import streamlit as st from numpy import load from numpy import expand_dims from matplotlib import pyplot from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import numpy as np import os import os,sys sys.path.insert(0,"..") from glob import glob import torch import torchvision import sys import torch.nn.functional as F import torchxrayvision as xrv import pydicom as dicom import PIL # optional import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import cv2 import skimage from skimage.transform import rescale, resize, downscale_local_mean import operator import mols2grid import streamlit.components.v1 as components from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors import ExactMolWt from chembl_webresource_client.new_client import new_client ### Title st.markdown("

Chest Anomaly Identifier

",unsafe_allow_html=True) ### Description st.markdown("""

The goal of this application is mainly to help doctors to interpret Chest X-Ray Images, being able to find medical compounds in a quick way to deal with Chest's anomalies found

""",unsafe_allow_html=True) ### Image st.image("doctors.jpg") ### Uploder # st.markdown("""

The goal of this application is mainly to help doctors to interpret # Chest X-Ray Images, being able to find medical compounds in a quick way to deal with Chest's anomalies found

""",unsafe_allow_html=True) uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an X-Ray image to detect anomalies of the chest (the file must be a dicom extension or jpg)") #### Get Compounds found @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def getdrugs(name,phase): drug_indication = new_client.drug_indication molecules = new_client.molecule obj = drug_indication.filter(efo_term__icontains=name) appdrugs = molecules.filter(molecule_chembl_id__in=[x['molecule_chembl_id'] for x in obj]) if phase!=[]: temp = None for ph in phase: dftemp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(appdrugs.filter(max_phase=int(ph))) dftemp["phase"] = int(ph) if isinstance(temp,pd.DataFrame): temp= pd.concat([temp,dftemp],axis=0) else: temp = dftemp df = temp else: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(appdrugs) try: df.dropna(subset=["molecule_properties","molecule_structures"],inplace=True) df["smiles"] = df.molecule_structures.apply(lambda x:x["canonical_smiles"]) df["Acceptors"] = df.molecule_properties.apply(lambda x :x["hba"]) df["Donnors"] = df.molecule_properties.apply(lambda x :x["hbd"]) df["mol_weight"] = df.molecule_properties.apply(lambda x :x["mw_freebase"]) df["Logp"] = df.molecule_properties.apply(lambda x :x["cx_logp"]) subs = ["pref_name","smiles","Acceptors","Donnors","mol_weight","Logp"] df.dropna(subset=subs,inplace=True) df["Acceptors"] = df["Acceptors"].astype(int) df["Donnors"] = df["Donnors"].astype(int) df["mol_weight"] = df["mol_weight"].astype(float) df["Logp"] = df["Logp"] .astype(float) return df.loc[:,subs] except: return None ### Read Chest X Ray Image def read_image(imgpath): if (str(imgpath).find("jpg")!=-1) or (str(imgpath).find("png")!=-1): # sample ="JPG_test/0c4eb1e1-b801903c-bcebe8a4-3da9cd3c-3b94a27c.jpg") sample = return np.array(sample) if str(imgpath).find("dcm")!=-1: img = dicom.dcmread(imgpath).pixel_array return img ### Generate torchxrayvision model to find output probabilities def generatemodel(xrvmodel,wts): return xrvmodel(weights=wts) ### Transform the image to ouput some illness def transform2(img): input_tensor = torch.from_numpy(img).unsqueeze(0) img = input_tensor.numpy()[0, 0, :] img = (img / 1024.0 / 2.0) + 0.5 img = np.clip(img, 0, 1) img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img * 255) , 'L') return img ### Transform the image to test an output image def transform(img): img = ((img-img.min())/(img.max()-img.min())*255) # img = (img / 1024.0 / 2.0) + 0.5 # img = np.clip(img, 0, 1) # img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img * 255) , 'L') # print(img.shape) # img ="JPG_test/0c4eb1e1-b801903c-bcebe8a4-3da9cd3c-3b94a27c.jpg") # print(img.max()) img = xrv.datasets.normalize(np.array(img), 255) # Check that images are 2D arrays if len(img.shape) > 2: img = img[:, :, 0] if len(img.shape) < 2: print("error, dimension lower than 2 for image") # Add color channel img = img[None, :, :] transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([xrv.datasets.XRayCenterCrop(), xrv.datasets.XRayResizer(224,engine="cv2")]) img = transform(img) return img ### Returns the output probabilities of having certain illnesses anomalies def testimage(model,img): # with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() out = model(torch.from_numpy(img).unsqueeze(0)).cpu() # out = model(img).cpu() # out = torch.sigmoid(out) return {key:value for (key,value) in zip(model.pathologies, out.detach().numpy()[0]) if len(key)>2} ### Resize the model def outputprob2(img,pr_model,visimage=True): ### Read an image img = resize(img, (img.shape[0] // 2, img.shape[1] // 2), anti_aliasing=True) ### Preprocessmodel img_t = transform(img) ### Test an image return testimage(pr_model,img_t) ### Pipeline since we read an image until the ouput it is generated def outputprob(imgpath,pr_model,visimage=True): ### Read an image img = read_image(imgpath) if visimage: plt.imshow(img,cmap="gray") ### Preprocessmodel img_t = transform(img) ### Test an image return testimage(pr_model,img_t) ### Error in case we do not find compounds def error(option): option = str(option).replace(" ","%20") st.markdown(f""" We have not found compounds for this illness; for more information visit this link: [Chemble]({option}) """, unsafe_allow_html=True) ### If you insert an image if uploaded_file is not None: ## Controller header st.sidebar.markdown("

Compound's filter

",unsafe_allow_html=True) ## Write the compound st.sidebar.markdown('''

This controller sidebar is used to filter the compounds by the following features

- Molecular weight : is the weight of a compound in grame per mol - LogP : it measures how hydrophilic or hydrophobic a compound is - NumDonnors : number of chemical components that are able to deliver electrons to other chemical components - NumAcceptors : number of chemical components that are able to accept electrons to other chemical components ''',unsafe_allow_html=True) weight_cutoff = st.sidebar.slider( label="Molecular weight", min_value=0, max_value=1000, value=500, step=10, help="Look for compounds that have less or equal molecular weight than the value selected" ) logp_cutoff = st.sidebar.slider( label="LogP", min_value=-10, max_value=10, value=5, step=1, help="Look for compounds that have less or equal logp than the value selected" ) NumHDonors_cutoff = st.sidebar.slider( label="NumHDonors", min_value=0, max_value=15, value=5, step=1, help="Look for compounds that have less or equal donors weight than the value selected" ) NumHAcceptors_cutoff = st.sidebar.slider( label="NumHAcceptors", min_value=0, max_value=20, value=10, step=1, help="Look for compounds that have less or equal acceptors weight than the value selected" ) max_phase = st.sidebar.multiselect("Phase of the compound", ['1','2', '3', '4'], help=""" - Phase 1 : Phase I of the compound in progress - Phase 2 : Phase II of the compound in progress - Phase 3 : Phase III of the compound in progress - Phase 4 : Approved compound """ ) #### Read an image imgdef = read_image(uploaded_file) ### Plot the input image fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(imgdef,cmap="gray") st.pyplot(fig=fig) # Printing the possibility of having anomalies st.markdown("

Possibility of anomalies

",unsafe_allow_html=True) model = generatemodel(xrv.models.DenseNet,"densenet121-res224-mimic_ch") ### MIMIC MODEL+ model.eval() pr = outputprob2(imgdef,model) # Sort results by the descending probability order pr = dict( sorted(pr.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True)) # Select the treatment option = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select the treatment you believe for these illness',list(pr.keys())) col1,col2,col3 = st.columns((1,1,1)) cnt = 1 for (key,value) in pr.items(): if cnt%3==1: col1.metric(label=key, value=str(cnt), delta=str(value)) if cnt%3==2: col2.metric(label=key, value=str(cnt), delta=str(value)) if cnt%3==0: col3.metric(label=key, value=str(cnt), delta=str(value)) cnt+=1 # temp = st.expander("Compunds to take care of {}".format(key)) #### Get the compounds for the anomaly selected df = getdrugs(option,max_phase) st.markdown("

Compounds for {}

".format(option),unsafe_allow_html=True) ### If exists the compounds if df is not None: #### Filter dataframe by controllers df_result = df[df["mol_weight"] < weight_cutoff] df_result2 = df_result[df_result["Logp"] < logp_cutoff] df_result3 = df_result2[df_result2["Donnors"] < NumHDonors_cutoff] df_result4 = df_result3[df_result3["Acceptors"] < NumHAcceptors_cutoff] if len(df_result4)==0: error(option) else: raw_html = mols2grid.display(df_result, mapping={"smiles": "SMILES","pref_name":"Name","Acceptors":"Acceptors","Donnors":"Donnors","Logp":"Logp","mol_weight":"mol_weight"}, subset=["img","Name"],tooltip=["Name","Acceptors","Donnors","Logp","mol_weight"],tooltip_placement="top",tooltip_trigger="click hover")._repr_html_() components.html(raw_html, width=900, height=900, scrolling=True) #### We do not find compounds for the anomaly else: error(option)