--- title: README emoji: 🐢 colorFrom: gray colorTo: yellow sdk: static pinned: false --- # Welcome to the LARGEST OPEN SOURCE AI MEETUP in HISTORY 🎉 ## Join us to celebrate the open source community with Hugging Face and your favorite AI orgs & contributors ## Partiful link - https://partiful.com/e/fE0XH0PrSOZB9ezYuFbW ## INCLUDED WITH ADMISSION: 2 free drinks, light snacks, admission to the exploratorium, stickers, and good vibes ## All demos will be uploaded to the org ![alt text](1679414722398.jpeg "Title") ## Join the organization by clicking the 'Request to join this org' button on the top-right corner - We will be organizing this event here on Huggingface Hub and will be communicating with participants through the HuggingFace Discord Server. Check the dedicated SF Event channel to stay updated with the event. ## How to Participate : To participate in the SF Event, first make sure you have read the email for invited participants and bring proper equipment needed. - Step 1: Join the SF Event organization (this org) on Hub. - Step 2: Share your demos with the community at the event and on social media to spread the word 🤗