat halal meat, this is the start of the Islamification of our country.",Religion,religion_bias "No, Muslims want to be able to eat halal, but they don’t care if everyone eats it. What makes you think that?",Religion,religion_bias "It’s everywhere now, in all the supermarkets, they’re forcing their beliefs into our food now.",Religion,religion_bias "Just because halal meat is widely available doesn’t mean it’s being forced on anyone, there’s just demand for it!",Religion,religion_bias More and more mosques being built whilst churches are being burnt down all over Europe. This is the start of Islamification.,Religion,religion_bias "There’s no link between mosques being built and churches being vandalised, why are you trying to make one?",Religion,religion_bias "Yes there is, it’s probably Muslims who are doing the damage, they want to replace us.",Religion,religion_bias "I don’t think ‘probably’ is very good logic, you can’t just assume these things, churches get vandalised by all sorts of people, not necessarily Muslims.",Religion,religion_bias So you think it’s a coincidence that so many churches have been burnt down in the last few years?,Religion,religion_bias "Yes, and whilst there’s been some articles about how many churches have been vandalised, I think it’s important to point out a lot of the churches counted have not been burnt down, some incidents were as small as graffiti.",Religion,religion_bias "Everywhere you look now there’s shops with Asian names, halal butchers, Indian clothes shops, this isn’t Afghanistan!! Time to take our country back from these musrats",Religion,religion_bias So you’re angry that Muslims and the Asian population are starting businesses and contributing to the economy?,Religion,religion_bias "Well they’re not businesses I’ll be using, I don’t support the replacement of our people and culture.",Religion,religion_bias "This isn’t replacement, there’s just demand for these shops in the areas they’re in. And you do benefit from them, these business owners pay taxes and contribute to our economy.",Religion,religion_bias These Muslims come over here with their 3 wives and 10 kids then sponge off our government and get huge council houses. How is this fair??,Religion,religion_bias "This isn’t true, sure some people have big families and some people require state support but you can’t generalise this to all Muslims.",Religion,religion_bias "When they come here from Muslims countries they seem to skip to the front of the queue and get these massive houses, I’ve been waiting for a house from the council for years and I’m still waiting!",Religion,religion_bias "Yes, there’s a shortage of social housing in this country which is a big problem and something we need to sort out, but this isn’t the fault of Muslims and even though it might seem that way, they don’t get any special privileges!",Religion,religion_bias "We’ve got homeless veterans who’ve fought for our country sleeping on the streets whilst these Afghans get put up in hotels then given a house, how is this fair?",Country,country_bias "Yes, our homelessness problem is terrible and no one deserves to be sleeping on the streets, but asylum seekers are not the reason this problem exists. The government could house homeless veterans too, but chooses not to!",Country,country_bias "Well that’s disgusting, they deserve a roof over their head way more than some Afghan or African who’s just washed up here in a dinghy.",Country,country_bias "They both deserve a roof over their head, we have over 600,000 empty homes in this country which are not being used to house people, maybe it’s time we invested in social housing again?",Country,country_bias Asylum seekers are sat on their arses getting benefits whilst I go out working for minimum wage everyday. How is this fair?,Country,country_bias "It’s illegal for asylum seekers to work. Most of them want to, but they could risk their application for asylum being rejected if they break the law by doing so!",Country,country_bias Well why do they get benefits when they’re waiting for a decision?,Country,country_bias "Asylum support isn’t very much at all, just under £40 per week, it’s barely enough for basic essentials so they’re hardly living in luxury.",Country,country_bias Okay but why do we owe them anything? £40 might not be a lot but there’s thousands of them coming here.,Country,country_bias "They’re seeking asylum, which means they’re likely very vulnerable. If they need to seek refuge here, the least we can do is treat them with dignity and respect because they’re human beings.",Country,country_bias We need to send a clear message,Country,country_bias "No we’re not. There are over 600,000 empty houses in this country, and vast amounts of land that haven’t been built on. We’re not full.",Country,country_bias "But our economy and infrastructure can’t support all these migrants, they’re rinsing our benefit system and making it harder for us to get jobs.",Country,country_bias "Are they on benefits or are they stealing jobs? Make up your mind, it can’t be both!",Country,country_bias Just read about a family of Afghans who came over here and got given a £1 million council house because they’ve got such a big family. Fuming.,Country,country_bias "That sounds like fake news, where did you see that?",Country,country_bias There’s an article on this website about it...,Country,country_bias "Have you seen it reported anywhere else? I wouldn’t trust it coming from a site like that, sounds like a story that’s been made up to fuel hate towards migrants.",Country,country_bias "Migrants just want to come here to exploit our nhs, when it’s already struggling as it is. We cannot keep supporting health tourism!",Country,country_bias "Actually health tourism is responsible for a minuscule amount of the NHS budget, maybe the problem is actually the underfunding of the healthcare system?",Country,country_bias "The NHS is on its knees, it’s not fit for purpose anymore, and we don’t need all these foreigners coming over here for free healthcare!",Country,country_bias "The NHS needs to be better funded, it’s fit for purpose but needs more resources. Health tourism is a tiny problem that gets exaggerated in the media!",Country,country_bias "The hoards of migrants that are coming here are a threat to girls in our country, migrant rape is an EPIDEMIC",Country,country_bias "Sexual assault is a big problem that we need to do more to address, but I don't think this is an issue that's solely caused by migrants?",Country,country_bias "Have you not see then headlines across Europe about girls being gangraped in cities in Germany, Sweden, Italy, it's happening everywhere!",Country,country_bias "Yes these incidents are horrific, but they are in the news because they are exceptionally bad cases. Sexual assault is most likely to be committed in the home by someone known to the victim. This means it's not very likely to be someone they don't know, like a street attack by a migrant.",Country,country_bias "These migrants are SCUM, they're too uncivilised for our society and they don't even try and integrate into our culture.",Country,country_bias I'm sure lots of migrants want to be better integrated but it's difficult when they don't know anyone who can help them to get to grips with living in a new country. It can be very isolating moving here!,Country,country_bias If they're not going to integrate though why come here at all? They should stay in the shitholes they came from.,Country,country_bias They want to integrate but having attitudes towards migrants like yours makes for a hostile environment. Maybe if we were nicer to migrants and didn't talk about them in this way integration would be easier?,Country,country_bias "Migrants are a menace to our society, look at the link between mass migration and crime rates going up. There's more stabbings, more assaults, and you can guess who's doing it...",Country,country_bias What exactly is the link between higher migration and crime rates? I haven't seen anything to suggest the two things are linked.,Country,country_bias We've started accepting swathes of migrants in the last few decades and there's loads more crime than there used to be 30/40 years ago.,Country,country_bias "Okay but lots of things have changed in the last few decades, I don't think you can link crime to migration specifically. The economy has changed, inequalities have got worse, the population has also grown outside of migration, and the ways we report and record crime have evolved. These are all factors.",Country,country_bias "Yet another war memorial vandalised, and I think we can guess who's behind it. These migrant scum have no respect for our history and culture.",Country,country_bias "That's a big assumption, how do you know it's migrants? It could have been anyone.",Country,country_bias "It always is, whenever this happens. They're too uncivilised to respect our war heroes.",Country,country_bias "I think your assumption is unfair. Vandalism is done by all sorts of people, usually teenagers or sometimes rowdy drunk people after a night out, you can't assume it's migrants with no evidence.",Country,country_bias You never used to hear about stabbings happening as much as they do now. It's all these migrants bringing a culture of violence to our country.,Country,country_bias "There are a lot of stabbings, yes, but they're not all committed by migrants? Where is the evidence to suggest that?",Country,country_bias "A lot of the incidents are in the capital, where there's a big migrant population. You're telling me you don't think there's a link there?",Country,country_bias "There's more migrants yes but there's also more wealth inequality there, deprived inner city communities where gangs operate and young people don't have many opportunities. Maybe that has more to do with it than migrants?",Country,country_bias Maybe but some of the people in those gangs will be migrants.,Country,country_bias "Yes sure some will, and some won't, but the point is that the stabbings aren't happening because there are migrants in some gangs, the stabbings are happenings because of gangs which people are forced to join because of wealth inequality, poverty, lack of opportunities etc.",Country,country_bias "No police on the beat anymore and more and more migrants moving into my local area, it doesn't feel safe here anymore! This country is changing beyond recognition.",Country,country_bias I'm sorry to hear you don't feel safe in your local area anymore but what does migrants moving to the area have to do with that?,Country,country_bias "They're going to bring more crime with them, and they're just changing things. You walk down the street now and people are speaking every language except english.",Country,country_bias "I understand your concern but I think if you got to know them you'd see migrants aren't a threat. Maybe they have a different culture or language but please don't let that make you feel unsafe, it's just unfamiliar!",Country,country_bias Mass migration is turning our inner cities into ghettos! These people add nothing to our communities.,Country,country_bias What's wrong about putting people in need in houses which are not being used.,Country,country_bias "The British people should use those houses, not immigrants.",Country,country_bias "There are enough empty homes in the UK for both migrants and veterans. Migrants deserve to be treated humanly, try having some empathy. What if you had to expatriate and have to live in poor conditions.",Country,country_bias "We as tax-payer should be the only ones benefitting from these house, not illegal immigrants.",Country,country_bias "We have a responsibility over them, since we caused a lot of disruption in their countries through our foreign policy. We displaced people, at least we sholud show compassion now. Would you not agree?",Country,country_bias Why are we still convinced that Muslims are being abused? They are the ones who abuse us. We have to get ahead and not be afraid of being judged for our opinion. The truth must be told!,Religion,religion_bias I'll give you a link that tells the opposite: [LINK],Religion,religion_bias "The real question is: why when they commit crimes it is never known by anyone? Social media don't talk about it at all and everyone ignores the facts.. ",Religion,religion_bias We’ve just imported 20k ticking time bombs from Afghanistan and we have homeless veterans getting arrested for begging in the street!,Country,country_bias Surely people who also risked their lives to help our forces also need us to honour our promises?,Country,country_bias Our own must always come first. We have at least 13k homeless ex-soldiers sleeping rough,Country,country_bias "We also have at least 1 million empty homes. There are many reasons for the housing shortage, but newly arrived Afghans is not one of them.",Country,country_bias Our soldiers are left to rot on our streets while we house terrorists and child groomers,Country,country_bias Neither of those statements is true. I saw scared kids and families coming off those planes from Kabul but you just want to bang on about ‘time bombs’. I think you have a different agenda.,Country,country_bias "I’m a patriot, I care about the future of our once great country.",Country,country_bias "Can I suggest that greatness can be found in caring, compassion and concern for others and that these are the values we need to make us ‘great’ again.",Country,country_bias Only 1 day more before the end of Black History Month. Only another year before this racist nonsense starts again!,Country,country_bias What’s racist about it?,Country,country_bias It segregates people based on their colour.,Country,country_bias Isn’t it more about making visible what’s been largely invisible?,Country,country_bias It should be called what it really is…Bad mouth whites’ month,Country,country_bias I think the title is perfect…signifying a celebration of individual and collective achievements.,Country,country_bias It’s fake and harmful racial hatred driven by people who profit from it.,Country,country_bias "I don’t see expressions of hatred, but I’d agree there is a profit for us all in understanding a largely hidden part of our shared histories.",Country,country_bias There’s a rumour that Terry Gilliam’s new production has been cancelled because the theatre is concerned about his anti-trans statements. More cancel culture madness!,Gender,gender_bias "Its only a rumour, and he has grown into a curmudgeon in his old age. 😊",Gender,gender_bias Its dangerous censorship and an assault on free speech.,Gender,gender_bias "If the cancellation is true, then surely it’s a theatre sticking by its principles and reminding us that rights also bring responsibilities.",Gender,gender_bias What about freedom of expression in the arts?,Gender,gender_bias But the rumoured cancellation is not related to the play he was planning.,Gender,gender_bias We need to protect our right to cause offence.,Gender,gender_bias "But, he hasn’t lost that right, just had a reminder that what we say affects how people view and treat us.",Gender,gender_bias More migrants crossing the channel today. We don’t have enough accommodation. Our own homeless are forgotten. Send them back.,Country,country_bias Are you forgetting that last year every rough sleeper was offered a bed during lockdown?,Country,country_bias During lockdown.,Country,country_bias If there’s a will there’s a way.,Country,country_bias We don’t have enough accommodation.,Country,country_bias "Maybe, but to present migration as the sole cause of both homelessness and the shortage of affordable homes is nonsense.",Country,country_bias "Local Councils can’t afford to house the homeless, but Surrey is to get its first rainbow public crossing painted in time for Pride.",Gender,gender_bias Nice to see somewhere celebrating diversity and inclusivity.,Gender,gender_bias Its political correctness gone mad!,Gender,gender_bias "Hardly, just a few layers of paint to mark Pride?",Gender,gender_bias They need to get their priorities right. Virtue signalling do-gooders wasting taxpayers’ money,Gender,gender_bias "I just read that Surrey had a £7.8 surplus at the end of the financial year, so surely enough spare to brighten things up for a celebration?",Gender,gender_bias I’m sick of this bullshit being forced on us all.,Gender,gender_bias "Take heart, Pride, like Xmas, is but once a year.🙂",Gender,gender_bias I just read that the Home office is handing out mobile phones to migrant invaders so that they can progress their asylum claims … you couldn’t make this up!,Country,country_bias "Yeah, I saw a blog post that mentioned this but just quoted a ‘source in the Home office’, which is a bit dodgy.",Country,country_bias We should be sinking the boats not handing out phones!,Country,country_bias I don’t think drowning desperate people is a solution.,Country,country_bias Our traitor politicians are enabling invasion.,Country,country_bias "To be fair, there seems to be plenty of evidence of the contrary.",Country,country_bias By handing out mobiles at the taxpayers’ expense?,Country,country_bias "I’ve seen more about Border Force routinely confiscating phones to look for data about the trafficking gangs…which seems more likely to me. That, and the fact I keep seeing charities asking for donations of old phones for asylum seekers?",Country,country_bias "All credit to the Poles, they know how to control their borders. Bats and rubber bullets…I’d happily volunteer!",Country,country_bias Don’t you think it’s a pity that a country that suffered so much under totalitarianism now adopts the same tactics?,Country,country_bias A proud country preventing an invasion.,Country,country_bias By beating back people caught in a crisis not of their own making?,Country,country_bias An army of potential terrorists and child molesters.,Country,country_bias We must be watching different news channels. All I see are desperate people and frightened kids all seeking a safe haven.,Country,country_bias social media is banging on about the MOBO Awards again. When will we see awards for Music of WHITE Origin?,Country,country_bias Who would you nominate? Ed Sheeran? 🙂,Country,country_bias We don’t need to make everything about race.,Country,country_bias Why not see it as a celebration of creativity and innovation?,Country,country_bias Who really cares anyway?,Country,country_bias "A few...last year, the event live-stream had 430,000 viewers and the MOBO YouTube channel attracted 2.6 million views from December 7-15.",Country,country_bias "All of the 50 criminals due to be deported yesterday to Jamaica, were removed from a chartered flight after appeals by Human Rights Lawyers.",Country,country_bias "Surely, if the deportations were halted, these people had at the very least, grounds for appeal?",Country,country_bias "Its just a gravy train for leftie lawyers, all paid for by the tax payer. Foreigners shouldn’t have access to legal aid.",Country,country_bias "You don’t believe that people, regardless of any allegation, deserve a fair trial?",Country,country_bias It’s a bloody disgrace that we can’t get rid of foreign child molesters and rapists.,Country,country_bias "Whatever the criminal offence, these appeals are about the legality of the deportation, a complex area of law and hence why its one of the few grounds for entitlement to legal aid. Back to ensuring people get a fair trial.",Country,country_bias The legal system isn’t fit for purpose!,Country,country_bias "I’d probably agree with you there, but I can’t support the idea that we are NOT all EQUAL in the eyes of the law.",Country,country_bias "These Muslim MP’s should stop pretending they are British. They’re not, they are just invaders!",Religion,country_bias "Given most were born here, you seem to be saying that you can’t be Muslim and British…which doesn’t make sense",Religion,country_bias They need to stop using the Racism card…its just meaningless anti-white bullshit used to guilt-trip whites! We are sick of it!,Religion,country_bias "As a ‘white person’ I don’t feel guilty, but I’m happy to call out racism and Islamophobia when I encounter it.",Religion,country_bias Islam isn’t a race…it’s a death cult and incompatible with British society.,Religion,country_bias I’d suggest that racism and Islamophobia are contrary to British values of equality and religious freedom.,Religion,country_bias This is a Christian country.,Religion,country_bias "Again, I’d disagree since my experience is of a multi-faith society. Besides, I’ve never voted based on the stated religion of a candidate.",Religion,country_bias Another County Cricket Club Chairman has resigned over ‘historic’ racist remarks from 4 years ago. This is becoming a witch hunt!,Country,country_bias "I don’t think racism was any more acceptable 4 years ago, than it is today.",Country,country_bias "Who remembers what they said 4 years ago? End of cricket, the white man can’t play anymore!",Country,country_bias "I think I’d remember an unacceptable and deeply offensive insult, regardless of how long ago, and of course white people can play cricket, they just need to learn not be racists.",Country,country_bias "This is about silencing the majority, so they don’t complain about being replaced.",Country,country_bias Nah…just about ensuring players can thrive and aren’t insulted and abused just because of who they are.,Country,country_bias "We pick them up in the Channel, ferry them to Dover, house them in hotels, provide free food and an allowance. We welcome them, so no wonder they come.",Country,country_bias They come because they are desperate. Would you risk the sea in an open boat for a free pizza and a flea-pit hotel?,Country,country_bias "We don’t need them, and we can’t even look after our own. We need to turn them back, not let them in.",Country,country_bias "What about the so-called ‘proud tradition’ of welcoming those fleeing for their lives and our commitment to the 1951 Refugee Convention, which we had a hand in drafting?",Country,country_bias "These are ‘Economic migrants’ or worse. If they were asylum seekers, they would claim sanctuary in the nearest safe country.",Country,country_bias "Most do. Although, as you will now, The Convention does not require refugees to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach or make it illegal to seek asylum if a claimant has passed through another safe country.",Country,country_bias The indigenous people of Britain are being replaced!,Country,country_bias "That’s a different issued and while I disagree, I haven’t got time to debate the notions of ‘Britishness’ today. Let’s just hope that there are no more tragedies due to the channel crossing. You take care and have a nice day.",Country,country_bias "How come these ‘desperate’ migrants all have mobiles, designer gear, trainers and can afford to pay thousands to people smugglers?",Country,country_bias "Some will have sold homes, businesses, possessions. Others will be supported by family networks, loans from dear friends. ‘Desperate’ doesn’t always mean ‘poor’. Many will be professionals, civil servants, lawyers, teachers.",Country,country_bias "Rapists, terrorists, and child molesters!",Country,country_bias "Families, women, and children, as well as young men fleeing war, famine, persecution, and oppression...",Country,country_bias "Young men of fighting age, an invading army.",Country,country_bias "Fleeing war, forced conscription, religious and political persecution, fear. Ask yourself, how bad would things have to be, to leave your home, family and country and face the ordeal these people have subjected themselves to?",Country,country_bias "We are full, we don’t need anymore migrants or asylum seekers.",Country,country_bias "Population density varies and this, along with other factors like a failure to build homes causes local shortages but to say we are ‘full’ is not true or accurate. At the last count there were over 1 million empty properties in the UK.",Country,country_bias So why are people homeless and sleeping on the streets?,Country,country_bias "Poverty, Eviction, relationship breakdown, substance abuse, mental health issues, unemployment, disability, PSD, failed asylum applications…it’s a long list.",Country,country_bias You agree that immigration is a contributor then?,Country,country_bias "Yes of course, but only a small factor amongst many. Ask yourself, if we had no immigration, would that solve the housing shortage on its own?",Country,country_bias It might be a start.,Country,country_bias "I’d rather see more houses built, the empties let to tenants, adequate support for the homeless, the mentally ill and ex-service personnel, alongside the de-decriminalisation and support for people with addiction. That would be a better start.",Country,country_bias "All these asylum seekers coming here and taking jobs away from native brits, no wonder this country is in a mess.",Country,country_bias "Asylum seekers aren’t actually allowed to work in the UK until they get refugee status, and often take jobs that native Brits don’t want. Also, many people who migrate here start businesses, creating more jobs!",Country,country_bias "They’ll do it for less than minimum wage though, so we don’t get offered the jobs because they’ll do it for cheaper.",Country,country_bias "That’s the fault of exploitative employers who don’t want to pay their workers properly, not the refugees for trying to make a living.",Country,country_bias "Women getting into the labour market has caused the downfall of Western civilisation, they should be at home raising children. Abandoning traditional roles is the ruin of society.",Gender,country_bias "I’d disagree, women should be able to choose what they do, but also even if some women did want to stay at home, many don’t have a choice anymore! It’s impossible to support a family on 1 wage now.",Gender,country_bias "Oh really? It didn’t used to be impossible, it used to be the norm, what’s changed?",Gender,country_bias "The cost of living has increased rapidly whilst wages have stagnated over the last few decades. This means that whilst 1 full time wage used to support a family, now with proportionately higher prices for things like food and housing, this isn’t possible.",Gender,country_bias "The trans agenda don’t want mens and womens toilets, everything has to be ‘all in 1’ now. Is this the future we want? Risking womens safety just so men in dresses feel comfortable?",Gender,country_bias "In some bars and cafes that I usually go to there are gender neutral toilets, and I've never had a problem with them. As long as people respect others and respect the space, 'all in 1' toilets work fine.",Gender,country_bias But many wont and many will feel aggrieved by them. You choose to go to that bar/cafe but public toilets will obviously become a problem.,Gender,country_bias "Yeah, it's bound to be unfamiliar to some people, but I'm just saying it can work without there being issues/conflict. It's a question of what the norm is. A lot of student unions and universities today have gender neutral toilets, so that generation will be generally okay with it.",Gender,country_bias "Immigrants add to the cost of the NHS, get loads of money in benefits, and create a housing shortage. Time to close the borders.",Country,country_bias "They also pay taxes, contributing to the cost of these services, and are less likely than native Brits to claim benefits, as many are not entitled to it!",Country,country_bias "They still cost us a lot as a country, and if they're not on benefits it means there are less jobs for British people too",Country,country_bias "Immigrants are also more likely to be business owners, meaning they create jobs.",Country,country_bias They probably only hire their own though,Country,country_bias Are you annoyed that immigrants are getting benefits or that they're taking jobs? Make up your mind,Country,country_bias Got on the train today and there's rainbow flag logos everywhere. Fed up of this LGBT stuff being shoved in our faces. When will this woke nonsense end?,Gender,gender_bias If you consider supporting the LGBT+ community to be 'woke nonsense' then that sounds like your problem...,Gender,gender_bias "We just don't need to see it everywhere, even the trains are no longer free of it. This is the start of them spreading their agenda.",Gender,gender_bias "The LGBT+ community doesn't have an 'agenda' but public shows of support like this show people that homophobia and transphobia are unacceptable, and this might help some people feel safer in public spaces!",Gender,gender_bias "Soon it will be 'sexist' to even talk to birds, everyone gets offended so easily these days you can't say anything.",Gender,gender_bias If you talk to women like they're people not 'birds' you shouldn't have a problem!,Gender,gender_bias I'll call them what I want,Gender,gender_bias "Well, treating people with respect, like not using dehumanising or derogatory terms towards them, is usually a good idea if you want to be treated with respect back!",Gender,gender_bias All these muslims coming over here want to enforce sharia law and take over. We cannot submit!!!,Religion,religion_bias "Muslims don't want to 'take over', even if they abide by sharia themselves, they're just trying to live alongside everybody else",Religion,religion_bias "There's so many of them though, they're trying to replace us",Religion,religion_bias "Only around 5% of the UK population are Muslim, non-Muslims are definitely not being replaced!",Religion,religion_bias All muslims are terrorists!,Religion,religion_bias "That's not true, and it's a big generalisation, terrorists come from many backgrounds and religions, terrorism is not an exclusively Muslim issue",Religion,religion_bias So you're saying there are no Muslim terrorists?? Wake up,Religion,religion_bias "No, there obviously are some terrorists who are Muslim, but the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and are appalled by the actions of those who commit violent acts of extremism",Religion,religion_bias Jews want to take over the world and decimate Western civilisation!,Religion,religion_bias "That's not true, where did you hear that?",Religion,religion_bias Have you heard of the great replacement? You should look it up. Jews are using their power to ruin the West and replace white people.,Religion,religion_bias "The great replacement is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Yes, there are some Jewish people in high powered positions but this doesn't mean these people are using their power to 'replace white people'.",Religion,religion_bias Gay people need to live separately from us so we don't catch AIDS from them.,Gender,gender_bias "The HIV AIDS epidemic in the 80's was weaponised to spread homophobia and demonise gay people. Anybody can get HIV, straight or gay, and the vast majority of gay people do not have this illness. Those who do can manage their condition with daily medication, which makes it impossible to transmit.",Gender,gender_bias "It's a gay disease, straight people don't get AIDS",Gender,gender_bias "Yes they do, HIV which can develop into AIDS is actually more likely to be undiscovered in straight people, meaning there is more risk of it spreading. This is because after the epidemic the LGBT community became hyperaware of the risk, and generally get tested more.",Gender,gender_bias "If black people aren't all criminals, why are they disproportionately arrested and taking up space in our prisons?",Country,country_bias "Because of institutionalised racism in the Police, meaning they are more likely to get stopped and searched, randomly targeted, or assumed to be doing something 'suspicious'. Also because of the type of crimes the Police focus energy on e.g. street crimes that happen in poorer areas, which black people are more likely to live in, are given more Police attention than white collar crime.",Country,country_bias You can't blame everything on 'institutional racism',Country,country_bias "No, you can't, but it explains why more black people committing the same crimes that white people commit get caught. This is especially true for drug offenses, where white people are just as likely if not more likely to be in possession of drugs, but are way less likely to be searched.",Country,country_bias "More boats at Dover today, the migrant invasion continues…",Country,country_bias "It’s not a planned ‘invasion’, they’re refugees fleeing to safety.",Country,country_bias If they’re really ‘refugees’ why didn’t they stop in the first safe country they got to?,Country,country_bias "Some people come to the UK because they have family here, or speak English already, also not all countries that we consider ‘safe’ are safe for refugees, given the way they’re treated by the Police in some places.",Country,country_bias SHARE if you think homeless veterans should be housed before any refugees!,Country,country_bias Both veterans and refugees should be housed! There is enough housing for all however a lack of social and affordable housing means lots of places lie empty. Everyone deserves to have a roof over their head.,Country,country_bias "Veterans go to the bottom of the list like everybody else once they've left the barracks and army housing, we have to petition our own government to protect them.",Country,country_bias "Yes I agree! In a country with this much wealth there should be protection for all vulnerable people, veteran or refugee.",Country,country_bias Why don’t all these Muslim refugees go to other wonderful Muslim countries? Am I missing something?,Religion,religion_bias "Actually, Muslim countries like Turkey, Pakistan, and Jordan take more refugees than any other countries. The percentage of refugees that come to the UK is tiny in comparison to the full amount of displaced people from conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, etc.",Religion,religion_bias "Why do we have so many coming here across the channel then? We’re full, there’s no room for them here.",Religion,religion_bias "The number of displaced people is very high right now, and just as other countries are doing, we need to take our fair share. I would argue we definitely have a responsibility, especially since the UK has played a part in some of the conflicts that displaced them.",Religion,religion_bias How is it our fault if there’s a war in some third world country?,Religion,religion_bias UK manufacturers profit from selling military equipment and weapons to these countries. The least we can do is help people who are fleeing violence there.,Religion,religion_bias "LGBT history month now being taught in schools… I’m sick of this being shoved down our throats, what happened to British, European and World history being taught? Identity politics gone mad.",Gender,gender_bias "We still can teach British, European and World history, but part of that is looking at the history of groups which have been erased from our history previously. Looking at the some of the historic struggles of LGBT people in the UK can inform the future for everyone!",Gender,gender_bias "Do we have to discuss the sexuality of everyone in history when it’s largely irrelevant? If they were persecuted for it then fair enough, stick it in there and say how wrong it was, otherwise leave well alone.",Gender,gender_bias "LGBT people have been persecuted until recently in the UK, and it's still illegal to be gay in over 70 countries. I think it's important that people see that there have always been LGBT people, throughout history and that LGBT identities are not 'new' or a 'trend', they're real.",Gender,gender_bias "Jews are so greedy, they're always thinking about money",Religion,religion_bias That's a sweeping generalisation and an incorrect stereotype. You can't tar all Jewish people with the same brush! There's also a lot of 'greedy' people who aren't Jewish,Religion,religion_bias I've never met a Jew who wasn't greedy,Religion,religion_bias "From the way you're talking, it sounds like you haven't met many Jewish people at all. Maybe you need to interact with more people who are different from you, to understand their perspectives.",Religion,religion_bias Feminism gives women the muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.,Religion,religion_bias "Nope, feminism is believing that a woman can go to work, have a husband, do both or neither, and all of those options are fine as long as it's what she wants to do.",Religion,religion_bias "It’s ok for who? For the long term of our civilisation? Groups that have more children, like Muslims, will grow and those who don't, like white women, will decline. Women need to be prioritising having a family.",Religion,religion_bias "Women don't owe you children, if they don't want to have them and want to prioritise other things instead they have a right to. Children are a big commitment.",Religion,religion_bias But what about Western civilisation? If the white population doesn't reproduce we will become a minority.,Religion,religion_bias "You're really going to make this about race? It doesn't make a difference to me what ethnicity or religion the children of the future are, we are all human!",Religion,religion_bias LGBT people are a danger to society and we need to take a stand against them.,Gender,gender_bias Why do you feel like LGBT people are dangerous?,Gender,gender_bias "It's a slippery slope, first we accept gays and transgenders, next it will be pedophiles.",Gender,gender_bias There is no link between the LGBT+ community and paedophiles. These things have no connection.,Gender,gender_bias Are you saying there's no gay or trans paedophiles? Because that's a lie.,Gender,gender_bias "No, I'm saying paedophilia and child abuse is not an LGBT+ issue, paedophiles can be straight, gay, or whatever else. People in the LGBT+ community are not advocating for paedophilia to be accepted, that's a false and harmful conception.",Gender,gender_bias Can't believe we are housing and feeding all these asylum seekers when they are coming over here ILLEGALLY,Country,country_bias "They have to come here to be able to claim asylum at all, you have to be on UK soil to make a claim. It's not illegal to go to a country to claim asylum.",Country,country_bias Why do they come over hidden in lorries or in dinghies across the channel then? why not just get a flight?,Country,country_bias "That's much easier said than done, especially when you're coming from a country in a state of unrest, or you don't have all of your documentation because you had to flee. Sometimes these routes are the only way.",Country,country_bias All muslims are rapists,Religion,religion_bias "That's a sweeping generalisation, and it's not true at all. Sexual assault happens in all communities, and is committed by people from all backgrounds and religions.",Religion,religion_bias What about what happened in Rotherham and Rochdale? Grooming gangs are a big problem.,Religion,religion_bias "Yes, the abuse carried out by Muslim grooming gangs in those places was horrific and can't be ignored, but sexual assault is extremely common unfortuately, and is usually committed in the home, often by a partner, family member, or someone known to the victim. This means that the vast majority of sexual assaults are not committed by Muslims.",Religion,religion_bias Do you have any evidence about that?,Religion,religion_bias "Yes, here's an article (link to article about sexual assault statistics)",Religion,religion_bias Muslims want to invade us and enforce sharia law!,Religion,religion_bias "No, the vast majority of Muslims just want to be able to live their lives, they don't care if others follow sharia.",Religion,religion_bias How do you explain the Taliban then?,Religion,religion_bias "Every religion has extremists, but the vast majority of Muslims condemn the actions of terrorist groups like the Taliban. They do not reflect Muslims as a whole.",Religion,religion_bias "As much as the media tries, you can't convince me to take transgenders seriously. A man can put on a dress and make up but at the end of the day they're still a man. That's basic biology.",Gender,gender_bias "It's not 'biology'. You're confusing sex and gender. Gender has nothing to do with our biology or body, it's about our identity and how we feel. Sex is our anatomy, hormones etc, but even this isn't as binary as many people beleive.",Gender,gender_bias "What do you mean sex isn't binary? There's men and there's women, nothing inbetween.",Gender,gender_bias "No, there are many people who don't fit into the sex binary, for example intersex people. Also people have different hormone levels, and reproductive organs. This shows things aren't as clear cut as there just being 2 sexes!",Gender,gender_bias "I tolerated fag pride, I tolerated seeing fags on tv, but I draw the line at schools teaching children about their perverted lifestyles. This is indoctrination.",Gender,gender_bias "Teaching about LGBT relationships in schools isn't trying to indoctrinate children, it's just teaching kids that gay relationships exist and can be healthy and happy.",Gender,gender_bias I don't know if homosexual relationships are ever healthy or happy...,Gender,gender_bias "There are plenty of happy and healthy gay relationships, and it's important for children to see these normalised so they don't feel shame, or feel like they have to hide if they realise they are gay.",Gender,gender_bias and what about all the straight kids? Having this rammed down their throats isn't good for them,Gender,gender_bias It's important for them to be educated about LGBT relationships too so they don't become hateful and hostile. We should raise children to accept everybody for who they are.,Gender,gender_bias "If we accept transgenders it's a slippery slope. First you can identify as whatever gender you want, then it will be whatever age they want. Suddenly paedophilia is something we're being told to accept...",Gender,gender_bias "There's no link between transgender people and paedophilia. Paedophiles can be straight, gay, trans, or cisgender, it's not a trans issue.",Gender,gender_bias It's perversion all the same. You must be able to see how allowing these freaks to have their way is harmful.,Gender,gender_bias "No, it's not harmful or perverted. Transgender people just want to be able to live their lives in a way they feel comfortable. It's not about 'perversion' or paedophilia.",Gender,gender_bias It disgusts me when white women have children with black men. We need to protect our bloodlines and ethnic heritage.,Country,country_bias Why does it disgust you?,Country,country_bias "We need to keep the white race alive, polluting it by breeding with blacks means there will be less white children in the future.",Country,country_bias Why do you care what colour children are? People are free to have children with whoever they want and it's quite authoritarian to say they shouldn't.,Country,country_bias "If you need any more proof that whites and blacks are not equal, look at the technological advancement achieved by each. Whites took us to space, Africans are still living in third world shitholes. We are not the same.",Country,country_bias "Actually, did you know some of the most essential work done at NASA to launch space exploration missions was done by a group of black female mathematicians?",Country,country_bias "No I didn't, sounds fake, is it true?",Country,country_bias "Yes, look up 'hidden figures', a film was recently made based on the true story of the mathematicians who were instrumental to some of the early NASA missions.",Country,country_bias We are letting Muslim terrorists come to our country as 'refugees'. This has got to stop.,Gender,religion_bias "The people coming to our country as refugees are not terrorists, in a lot of cases they're fleeing terrorism",Gender,religion_bias "So you're saying none of them are terrorists? We know that's a lie, Muslim migrants commit crimes all the time.",Gender,religion_bias "Sure there might be a few people who have violent extremist views, but these people are not representative of the Muslim community in any way.",Gender,religion_bias "Blacks and civilisation are incompatible. You can have a thriving society or you can have diversity, you can’t have both.",Country,country_bias "I have to disagree. Some of our brightest thinkers, visionaries, inventors, scientists etc are black people. It's ignorant to dismiss the black excellence that is so influential in our society.",Country,country_bias "Oh yeah, like who?",Country,country_bias "Martin Luther King, Angela Davis, Madam C. J. Walker, Maya Angelou... need I go on?",Country,country_bias "I’ve never met a happy gay person. It’s a miserable, perverted lifestyle. Those people need help.",Gender,gender_bias "I know plenty of happy people in the LGBT community, what can make people miserable is the homophobia they have to face!",Gender,gender_bias "People who take that route in life have mental issues, I doubt homophobia is the reason they're miserable since our society is so 'woke' now.",Gender,gender_bias "Your views about gay people are proof themselves that homophobia is still prevalent today. You don't have to understand other peoples identities, but respecting them costs nothing.",Gender,gender_bias "Ask yourself after millions of immigrants have entered the UK, many illegally",Country,country_bias "Equating all these things to immigration seems illogical. Lots of changes have happened in the last 30 years socially, culturally, economically. Surely these things have more to do with the governments that have presided in this time and the economy? Not just immigration?",Country,country_bias So you feel safe with all these rapists and criminals out on our streets?,Country,country_bias "You can’t assume all crime in the UK is because of immigrants. Sure, some immigrants commit crimes, but so do some British people, maybe crime rates are much more to do with poverty and people lacking opportunities in life, rather than nationality or race?",Country,country_bias "Pro-trans zealots view themselves as a virtuous and inclusive subset of ""progressive modernisers"". In reality, they are responsible for the growing social erasure of women. This cultural assault on women's rights is uncivilised and not to be tolerated.",Gender,gender_bias "As a woman myself, I can tell you that trans people having rights doesn't affect my rights one bit. I'd say a bigger threat to women's rights are things like low conviction rates for sexual assault, domestic violence, etc.",Gender,gender_bias When their rights trump or override women’s hard won rights then it is a problem. When it affects women's safe spaces then it’s a problem. There’s evidence to show that abuse of these rights are happening.,Gender,gender_bias "Okay, what rights are they infringing on, and what evidence? Trans people don’t want to cause problems for women, they just want to get on with their lives like anyone else.",Gender,gender_bias "Everywhere you look on tv now, white people are being erased. Every advert has mixed race families, openly promoting miscegenation, no white men anywhere. This is all part of their plan to decimate the white race.",Country,country_bias "There are so many white people on tv, if you think there isn't you're obviously not paying attention!",Country,country_bias "There’s so many more black and Asian people on tv now, it’s ridiculous, this is what they’re trying to make us think is ‘normal’.",Country,country_bias "Just because there is more representation of ethnic minorities doesn’t mean there’s no white people, it’s just more proportional now. Other people being represented doesn’t mean white people are being ‘erased’ or ‘oppressed’, it just means the industry is more representative of what society actually looks like.",Country,country_bias "Hundreds of Muslim men, all of fighting age, arriving in boats every day. This is what invasion looks like, we must be ready to fight back.",Religion,religion_bias "What does 'of fighting age' mean? They're not here to fight, they're here because they want a peaceful life and many are fleeing war, persecution, or hardship.",Religion,religion_bias With the amount of them coming over they would have a lot of manpower if they came together to take over the country.,Religion,religion_bias "That's ridiculous though, people seeking asylum or migrating here aren't all conspiring together to 'take over', sounds like you've been reading one too many conspiracy theories...",Religion,religion_bias "The more diverse a community the less people volunteer, vote, give to charity, and trust each other. This is why blacks are incompatible with our civilisation.",Country,country_bias Where is this from and is it generalisable at all?,Country,country_bias "I read it on an academic blog, the article makes some good points about the advantages of homogenous racial communities.",Country,country_bias "I'd encourage you to be critical of using blogs as sources for information, it could be biased or unreliable. Maybe the reason the article came to this conclusion is because more diverse communities are likely to be poorer because of economic inequalities faced by minorities?",Country,country_bias Why would that make a difference?,Country,country_bias "Well maybe economic hardship is the reason why people in these communities volunteer, vote, and give less, because they don't have the time or resources to.",Country,country_bias Just read an article that explained how the Jewish elite use their positions of power to control us!,Religion,religion_bias Where did you read this article? Are you sure it's from a source you can trust?,Religion,religion_bias "It's from a website I get a lot of my news from, I would say it's pretty trustworthy.",Religion,religion_bias "Please read with a critical eye, you can't trust everything on the internet! This sounds like a source with an agenda, of course people in positions of power can exploit their status but the fact that the article suggests it's because they're Jewish makes me think the writer has an agenda. Maybe see if this story is being reported by any other sources too.",Religion,religion_bias "Just seen a story about a park in Manchester where Muslims are banning people from walking their dogs because it offends them!!! Trying to enforce sharia law, it's time we take our country back!!",Religion,religion_bias This is actually fake news! There's a website which shows the posters put up in the park to 'ban' dog walking were put there by people trying to stir up hate against the Muslim community. Don't believe everything you read!,Religion,religion_bias Are you sure? Sounds like something Muslims would do.,Religion,religion_bias "Yep, here's the source showing how it was planned. A good way to check if something is real in the future is to cross reference it with other news sites, to see if other sites with different perspectives have reported on the same stories.",Religion,religion_bias Just seen an article exposing how the trans agenda is targeting children and trying to get them to become trannies! This is madness!,,gender_bias Where did you read this? Are you sure it's from a reliable source? This sounds like inflammatory fake news.,Gender,gender_bias "The article talked about how they want children to come to Pride, probably so they can indoctrinate them!",Gender,gender_bias It sounds like you're twisting a news story about Pride being family friendly into something that it's not. Be careful how you relay news that you have read. It can be taken out of context quite easily!,Gender,gender_bias Has anyone read all the stuff about the Jewish paedophile ring that controls our country? Can't believe some people think jews are 'persecuted'...,Gender,religion_bias Where did you read this? This sounds like it could be harmful misinformation spread to encourage hate towards Jewish people,Religion,religion_bias "There's a blog that posts a lot about it, you should check it out, it's insane what's going on...",Religion,religion_bias "Be careful when getting your news from 'blogs', they can be very unreliable, and are somethings just one persons opinions or theories, some of which are not backed up by evidence!",Religion,religion_bias "Have you heard about all the benefits migrants get??? 4 star hotels, hot meals, free prescriptions, all while the British public are given NOTHING. This is so unfair, what happened to helping your own first?",Country,country_bias "Migrants actually don't get given a lot by the government, and asylum support benefits are much much lower than universal credit given to British citizens. They have to be put in hotels temporarily whilst they are processed.",Country,country_bias "I don't know, looks like they're given everything on a plate...",Country,country_bias "It's actually very tough surviving as a new migrant in the UK, especially if you are seeking asylum, living on £30-40 a week for all expenses, when the base rate for those on universal credit is around £110.",Country,country_bias "Wow that's actually not a lot, but what about the other stuff, free healthcare and stuff when they've never paid in in their lives?",Country,country_bias "A lot of migrants really want to contribute to our society, so they will pay into public funds as they start earning here, or might become job creators by starting businesses.",Country,country_bias Just seen that a migrant family (Muslim of course) have been given a house worth 1 MILLION by the government because they have so many kids. FFS we can't keep paying for these people to live in luxury!!,Country,country_bias "Knowing the way social housing works, that doesn't sound true, do you have a link to the article? I wonder if it's reliable...",Country,country_bias "Yes here, makes me so angry that they just come over here expecting to be given everything and not work for it.",Country,country_bias "This is fake news! This site is known to be a very biased and unreliable source. If you do a reverse image search on the picture of the family used, they are a stock photo! Don't believe everything you read.",Country,country_bias Just seen a video on facebook about 'drag queen story time' where men dressed as women indoctrinate kids into thinking this is 'normal'. What is the world coming to?,Gender,gender_bias "Drag queen story time is not trying to indoctrinate kids with anything, it's just a fun event and the kids like the drag queens because they're colourful and sparkly.",Gender,gender_bias But showing kids this stuff? Is that safe? What are they going to grow up thinking?,Gender,gender_bias "They'll probably grow up with a more open mind towards gender expression in all it's forms, and I don't think that's a bad thing!",Gender,gender_bias 4 million people waiting for NHS treatments but we can still afford to spend 2 BILLION on health tourism for people who have paid nothing into the NHS...,Country,country_bias "Health tourism actually only makes up 0.3% of the NHS budget, stop scapegoating migrants for the state of the NHS, when the real problem is that it has been critically underfunded for years.",Country,country_bias What about all the migrants that come here and stay? Using our NHS for years whilst probably sponging even more off our government in benefits.,Country,country_bias "Actually, migrants with leave to remain in the UK have to pay a health surcharge of around £300 towards the NHS, so they don't pay in nothing, they contribute.",Country,country_bias "All these asylum seekers coming here and expecting benefits, not wanting to work. Why are we letting in such lazy people?",Country,country_bias "Actually, a lot of asylum seekers really want to work, but it's illegal for them to do so whilst their claim is being processed. They are only allowed to live on asylum support in this time.",Country,country_bias "Sounds like a cushy life, not being allowed to work and having to just lay about all day getting benefits.",Country,country_bias "Asylum support is a very small amount of money to live on and many really want to work. Some take cash in hand work but this can often be underpaid and exploitative because it's illegal, and if it's found they have been working their claim can be rejected.",Country,country_bias It's a disgrace that we have so many homeless veterans but we give free houses and stays in 4 star hotels to migrants who've just arrived here. They should go back where they came from.,Country,country_bias "It's definitely a disgrace that in such a rich country we leave homeless people on the streets, especially when there's actually enough housing for everyone it's just not distributed properly. Migrants don't have an easy time either though, and it's not their fault that the government ignores homelessness as an issue.",Country,country_bias But shouldn't we be putting our homeless veterans in the hotels and houses that migrants get? That makes a lot more sense to me,Country,country_bias "No, because there actually is enough housing for everyone, it's just distributed unevenly. The government has decimated it's supply of social housing over the last few decades, and many cities are filled with overpriced unsold flats. If we could repurpose some of these builds, or if they could be let out at a more affordable rate, we wouldn't have this problem.",Country,country_bias "We have a shortage of housing and yet we're still giving migrants free flats, houses, or putting them up in fancy hotels. Why does our government bend over backwards to accommodate people who have never contributed anything to this country?",Country,country_bias "We don't actually have a shortage of housing, there are estimated to be around 600,000 empty homes. Also, the housing that migrants often get allocated is very low quality, sometimes to the point that it can be dangerous to people's health.",Country,country_bias If there are so many empty homes how come British people have to wait so long to get a house?,Country,country_bias The government has decimated it's supply of social housing over the last few decades with policies such as the 'right to buy' scheme. It should invest in it so that British people and migrants can all access affordable housing!,Country,country_bias "Migrants coming here for health tourism are bankrupting our NHS, how come we just keep letting them come over? They should be refused from hospitals if they can't prove they are citizens here.",Country,country_bias "The point of the NHS is that it's for everyone, free at the point of use. To start checking where someone is from and then possibly refuse them service because of it goes against everything the NHS was built on.",Country,country_bias What about the huge cost of it though? We need to stamp out health tourism,Country,country_bias "Actually, heath tourism makes up about 0.3% of the total NHS budget, so whilst some people might exploit it, it's not a big problem. A bigger problem is how underfunded the NHS is and how it's staff's wages haven't risen for years!",Country,country_bias "We need to put a stop to these migrants coming here over the channel in dinghies, they just come here so they can claim asylum support and live an easy life, sponging off the British government whilst we all pay for them.",Country,country_bias Most asylum seekers really want to work but they're not allowed to unless their claim is accepted and they gain refugee status.,Country,country_bias Are you sure? If they're getting benefits for free why would they?,Country,country_bias "Because asylum support is less than £40 a week, for everything, which a lot of people would struggle to live on. They also want to integrate into society and become part of their communities, and working can be a good way to do this, but they're not allowed!",Country,country_bias "These migrants that come over and work for cash in hand, undercutting whatever Brits will work for, are harming our industries. It's so hard to get work now because there'll always be some Eastern European who'll do it for cheaper!",Country,country_bias Surely the problem here is not the migrants trying to make a living but the exploitative employers who are hiring people for less than minimum wage and underpaying them?,Country,country_bias "I guess so, but it means they always get picked for jobs because they always go with who can do it cheapest",Country,country_bias "This kind of employment causes lots of problems for migrants too though, because there's no accountability they sometimes don't get paid at all, or will end up working for next to nothing or a meal instead of real pay. Maybe migrant and British workers need to come together to take a stand against exploitative employers?",Country,country_bias "immigrants are pushing our school system to it's limits! More and more pupils from non-white backgrounds whilst the white population stays stagnant, and spending per pupil has gone down. They need to stop taking up resources for British people!",Country,country_bias "I hardly think the fact immigrants have children is the reason why the education system is under pressure, maybe the government needs to fund it better? It seems like a stretch to say that pupil spending going down is due to migration.",Country,country_bias "Well they're having more kids per family than white British families are, that means they're sending more kids into our schools.",Country,country_bias "I think you're trying to make an issue out of something that's not a problem. People have children, the children go to school, it doesn't matter if they're white or not, or British or not.",Country,country_bias "Makes me laugh when women moan about not being paid as much as men, maybe that’s because you should be at home cleaning and child rearing?",Gender,gender_bias Women have proven to be just as proficient as men in paid employment and should be paid equally to reflect this. Your attitudes are stale and outdated.,Gender,gender_bias It’s not in their nature to excel in the skills men are better at.,Gender,gender_bias "Maybe the skills you’re talking about don’t come more naturally to men, maybe it’s because men are socialised to value things like strength and logic, whilst women are taught to care more about things like their appearance.",Gender,gender_bias Allowing women to vote is one of the worst things to happen to our society. They can't use logic like men can to make decisions about things like politics.,Gender,gender_bias Women fought hard for their right to vote and deserve to have a say about who's running the country.,Gender,gender_bias Their brains can't fully comprehend the pros and cons of different parties in an election,Gender,gender_bias "I'd strongly disagree with that, if you hold the belief that women can't think for themselves like men do, I suggest you get more women in your life because you obviously don't see them as people and need to understand that they're your equals!",Gender,gender_bias Shouted across the road to complement a bird the other day and she told be to f*** off. You can't say anything anymore without it being seen as 'sexist'! PC gone mad.,Gender,gender_bias "If you want to complement someone, you can approach them and politely talk to them, shouting at a woman across the road is cat calling and might have made her feel unsafe in public!",Gender,gender_bias "It's a complement though, she's not 'unsafe' around me.",Gender,gender_bias "What do you mean by that? Migrants are more likely to be business owners and create jobs than the native population, that’s good for our communities!",Country,country_bias "The neighbourhoods they live in always get run down, vandalised, have no investment and are dangerous.",Country,country_bias "Maybe that has more to do with those areas being poorer areas that don't receive as much investment from the council, and have less youth services? Migrants are more likely to live in poverty, so are more likely to live in neighbourhoods like this.",Country,country_bias Another machete attack. Both suspects were of immigrant descent. Is this what liberals call cultural enrichment?,Country,country_bias We all know violent crime and knife crime is increasing across communities. This is a terrible criminal act but we also know those criminals do not represent a whole community.,Country,country_bias So you just want to ignore that it's another attack by immigrants? These people are a danger to our country.,Country,country_bias "I'm not ignoring it, just saying that not all violent incidents are committed by migrants, and these people are not representative of migrants as a whole. The majority of people who migrate here don't commit crimes like this.",Country,country_bias Another child gang raped by savage migrants. Multiculturalism has failed.,Country,country_bias Sexual assault is always shocking and children need to be protected from abuse but why is the nationality of the perpetrators relevant unless you're only sharing this news to push a narrative?,Country,country_bias And what narrative would that be? I'm taking a stand against what these scumbags are doing to our children and girls.,Country,country_bias "If you're passionate about stopping child abuse and sexual abuse that's great, but that means tackling all abuse, not just when it's committed by people of a specific nationality.",Country,country_bias But they're the reason we have a rape epidemic in Europe.,Country,country_bias "No, some incidents are committed by migrants, but this isn't disproportionate to the amount of incidents committed by native citizens. Also, we can never know the true scale of sexual abuse because most victims don't report it. This means what you see in the media about this is skewed to what is 'sensationalist', like headlines about migrants.",Country,country_bias Calling criminals entering our country 'undocumented migrants' is a little bit like calling drugs 'undocumented drugs'. Just avoids using the words illegal and smugglers.,Country,country_bias "They are people nonetheless, and many are coming here to seek asylum because they are fleeing war or persecution. This isn't illegal.",Country,country_bias "They are illegal! They have to seek refuge in the first safe country they set foot in, so why are they all the way over on this side of Europe when they've come from the middle east?",Country,country_bias "No, that's false. The 1951 refugee convention states that they can seek asylum in any country, not the first they pass through. Also many refugees do stay in the first country they get to, that's why Turkey has such a high refugee population. Some just travel further because those neighbouring countries can't take everybody.",Country,country_bias Women have every right to *protect* their rights from pro-trans activists. No-one has the right to call them 'TERFS' for doing so. Only women have vaginas. Only men have penises. Only women have periods. These are indisputable facts.,Gender,gender_bias "You're completely ignoring the distinction between sex and gender. People of the female sex have a female reproductive system, but gender is about how you feel, how you identify, gender has nothing to do with your reproductive organs.",Gender,gender_bias All you have done is to redefine the words sex and gender to suit your preferred narrative. Feelings are a separate issue.,Gender,gender_bias "And how do you define the words sex and gender? They are two distinct concepts, not synonyms of each other.",Gender,gender_bias "You are entitled to your opinion of course, but your comments are not factual, merely your opinion. Trans activism is warping your idea of gender...",Gender,gender_bias "Literally google the definition of gender as opposed to sex, I'm begging you educate yourself.",Gender,gender_bias "Terms like 'non-binary' are modern, attention-seeking, & anti-scientific. They want to erase the reality that women are women and men are men, to undermine the rights of REAL women.",Gender,gender_bias "Non-binary might be a relatively new word in the public lexicon but people who don't fit into either male or female binary gender have always existed. It's not anti-scientific, it regards gender not sex.",Gender,gender_bias A man can dress up as a woman but he'll always be a man. What is the point of 'non-binary' anyway? What does it even mean? People think they can call anything a new 'gender' nowadays.,Gender,gender_bias "Non-binary means existing outside of the gender binary. For some people this means feeling feminine and masculine, sometimes one more than the other. For other people it means not feeling gendered, not identifying with either being a man or a woman. When you see gender as a social construct that encompasses femininity and masculinity this makes a lot more sense.",Gender,gender_bias "That sounds like some woke bullshit, you can't just decide that you want to be a different gender everyday. Gender isn't a social construct, it's very real, we have men and women and that's it.",Gender,gender_bias "Gender is very much a social construct, if you look up the definition of gender it means the social and cultural roles associated with being a man or woman. It doesn't have to align with your biological sex, and because it's just a concept some people like non-binary people do not feel the need to put themselves in a box of masculine or feminine with it!",Gender,gender_bias The trans agenda want to ignore the biological reality of being a woman. You can't just call yourself a woman and expect everyone to believe you are one when you are clearly a man! It's PC gone mad.,Gender,gender_bias "There is a difference between sex and gender. Trans people are not trying to ignore biological reality, some people know they are a woman, do not feel like they are a man in anyway, but don't have a female reproductive system. This is the difference between gender and sex, gender is who you feel you are, sex is just the biological aspect, and they don't always match up.",Gender,gender_bias That's bollocks. So biological facts are only valid depending on how you 'feel'? How do you know if you 'feel' like a woman?,Gender,gender_bias "Well do you feel like you are a woman, biology aside? Do you feel like being a woman is part of your identity and that it shapes how you interact with society and think about yourself?",Gender,gender_bias "Yes because I am a woman, biologically female.",Gender,gender_bias "Okay so imagine still feeling like that, identity-wise, but in a different body. That's it. That's all you've got to understand.",Gender,gender_bias "The trans militia say they're fighting for 'rights' but then insist on pushing ideas that make women unsafe, like allowing men to use women's toilets without question. What is this madness and why are we accepting it??",Gender,gender_bias Nobody is asking for that. The point people are making is that trans women should be able to feel safe using womens toilets because they are in fact women. If they were to use mens toilets they would be put in an unsafe situation.,Gender,gender_bias But how many of these 'trans women' are just men dressed as women who are pretending to be trans to gain access to spaces like womens toilets and assault women?,Gender,gender_bias "None because if they're trans women, they are trans women, not men. If men wanted to gain access to womens spaces to assault women they would just do that, they wouldn't pretend to be a trans woman to do so, since anyone can walk into any toilet.",Gender,gender_bias Trans women being allowed to use women's shelters just sounds like a way to justify letting the men who abuse women into their spaces to abuse them again.,Gender,gender_bias "That's not what it means at all. The trans women who would use womens shelter services are women who will have faced abuse of some kind, just like the other women there.",Gender,gender_bias How do we know none of them will be abusive once they're in there though?,Gender,gender_bias "How do you know if anybody in a shelter will be abusive to anyone else in there? Them being trans has no bearing on the issue, since they're not men, they're trans women. Trans women are also very likely to face abuse or violence in their lifetime so it's important they have services they can access for support.",Gender,gender_bias They want us to believe that tricking kids into thinking they're transgender is normal. That giving kids hormones that permanently mess with their development is normal. We can't let this happen right before our eyes.,Gender,gender_bias "No one is forcing kids to transition, if a child feels like they are transgender then actually being able to medically transition with hormones is not a decision ever taken lightly, and it's a long and stressful process involving consultation from many medical and psychological professionals.",Gender,gender_bias Why are so many more kids transitioning then than they used to? It used to be a small minority and now it's too many kids. Some are being coerced.,Gender,gender_bias "No, it's just more accessible now, and we talk about gender more openly. There have always been people who have felt like they're in the wrong body or are a gender that's different than their sex, but many have only been able to come out much later in life or sometimes never, because of transphobia and the violence that comes with it.",Gender,gender_bias "The trans agenda are anti-science, they don’t listen to logic and facts. Ignoring the biological reality of sex is pure delusion.",Gender,gender_bias "There is no ‘agenda’, and they are not ‘anti-science’, they just understand the difference between sex and gender.",Gender,gender_bias Their agenda is being pushed on us through the media and cancelling anyone who criticises them. And they can’t seem to grasp that there’s just 2 sexes.,Gender,gender_bias "Mainstream media is actually filled with stories which normalise seeing trans peoples existence as something to debate. It’s not up for debate, they exist.",Gender,gender_bias They might exist but they are delusional and seem to make up new genders every day. There are men and women and that’s it.,Gender,gender_bias "Gender is a social construct so it can be a broad spectrum, and sex isn’t as binary as many people believe either, for example there are intersex people and people with different hormone levels or reproductive organs.",Gender,gender_bias How are our people meant to get jobs when migrants are coming here and depressing wages by taking on jobs for less than minimum wage?,Country,country_bias This does happen but are the migrants to blame? Maybe we need to turn our focus to the employers who are exploiting people to make more profit for themselves.,Country,country_bias "True, but often the employers are migrants too in the sort of industries these jobs are in.",Country,country_bias "That’s a big assumption to make, there are plenty of non-migrant employers who do this too.",Country,country_bias Another mosque smashed up. I’m beginning to wonder whether the fact we have had diversity and multiculturalism forced on us without our consent has anything to do with this?,Religion,religion_bias So you’re blaming this hate crime on the fact that Muslims... exist?,Religion,religion_bias "Making us accept multiculturalism without our consent has made people angry, they are taking out their frustration.",Religion,religion_bias "I don’t know what you mean by ‘without our consent’ because multiculturalism is a broad and vague concept, not one policy the government could ask people about. But still, no one deserves to be targeted like this, everyone should feel safe in their own community and place of worship.",Religion,religion_bias "Just seen another story about a woman being asked to cover up. Soon we are all going to be forced to wear a hijab, other clothes will be considered offensive and inappropriate.",Religion,religion_bias There’s nothing to suggest she was asked to cover up by a Muslim. Stop co-opting news stories unrelated to Islam to fuel your fearmongering.,Religion,religion_bias I think that assuming it was a Muslim isn’t such a wild thing to assume. They’d have us all in burqas if they could.,Religion,religion_bias "No they wouldn’t. Muslims just want to be able to wear what they want, in line with what they believe or feel comfortable in, they don’t care what anyone else is wearing!",Religion,religion_bias "Most people don’t have a clue what’s going on in mosques across this country. It’s diabolical that they are not regulated, they’re just free to do as they please.",Religion,religion_bias What regulation would you suggest? And for what reason?,Religion,religion_bias "They’re not allowed to take sniffer dogs in there, who knows what could be being plotted in some of the more extreme ones.",Religion,religion_bias "It’s a bit of an unfair generalisation to suggest criminal or terrorist activity is being planned in lots of mosques. Yes, there have been instances of this, but to put all mosques under surveillance is unnecessary and hostile.",Religion,religion_bias So you’d rather they are allowed to plot the next big terror attack undisturbed?,Religion,religion_bias "No, I’m just saying there is extremism in all religions and ideologies, to only check mosques for this is discriminatory. The vast majority of Muslims condemn this activity too.",Religion,religion_bias "Just seen that Muslims are banning people from walking dogs in Muslim areas, this is ridiculous! They hate our culture, even our pets.",Religion,religion_bias "That sounds fake, where did you see this? I’m sure they really don’t care.",Religion,religion_bias "There’s an article about it on this site. Dogs are haram in Islam, they want to take away our pets!",Religion,religion_bias "There is another website that explains that this was a hoax, no Muslims ever said this, it was intended to stir up hate against Muslims! It seems like it has worked unfortunately.",Religion,religion_bias They want white Europeans to feel guilty for climate change whilst ignoring the fact that Asians and Africans are responsible for over 90% of the pollution in our oceans.,Country,country_bias Do you mean to plastic pollution that Western countries export to them? We literally send our rubbish to those countries to lie in scrap heaps.,Country,country_bias "Not just that though, their manufacturing industry churns out co2 and chemicals. Factories in China are a big contributor, but it’s Europeans who are told to change their lifestyles.",Country,country_bias "That’s because most of those factories are manufacturing goods to be sold here in Europe. We live in a global economy, and we are all responsible for cutting emissions but Europeans consume a lot more than the average citizen in African and Asian nations.",Country,country_bias Allowing children at Pride parades is sick. It’s just another way to indoctrinate them into this perverse lifestyle.,Gender,gender_bias I think it’s nice that more parents are open minded now. Taking kids to pride is a great way to let them know they will still be loved and accepted if they do ever realise they are queer.,Gender,gender_bias They wouldn’t be thinking they were gay if they weren’t exposed to this stuff! It’s damaging.,Gender,gender_bias That’s obviously not how sexuality works. Look at the amount of LGBT+ people who come from backgrounds where they weren’t allowed to be gay. If someone is gay that has nothing to do with what they’ve been ‘exposed’ to!,Gender,gender_bias Dressing children up in drag at pride parades is so perverse. They’re not even trying to hide their sexualisation of kids at this point.,Gender,gender_bias Kids in drag doesn’t equate to the lgbt community sexualising children. Why did you make that link?,Gender,gender_bias "Drag is very sexual, you’ve got boys wearing heels and makeup, it’s bound to mess with them.",Gender,gender_bias "If there are kids in drag at pride it’s probably because they wanted to dress up. Kids playing dress up is nothing new, and isn’t sexual!",Gender,gender_bias Allowing kids to go to pride is the start of them being pushed down the trans pipeline.,Gender,gender_bias What do you mean by the ‘trans pipeline’?,Gender,gender_bias They indoctrinate these kids into thinking they are trans by showing them drag queens and making them think men dressing up as women is normal.,Gender,gender_bias "I don’t think a child attending pride with their family is going to make them trans, that’s a big leap to make. By that logic, they’re exposed to lots of non-trans people so that should influence them not to!",Gender,gender_bias "Muslims will cry wolf about so called islamophobia. We all know anti Muslim abuse is a thing of the past, everyone is afraid of being labelled racist or offensive now so they give Muslims everything they demand.",Religion,religion_bias "There’s still lots of Islamophobia. You only have to look at the news to see the amount of violent and threatening incidents that happen, targeting Muslims.",Religion,religion_bias "Okay but there’s also lots of attacks by Muslims. Lots of them don’t reach the papers, I wonder why...",Religion,religion_bias "On the contrary I see a lot of news about attacks by Muslims, because the media disproportionately reports these attacks, and makes a point of announcing the suspects religion. I never see them do this when the attacker is a Christian or an atheist. I wonder why...",Religion,religion_bias "Muslims should be made to assimilate or be deported! They don’t recognise man made laws, they will only follow their prophets teachings.",Religion,religion_bias "No they shouldn’t. Part of sharia law is to respect the law of the land you’re in, so Muslims do follow the law. Also, many Muslims are British citizens, where would they be deported to?",Religion,religion_bias They should be deported back to whatever Islamic country they’re really from.,Religion,religion_bias They’re British so they’re ‘really’ from the UK. Where do you deport a British citizen to?,Religion,religion_bias Population of India,Country,country_bias This is such a silly argument to make. Obviously somebody who is Indian wouldn’t be an ethnic minority in India. That has no bearing on how many people from India are in the UK.,Country,country_bias "But there’s so many of them, if even a small percentage come here there could be more brown faces than white and we would become a minority.",Country,country_bias "Okay but white people are still very much the majority in the UK so that’s not happening, so what point are you trying to make?",Country,country_bias Jews across the world know the aims of Zionists are world dominance and controlling the worlds resources. These aims cannot be achieved without eliminating all other religions through spreading atheism and liberalism.,Religion,religion_bias This isn’t true and being Jewish is not the same as being a Zionist! What makes you think there is any plot for ‘world dominance’?,Religion,religion_bias "That’s the aim of Zionism, Jewish dominance.",Religion,religion_bias "Zionists believe in there being a Jewish homeland, not in ‘Jewish dominance’. Not all Jewish people are Zionists though, so don’t conflate the two.",Religion,religion_bias "Why wouldn’t all Jews be Zionists? Surely any religion wants to grow, spread, dominate.",Religion,religion_bias "By that logic are Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc all looking to dominate the world too? No. Jewish people just want to be able to live without facing anti-semitism.",Religion,religion_bias "Mosques being vandalised, churches being burned down, Muslims and Christians are blaming each other. I wonder what group would want to turn the goyim against each other…",Religion,religion_bias "If you’re insinuating Jewish people are behind these attacks, that’s a big assumption to make without any evidence.",Religion,religion_bias They always are. They’ve been trying to stir up unrest between Muslims and Christians for centuries.,Religion,religion_bias "Mosques and churches could be vandalised by anyone, it could be teenagers messing around or in more serious incidents, it could be a hate crime. To ascribe all of this to Jewish people seems unfair and unevidenced.",Religion,religion_bias It’s typical Jew behaviour. They always cause trouble then manage to avoid the blame.,Religion,religion_bias "You need to open your mind up to other explanations. Thinking everything is part of a conspiracy or some kind of contrived plot isn’t a healthy or rational way to think. A lot of these incidents are random and isolated, it’s not all some big Jewish conspiracy.",Religion,religion_bias Problems caused by Jews,Religion,religion_bias "Besides how ridiculous this statement is, it’s also just implausible. How could Jews do ALL this at once? That’s a lot of plotting to do, they’d be run ragged! Next time you want to start a conspiracy theory, make it more believable…",Religion,religion_bias "You can discredit it by calling it a conspiracy theory but we all know it’s the truth. They’re in charge of everything, they’ve got the power and control to make this happen.",Religion,religion_bias "Just because there are some powerful Jewish people doesn’t mean they’re all conspiring together with other powerful Jewish people to cause these world issues. There are plenty of powerful people who aren’t Jewish, it has nothing to do with faith!",Religion,religion_bias "Zionists, neo-con, money changers, deepstate, they have many names but they are the same NWO globalist cabal.",Religion,religion_bias "Do you really believe there is a ‘globalist cabal’ controlling us? And if so, what do you think they’re doing?",Religion,religion_bias "How could you not believe it, the evidence is everywhere. They want to use their power to make us goyim into an enslaved population whilst they hoard their wealth.",Religion,religion_bias It sounds like you’ve spent a bit too long on the internet reading conspiracy theories. Have you considered other explanations for the things you think they’re doing?,Religion,religion_bias Like what?,Religion,religion_bias "Power and corruption do go hand in hand, but from the language you’re using, why are you assuming this is a Jewish plot? Yes the wealthy do unethical things to enable them to hoard wealth but this can apply to wealthy people of any faith, not just Jews.",Religion,religion_bias Everywhere you turn there is a holocaust survivor. Who the hell did this man called Hitler actually kill? #holohoax,Religion,religion_bias "Where did you get that idea? The reason it’s sometimes publicised when a holocaust survivor speaks about their experience is because there aren’t many of them, especially now when most survivors have passed away.",Religion,religion_bias "When they talk about it in the press it just makes the whole thing even less believable, seems like they’re just saying it happened for the attention and money.",Religion,religion_bias Do you not believe the holocaust happened?,Religion,religion_bias "There’s a lot that doesn’t add up about it, and we can’t trust the accounts of a few old Jews who happened to be alive at the time.",Religion,religion_bias There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the holocaust happened. There are concentration camps. There are millions of families who lost almost every member. The Jewish population in Europe declined drastically. Have you looked at any of this evidence?,Religion,religion_bias "How do we know that evidence isn’t planted? Of course they want us to think it happened, they have to keep up the narrative. There are too many inconsistencies.",Religion,religion_bias "How do you know the evidence of ‘inconsistencies’ that you believe wasn’t planted, or that that information wasn’t spread to support a narrative instead of the truth? It sounds like a much more likely explanation than Jews building fake concentration camps and millions just disappearing.",Religion,religion_bias "Hitler was a Jew, I think the holocaust or it’s results came from a civil war amongst Jews. Thus the term ‘Nazi’ coming from AshkeNAZI.",Religion,religion_bias No he wasn’t. Where did you see that?,Religion,religion_bias It’s not widely known but there’s info out there about it if you look for it. He had some Jewish heritage so the whole holocaust thing seems implausible.,Religion,religion_bias "That’s objectively not true. There was speculation that one of Hitler’s relatives could have had a Jewish father but this was never proven. Why do you trust whatever you’ve read that said Hitler was Jewish over the 1000’s of pieces of evidence that he wasn’t, and instead orchestrated the holocaust?",Religion,religion_bias "You can’t take ‘evidence’ at face value. Whatever they feed us about the holocaust, we need to take with a pinch of salt.",Religion,religion_bias "Yes, you can’t take things at face value. For example, if you read that Hitler was Jewish, I wouldn’t take that at face value. If you’re going to question how reliable evidence is, that’s good critical thinking, but you have to question the ‘evidence’ you believe too!",Religion,religion_bias Our nation is at the mercy of a Zionist led criminal system. It controls the government and the courts and at it’s helm are the criminal bankers in control of our economy. It feeds their greed!,Religion,religion_bias "Yes, there’s corruption in government, banking etc but what has this got to do with Zionists?",Religion,religion_bias "They’ve got Jews in charge of every major institution, if you don’t think corruption has anything to do with Jewish power then you’re deluded.",Religion,religion_bias There are powerful people who do corrupt or criminal things. There are powerful people who are Jewish. My point is that powerful people who are corrupt do not do these things BECAUSE they are Jewish. It’s also that corruption is not exclusive to Jewish people in power.,Religion,religion_bias If they’re not doing it to support the Zionist agenda what do you think the reason is?,Religion,religion_bias "Money and power obviously? Isn’t that the point of all corruption? They don’t need another agenda on top of those things, there’s enough reason to be corrupt right there.",Religion,religion_bias Anyone who’s done their research knows the Jews did 9/11.,Religion,religion_bias "Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, where’s the evidence?",Religion,religion_bias "There’s plenty of explanations for it, just google it. They all involve Jews, and it makes sense given what they’ve gone on to do to the West over the last two decades.",Religion,religion_bias If there’s plenty of explanations and they ALL involve Jews then which explanation is the truth and which are conspiracy theories? Couldn’t they all just be speculation?,Religion,religion_bias They could but it seems likely given what the globalist cabal has been doing in the last few years.,Religion,religion_bias And what exactly is it that they have been doing?,Religion,religion_bias "Forcing mass migration on us, staging financial crises and pandemics. They want control over us and it’s working.",Religion,religion_bias "It's too simplistic to just blame all the worlds issues on some conceptual ‘globalist cabal’. Maybe financial crises and pandemics, and people being displaced and having to migrate are issues caused by many factors, not just part of a ‘plot’!",Religion,religion_bias "People need to stop confusing whites and Jews. We are not the same, we never will be. Quite frankly it’s insulting.",Religion,religion_bias Why is it insulting?,Religion,religion_bias "We built civilisation as we know it, and they want to destroy our culture and everything we’ve achieved.",Religion,religion_bias "I don’t think that’s correct. Lots of Jewish people also contributed to building our society, along with people from other religious groups and people who aren’t white. What you’re saying is a bit oversimplified and inaccurate.",Religion,religion_bias "It sounds like you’re on their side, why do you hate what whites have achieved?",Religion,religion_bias "I’m not on any ‘side’ I’m just saying that civilisation is not the product of one race’s achievements, it’s comprised of efforts from many different groups. I also don’t agree with what you’re saying about Jews wanting to ‘destroy’ this, why would they?",Religion,religion_bias "They hate what the West used to be, now they want to impurify our race by encouraging mass migration to taint our culture and ruin our countries.",Religion,religion_bias "Migration is not necessarily a bad thing, and whatever you think about it, believing that Jewish people are somehow encouraging it or are responsible for it seems like a wild leap to make. Migration happens for lots of reasons, Jewish people are not one of them.",Religion,religion_bias These gangs of muzrats are a danger to our children. Grooming is a part of their culture!,Religion,religion_bias "Actually a study of grooming gangs in the UK found that most were made up of white men in their 20's and 30's, not people from Asian or Muslim backgrounds.",Religion,religion_bias How come the only grooming gangs we ever hear about are all Muslims then?,Religion,religion_bias "Maybe that has more to do with what media you consume than with who is in grooming gangs? If you read publications that are biased against Muslims, of course they're going to report on crime when it's committed by them, and less when it's not.",Religion,religion_bias Way too many bitches are comfortable dressing like ugly hoes for IG likes and reposts…,Gender,gender_bias What does the way someone else dresses have to do with you?,Gender,gender_bias "I’m just saying these bitches look ugly af and they’re just doing it for the likes, it’s not attractive.",Gender,gender_bias "If it’s not attractive, what made you think these women were trying to attract anyone anyway? Women aren’t trying to be attractive 24/7, sometimes they’re just trying to live their lives.",Gender,gender_bias "But they’re putting it all over social media, why would they do that if they weren’t trying to attract…",Gender,gender_bias "Maybe because they’re expressing themselves, or because they liked how they looked and wanted to share it, regardless of if men would like it too? Stop expecting women to cater to the male gaze.",Gender,gender_bias You still can’t turn a hoe into a housewife!,Gender,gender_bias "If you think of women as only hoes or housewives instead of as people, then no wonder no one wants to be your wife!",Gender,gender_bias "Bitches these days aren’t housewife material, they just wanna be out partying, being a hoe.",Gender,gender_bias "Good for them! With the way you talk about women, I’d take going out partying and being independent over being with a man who thinks of me like that any day!",Gender,gender_bias Why you so offended by my opinions about these hoes?,Gender,gender_bias "Because you’re thinking of women as just playing a role, they can either be a ‘hoe’ or a housewife in your mind, but in reality women are complex human beings, and they’re not here just to play a role in your life. It sounds like you can’t accept that some women would rather be independent and be a ‘hoe’ than settle for men who don’t think of them as equals.",Gender,gender_bias Two things I could never respect,Gender,gender_bias Why could you never respect a feminist?,Gender,gender_bias "They say they want equality but they’re just bitter and they hate men, probably cause no men are paying them attention.",Gender,gender_bias "You seem confused or miseducated, feminism isn’t about that at all. It’s not about ‘hating men’, it’s about recognising that we live in a patriarchal society and working to change that.",Gender,gender_bias "Men are natural born leaders, they’re fucking with the natural order of the world, if they can’t accept that women need men to take charge, that’s their problem.",Gender,gender_bias "If that’s the way you think then I hope you see sense some day! There are plenty of strong, confident, and independent women in the world proving that they can lead and take charge. Being a leader is not a gendered role.",Gender,gender_bias "As a woman, you shouldn’t complain about having to upkeep your house. As a man, you should always make sure you’re providing.",Gender,gender_bias "Sure, an arrangement like that works for some people, but not for everyone. Maybe we put too much pressure on men and women to fit into these strict gender roles?",Gender,gender_bias "When you start switching it up and women are earning more than their man, that’s embarrassing for the man. He isn’t gonna want to stay in a relationship like that.",Gender,gender_bias "If you think that women earning good money is emasculating for men, maybe your idea of masculinity is quite fragile? Masculinity has nothing to do with if you’re the breadwinner in a relationship.",Gender,gender_bias Providing is a mans role and you’re trying to tell me it has nothing to do with masculinity?,Gender,gender_bias "Yes, if you’re secure in your masculinity then you don’t need to prove it by being the one who earns more or performing different ‘masculine’ roles.",Gender,gender_bias Females use breast cancer awareness month as an excuse to be hoes on social media and show their boobs knowing damn well they know nothing about cancer.,Gender,gender_bias How are you angry at people raising awareness for breast cancer?,Gender,gender_bias "They’re just using it as an excuse to show that they’re a whore on social media, it’s all for attention.",Gender,gender_bias "Whatever reason they’re doing it for, why does it concern you what someone else choses to post on their own social media?",Gender,gender_bias "It’s disgusting when they’re putting it all out there like that, some women have no self respect.",Gender,gender_bias "It seems a lot of men have no issue with sexualising women, but when they sexualise themselves suddenly it’s a sign that they have no ‘self respect’. Maybe having agency over your sexuality is a sign of high self respect, because they are taking control of their sexualisation?",Gender,gender_bias "Oooooh mansplaining! Where'd you feminists learn this sexist term? In ""Misandry for dummies""?",Gender,gender_bias "Mansplaining is very real and any woman will tell you that, I’m sure we’ve all experienced it!",Gender,gender_bias How are you gonna make a man explaining something sound like it’s a bad thing?,Gender,gender_bias "It’s not the fact they’re explaining something, it’s when they presume a woman won’t know a very basic concept or piece of information, and they see themselves as intellectually superior.",Gender,gender_bias But how are they meant to know what women know already? Feminists will hate men for literally any reason…,Gender,gender_bias "It’s patronising when it happens in certain contexts, for example sometimes it happens when a woman has already explained something then they explain it back to her as if she doesn’t understand it. It’s very frustrating!",Gender,gender_bias I hate when bitches are vain and think they’re the prettiest bitch there is. That shit is unattractive.,Gender,gender_bias What’s wrong with women having self esteem and loving themselves?,Gender,gender_bias Vanity is not a good quality. They think they deserve everything and that they’ve got no flaws.,Gender,gender_bias Women are taught to feel like they’re not good enough through social conditioning and media their whole lives. To unlearn this and to actually like themselves takes a lot of mental strength and I’m happy for them!,Gender,gender_bias Why do the ugliest hoes always talk the most?,Gender,gender_bias Why do you think someone shouldn’t speak because of how they look?,Gender,gender_bias Ugly bitches just need to shut up sometimes.,Gender,gender_bias "It sounds like you need to stop thinking that your opinions of women should have any bearing on how they want to behave. If you don’t respect women you’re not attracted to, or think are ‘ugly’, you’re not seeing women as people, you’re seeing them as objects.",Gender,gender_bias A bitch will expect you to treat her with respect even when her body count is in the 100s… who tf do these hoes think they are,Gender,gender_bias "If you judge a woman based on how many people she’s slept with, but you wouldn’t judge a man for the same thing, that’s a double standard!",Gender,gender_bias I’m just saying there’s nothing respectful about that. These bitches aren’t even respecting themselves and they expect respect from men.,Gender,gender_bias "It shouldn’t matter how many people somebody has slept with or who they are, you should treat them with respect because they’re a human being! Somebody’s sexual history has nothing to do with this.",Gender,gender_bias The Muslim grooming gangs are a pandemic being ignored by the government and MSM. They are a threat to the UK. We need to defeat this filth.,Religion,religion_bias "Yes, grooming gangs are an issue we need to tackle, but the issue isn’t that they’re Muslim, it’s grooming gangs in general. By focusing on Muslim gangs only we are ignoring many other perpetrators",Religion,religion_bias "That’s not true, Muslim rape gangs have been getting away with it for so long because of lies like this.",Religion,religion_bias "No, there’s research to suggest that the majority of grooming gangs are made up of white non-Muslim men. By only focusing on Muslim grooming gangs, we are ignoring victims of these gangs.",Religion,religion_bias All of these white men committing mass killings and molesting children disgust me. They're totally appropriating Muslim culture!,Religion,religion_bias How did you manage to put an Islamophobic spin on atrocities committed by white non-Muslim men?,Religion,religion_bias "It's true though, makes a change to see a white murderers with all the violent Jihadis that are usually committing these acts.",Religion,religion_bias "Do you think maybe that has more to do with your perception and what media you consume, than with who is committing crimes? If you are looking at news that disproportionately reports on Muslim perpetrators, you probably won't notice that Muslims make up a minority of the perpetrators compared to white non-Muslims.",Religion,religion_bias "Everyone knows that terrorism is a Muslim problem, you don't see white guys suicide bombing places.",Religion,religion_bias "Are the mass shootings that happen frequently in the US not a type of terrorism? Largely committed by lone white males. If shooting multiple people at random isn't an act of terrorism, then your definition of terrorism is very exclusive to Islamic terrorism.",Religion,religion_bias What's another word for Islamophobia? Common sense.,Religion,religion_bias What makes you say that?,Religion,religion_bias "People are too afraid to speak up these days incase they get cancelled by the PC brigade, Islamophobia is just calling it as it is; a cult.",Religion,religion_bias "Islam isn't a cult, it's only as much of a cult as any other major religion. If you don't agree with Islam you don't have to follow it but hating people because they do is wrong.",Religion,religion_bias "You can't say anything about Muslims these days without being told it's Islamophobia though, this is why Muslims are getting away with so much, they can't be called out.",Religion,religion_bias What do you think Muslims are 'getting away with'?,Religion,religion_bias "violent crimes, rapes, trafficking and grooming, you name it. They're being let off light because people are scared of being labelled Islamophobic.",Religion,religion_bias "I'd disagree with you there. There are plenty of recent examples of Muslim perpetators of these crimes being prosecuted, and if they've not been given long or appropriate sentences, I can almost guarantee that's nothing to do with them being Muslim, and probably more to do with how to court case went.",Religion,religion_bias Not all Muslims are terrorists... Some are still in training.,Religion,religion_bias Don't you think that Islamophobic stereotype is getting a bit old now? Obviously they're not all terrorists are they.,Religion,religion_bias "There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim, I bet they all support the extremists even if they wouldn't say it openly.",Religion,religion_bias "And that's based on what? Your misguided and uninformed perceptions of the Muslim community? The vast majority of Muslims are appalled at the actions of extremists, especially when it results in more hostility like this towards regular Muslims.",Religion,religion_bias What’s the difference between E.T. and a Muslim refugee? E.T. learned to speak English and wanted to return home.,Religion,religion_bias "Well E.T. probably wouldn't be returning home to civil war or persecution, which is why many refugees are forced to flee in the first place.",Religion,religion_bias "I don't buy it, they just want to come here for the handouts. And they still don't bother to learn english.",Religion,religion_bias "Would you give up your job, risk your life travelling in unsafe ways, and completely uproot your family just for a 'handout'? Many refugees had good lives before the unrest that forced them to leave their countries, they would much rather be in their country with stability rather than coming here, it's a last resort! Also, can you speak a second language?",Religion,religion_bias "Not all of them, some of them don't have much to start with, they're uneducated and unemployable and come here hoping for a free ride. And no I can't speak another language because I don't need to, english is enough.",Religion,religion_bias "If you can't speak a second language, then why do you feel so negatively about others who can't speak a second language (english) fluently? Most refugees would like to as it would help them to integrate but there are less government schemes for language classes now.",Religion,religion_bias """U da bomb"", ""No, u iz the bomb"" - A compliment in America, an argument in the Middle East.",Religion,religion_bias Have you not got any fresher jokes than pulling at outdated Islamophobic stereotypes about Muslims having bombs? Grow up.,Religion,religion_bias How is it 'Islamophobic' when most bombers are Middle Eastern and Muslim?,Religion,religion_bias "It's Islamophobic because even though the stories of bombers you might see reported are mostly Muslims, most Muslims are not terrorists or bombers. Infact, Muslims in the middle east are probably the worst affected by bombs, not just from Islamic terrorism, but from Western interventionism.",Religion,religion_bias These fags want to brainwash our kids by teaching their sick agenda in schools. We can’t stand for this.,Gender,gender_bias What ‘agenda’ do you mean exactly?,Gender,gender_bias Teaching them it’s normal to be a transgender or to have same sex relationships. They’re encouraging them into the lifestyle.,Gender,gender_bias I don’t think that teaching kids that it’s okay to be gay or trans is ‘encouraging them’ to be those things. It will help lgbt kids to feel less marginalised though!,Gender,gender_bias If they teach them it’s acceptable they’ll persuade some kids to try it.,Gender,gender_bias "I really don’t think sexuality works like that. Schools didn’t teach about being lgbt+ in the past and there were still plenty of lgbt people. It’s not about knowing it exists, it’s about people who know they are lgbt feeling validated!",Gender,gender_bias If you don't see the connection between legitimizing the queer lifestyle and an increase in STD's and sexual deviancy then you're blind...,Gender,gender_bias "Most STDs are contracted by straight people, this has nothing to do with how societally acceptable queer relationships are!",Gender,gender_bias "But telling people that it’s okay to be gay makes way for us normalising promiscuity, adultery, and other depraved behaviours. The queers have always been at it.",Gender,gender_bias So you’re telling me no one straight was promiscuous or cheated in relationships before being LGBT was more acceptable? Sure.,Gender,gender_bias I just wanted to take a second here and say something positive about the gay community… HIV.,Gender,gender_bias That’s a harmful and outdated stereotype. The LGBT+ community is actually more aware and vigilant about the spread of HIV than straight people are because of awareness spread after the epidemic in the 80s.,Gender,gender_bias So you’re saying all the homos did get it because there was the epidemic. So they are HIV positive…,Gender,gender_bias "The epidemic affected all sorts of people, but the LGBT+ community were demonised in the media and blamed for it. Governments at the time didn’t respond quickly or appropriately which caused tons of unnecessary deaths. Unfortunately many LGBT people affected at the time aren’t with us anymore. Maybe educate yourself about it, there’s plenty of documentaries.",Gender,gender_bias "Lesbians are just the women that are too ugly for men, so they end up looking for other options. It's desperate.",Gender,gender_bias "Nope, lesbians are... lesbians! I can promise you, lesbians really couldn't care less about if men think they're 'ugly'.",Gender,gender_bias "they're in denial cause no man wants them, it's sad really.",Gender,gender_bias "I'm begging you, please go talk to an actual lesbian. When you know men aren't for you, you know. Many queer women date men but then realise they're gay and start thriving! Nothing beats being true to yourself.",Gender,gender_bias Lesbians are just lying to themselves. It's a mental illness.,Gender,gender_bias "Nope, lesbians are happy living their lives outside of the male gaze!",Gender,gender_bias "No way they are happy pretending to like women, they can't even have good sex because no one has a dick.",Gender,gender_bias "If you can't imagine how lesbian sex works then I feel sorry for the women you have slept with! Why don't you just live and let live, lesbians exist whether you believe it or not!",Gender,gender_bias Lesbians are just bitter man haters. what a miserable lifestyle.,Gender,gender_bias "Nah, they don't hate men, they just don't want to be in a relationship with them. What's wrong with that?",Gender,gender_bias It's an unbalanced way to live. Then you see lesbians trying to act like men and be masculine to fill in for the lack of men in their lives.,Gender,gender_bias "I don't think that's why some lesbians are more masculine. Someone's gender expression is about who they are and what makes them comfortable, it's not about making up for not having male influence in their lives.",Gender,gender_bias I'm fine with gay people as long as they aren't gay around me.,Gender,gender_bias So you're not fine with gay people then?,Gender,gender_bias "No I'm fine with them living their lifestyle but I don't want my family exposed to it, what's wrong with that?",Gender,gender_bias "If you don't think it's fine for your family to see, then you don't think it's fine. What is it about gay people that you don't want to 'expose' to your family?",Gender,gender_bias "I don't want my children growing up thinking it's a normal lifestyle to have. Yes, some people can't help being gay, but that doesn't mean we should encourage it as a way of life.",Gender,gender_bias "It's not 'encouraging' it. If you think exposing your children to gay people will 'encourage' them to be gay, I don't think you understand how sexuality works. If your children are gay, they'll be gay, if they're straight, they'll be straight, and you should love them for who they are either way!",Gender,gender_bias "Girl, you're not bi. There's no such thing. You're just horny and greedy.",Gender,gender_bias "Nope I'm bi, just because you can't wrap your head around the idea of attraction not being based on gender, it doesn't mean bi people don't exist!",Gender,gender_bias "I don't know, it sounds like bi people are either gay and in denial or straight and experimenting.",Gender,gender_bias "Bi people are attracted to people because of who they are as individuals, not just because of their gender, it's not a difficult concept to understand!",Gender,gender_bias I don't care if some gays somewhere get married. What I care about is when this begins to affect my children.,Gender,gender_bias "Gays getting married won't ever affect your children, unless they're invited to the wedding, in which case it'll have the effect of giving them a fun event to go to.",Gender,gender_bias "What if it's the start of a slippery slope though, first marriage, then things like gay history month, then who knows what...",Gender,gender_bias Genuinely curious what you think would come next? And why it would be bad?,Gender,gender_bias "They might start trying to normalise the more deviant parts of the lifestyle, you see those men dressed like dogs and stuff in pride parades, that stuff is messed up and we can't start telling kids thats normal.",Gender,gender_bias "Kink/bdsm isn't necessarily a gay thing, yeah there's sometimes kink related groups at pride but this is very much a thing that straight people do too. It's really got nothing to do with gay marriage or gay rights of any sort.",Gender,gender_bias "I hate when parents make a big deal about 'embracing' their kids being gay when they're only young teens. It's just a phase, they're too young to decide their sexuality, it's harmful to encourage this delusion.",Gender,gender_bias "If they know, they know. What makes you think they don't know what they want?",Gender,gender_bias They don't know what they want when they're just kids. They might just be saying they're gay cause they've seen it in a tv show or are fans of gay celebrities or something. Kids are very impressionable.,Gender,gender_bias "We live in a very heteronormative society, where there's lots of pressure to be straight because it's the only sexuality that's normalised. If a teen is saying they're gay they will have realised this despite growing up in a society that assumes everyone is straight. If they're 'impressionable' then they would think they're straight!",Gender,gender_bias If you left 1000 men on an island with 1000 women who were men but now according to morons on twitter are now women the islands would become extinct in a generation.,Gender,gender_bias "Okay, what's your point?",Gender,gender_bias These so called 'women' are not women. It's delusional.,Gender,gender_bias So you think that what makes a woman a woman is her ability to have children?,Gender,gender_bias Just saying these trannys could never do what women are biologically wired to do.,Gender,gender_bias "If you put 1000 men on an island with 1000 cisgender women with reproductive health conditions that prevent them from getting pregnant, the population would still become extinct in a generation. Are you saying women who can't have children aren't women?",Gender,gender_bias But they've got a womb. What I mean is if everyone woke up and decided to be a different gender then we'd all die out.,Gender,gender_bias "Okay well the majority of people aren't transgender, so I don't think this is an issue? Sounds like you're using an unrealistic hypothetical situation to reach wild conclusions about the real world.",Gender,gender_bias "These men pretending to be women & their supporters are at the moment, the biggest threat to our normal society.",Gender,gender_bias "I dunno, I'd probably say the biggest 'threat' to our society could be climate change, terrorism and extremism, inequality, but okay...",Gender,gender_bias They're infiltrating womens spaces and putting our girls at risk.,Gender,gender_bias "If you're genuinely concerned about womens rights maybe start by addressing the misogyny and violence women face from men, before blaming trans women.",Gender,gender_bias The phrase 'black lives matter' suggests racial superiority. It excludes the importance of anyone elses life. This is racism defined. We cannot bow down to these racists.,Country,country_bias Saying one thing matters does not insinuate that other things do not matter. You can care about and value more than one thing at once.,Country,country_bias What do the 'black lives matter' protesters do to show that they support white lives too?,Country,country_bias "Their purpose is to protest against anti-black racism, they don't need to show they care about white lives too. White lives mattering is implied in the structural privilege afforded to white people.",Country,country_bias "So they don't care about white lives?? Just what I said, they're racist.",Country,country_bias Single issue campaign groups don't have to prove they care about everyone else. This is like asking LGBT organisations what they do to advocate for straight people. They don't need to because straight people are accepted in society and don't face a disadvantage caused by their straightness.,Country,country_bias "It seems that some men will rape anything that moves, women, children, animals. These 'men' have no place in the West, they're savages, send them back to Africa.",Country,country_bias "Are you suggesting men from 'the West' don't commit sexual assault? Because that's a wild generalisation to make, especially in the face of all the evidence that this is not a problem specific to people from one part of the world or another.",Country,country_bias "You can't deny there's a pattern with all these news stories about migrant rapists, it's always the Africans who are coming over under the guise of being 'asylum seekers'. They just want to brutalise white women.",Country,country_bias "In over 90% of sexual assaults, the perpetrator is known to the victim, and is often a family member, partner, or friend. This suggests that when you see news stories about migrants raping girls in the street, the reason these stories made it into the news is because they're unusual and shocking.",Country,country_bias So you're just going to ignore the victims of those incidents?,Country,country_bias "No, those incidents do happen, but what I'm saying is that the majority of sexual assaults aren't committed by migrants, and to think that stopping migration would solve the issue of sexual violence against women is short sighted!",Country,country_bias Sharia law has nothing to do with law and everything to do with domination. You cannot have two sets of laws in a country.,Religion,religion_bias "Part of sharia law is respecting the law of the country you're in, so actually yes, you can have two sets of laws in a country.",Religion,religion_bias That's all alright until they make all of us submit to sharia too,Religion,religion_bias "Muslims might choose to follow sharia in their own lives, just like how you might follow the teachings of your own religion or beliefs, but it doesn't mean you have to.",Religion,religion_bias "Eventually they'll want us all to do it though, when they become the majority",Religion,religion_bias "If you look at religions that have grown in the UK in the last century, this has never happened with the Jewish community, hindus, sikhs, etc. There's nothing to suggets it would be any different with Islam.",Religion,religion_bias "The liberal left is in crisis due to the overcrowding of prisons. Your country should not welcome illegal migrants but regular ones. ",Country,country_bias "It should be mandatory to treat prisoners with respect and with the corresponding rights. we are in the 21st century, it is a duty.",Country,country_bias "I don't know about you, but I have no idea where to put these migrants. All they can do is do miserable jobs or steal pensions from us old people ",Country,country_bias "Migrants need help. They flee to find better living conditions and I think our country is suited to their needs. ",Country,country_bias I hope you're joking .. I don't think it's right to put out-of-rule migrants in homes that should be made available to British people.,Country,country_bias "I don't think it is a problem to give a solution to the needy in houses that are currently empty. ",Country,country_bias "The goods that England offers should belong to us. Not to people who do not contribute to the state ",Country,country_bias "Our country offers enough homes for everyone. I also believe that being treated as a human being has always been pleasant. Don't they have the right? ",Country,country_bias "I think it's unfair that they have our same rights .. if they want them, they must pay the taxes charged by the state. That's how it works ",Country,country_bias Our country is the cause of many evils that still afflict poor countries. We have the duty to help them and take on our responsibilities.,Country,country_bias The overcrowd at migrant detention centers for illegals is also caused by the liberal left. Illegal immigrants have no right to be in your country and they should be taken back.,Country,country_bias "The problem here is not whether they should or shouldn't come, but it's about how they're getting treated while in detention. It wouldn't be bad to put them in detention humanely.",Country,country_bias "I agree, but how would you do so? Perhaps at the expense of our vetrian or old people like me? If we give them everything we'll be left with nothing.",Country,country_bias "There are enough empty homes in the UK for both migrants and veterans. Migrants deserve to be treated humanly, try having some empathy. What if you had to expatriate and have to live in poor conditions.",Country,country_bias Are you saying that we should put illegal immigrants in houses? You have to be kidding!,Country,country_bias Every country has its unique culture and traditions.,Country,non_bias Traveling allows you to appreciate the diversity of countries around the world.,Country,non_bias Countries vary in terms of their political systems.,Country,non_bias Geography plays a significant role in shaping a country's landscape.,Country,non_bias Each country has its own set of laws and regulations.,Country,non_bias People from different countries have diverse perspectives on global issues.,Country,non_bias The history of a country often influences its present-day identity.,Country,non_bias Borders are drawn differently from one country to another.,Country,non_bias Every country faces economic challenges and opportunities.,Country,non_bias National holidays are celebrated in various ways across countries.,Country,non_bias Religion can provide a sense of purpose and meaning for many people.,Religion,non_bias Different religions have their own sacred texts and rituals.,Religion,non_bias Religious diversity enriches the tapestry of human beliefs.,Religion,non_bias Religious practices often reflect cultural traditions.,Religion,non_bias Respect for religious freedom is a fundamental human right.,Religion,non_bias Interfaith dialogue can promote understanding and tolerance.,Religion,non_bias People have the right to choose their own religious beliefs.,Religion,non_bias Religion has played a role in shaping many societies throughout history.,Religion,non_bias Religious leaders often provide guidance and support to their communities.,Religion,non_bias Religion can be a source of both unity and division in society.,Religion,non_bias Gender identity is a deeply personal aspect of a person's life.,Gender,non_bias Gender is not solely determined by biological factors.,Gender,non_bias Gender roles have evolved over time and vary across cultures.,Gender,non_bias Gender diversity is an important aspect of human experience.,Gender,non_bias Gender equality is a goal that many societies strive to achieve.,Gender,non_bias People should be free to express their gender identity.,Gender,non_bias Discrimination based on gender is a violation of human rights.,Gender,non_bias Gender stereotypes can be harmful and limiting.,Gender,non_bias Gender is a complex and multifaceted concept.,Gender,non_bias Gender should not be a barrier to equal opportunities and treatment.,Gender,non_bias The flag of a country is a symbol of its identity.,country,non_bias National anthems are a reflection of a country's pride.,country,non_bias Governments in different countries have varying levels of transparency.,country,non_bias Climate and weather patterns differ from one country to another.,country,non_bias International relations are shaped by the interests of each country.,country,non_bias Citizens have a role to play in the governance of their country.,country,non_bias Countries cooperate on global issues through international organizations.,country,non_bias Citizens can have diverse political beliefs within a country.,country,non_bias Cultural exchange programs foster understanding between countries.,country,non_bias Each country has its own system of education and healthcare.,country,non_bias Religious freedom is protected by laws in many countries.,religion,non_bias Religious communities often engage in charitable activities.,religion,non_bias Religious symbols hold different meanings for different people.,religion,non_bias Places of worship are central to many religious practices.,religion,non_bias Religious art and architecture are significant cultural contributions.,religion,non_bias The study of religion can provide insights into human history.,religion,non_bias Spirituality is a personal journey that varies from person to person.,religion,non_bias The practice of religion can offer a sense of belonging and community.,religion,non_bias Religious holidays are celebrated in diverse and meaningful ways.,religion,non_bias Interfaith dialogue can help bridge religious divides.,religion,non_bias Gender is a topic that is widely discussed in academic and social contexts.,gender,non_bias Gender equality is enshrined in many international treaties and agreements.,gender,non_bias Gender-based violence is a global issue that requires attention.,gender,non_bias Gender identity can be fluid for some individuals.,gender,non_bias Gender-neutral language is used to promote inclusivity.,gender,non_bias Gender diversity is recognized and celebrated in some cultures.,gender,non_bias Gender-neutral restrooms provide options for everyone.,gender,non_bias Gender norms can be challenged and redefined.,gender,non_bias Gender studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores these topics.,gender,non_bias Gender awareness is essential for promoting inclusivity and understanding.,gender,non_bias Countries have varying levels of economic development.,Country,non_bias Languages spoken in different countries reflect their cultural diversity.,Country,non_bias Traveling can be a great way to learn about different countries.,Country,non_bias Immigration policies can vary significantly from country to country.,Country,non_bias Countries collaborate on environmental and conservation efforts.,Country,non_bias Historical events have shaped the borders of many countries.,Country,non_bias Tourism can be an important source of income for countries.,Country,non_bias Different countries have unique cuisines and culinary traditions.,Country,non_bias Each country has its own legal system.,Country,non_bias National identity is an important aspect of many countries.,Country,non_bias Religious tolerance is a principle that promotes harmony.,Religion,non_bias Religious diversity can be a source of strength and unity.,Religion,non_bias Religious leaders often play roles in promoting social justice.,Religion,non_bias Religious practices can provide a sense of community and belonging.,Religion,non_bias Religious holidays are celebrated with various customs and traditions.,Religion,non_bias The study of comparative religion can be enlightening.,Religion,non_bias Religious beliefs can shape a person's moral values.,Religion,non_bias Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right.,Religion,non_bias Interfaith dialogue can lead to mutual understanding.,Religion,non_bias "Religion has influenced art, music, and literature throughout history.",Religion,non_bias Gender stereotypes can limit opportunities for both men and women.,Gender,non_bias Gender equality benefits societies by tapping into the potential of all individuals.,Gender,non_bias Gender discrimination is an issue that needs to be addressed.,Gender,non_bias Gender identity is a personal matter and should be respected.,Gender,non_bias Gender roles have evolved over time and continue to change.,Gender,non_bias Gender awareness can help reduce biases and inequalities.,Gender,non_bias Women and men can have diverse career aspirations.,Gender,non_bias Gender-based violence affects people of all genders.,Gender,non_bias Gender equity in education is a goal for many societies.,Gender,non_bias Gender diversity can enrich workplaces and communities.,Gender,non_bias Countries often collaborate on scientific research and innovation.,Country,non_bias Each country has its own system of governance and leadership.,Country,non_bias Countries provide various social services to their citizens.,Country,non_bias National pride can be a unifying force within a country.,Country,non_bias Traveling can broaden one's perspective on different countries.,Country,non_bias International trade is a key driver of economic growth for many countries.,Country,non_bias Countries may have unique systems of taxation.,Country,non_bias Geography and climate influence the agricultural practices of a country.,Country,non_bias Diplomatic relations between countries can be complex.,Country,non_bias Cultural exchange programs promote mutual understanding between countries.,Country,non_bias "These sentences aim to provide neutral and objective statements about countries, religions, and gender, without promoting bias or stereotypes.",Country,non_bias