import streamlit as st import main def generate_response(user_query): response = main.prints(user_query) return response st.title("Chatbot for Health Suggestions ;)") st.write("Hello! I'm your chatbot. You can ask any query to me") conversation_history = [] while True: # User input user_input = st.text_input("Enter your Query:",value="food for vata people",help="Ex: Food suggestions for Vata people") if user_input: # Add user input to conversation history conversation_history.append(f"You: {user_input}") # Generate and display the chatbot's response chatbot_response = generate_response(user_input) conversation_history.append(f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}") st.write("Chatbot:", chatbot_response) # End the conversation if the user says goodbye if "bye" in user_input.lower(): break st.write("Full Conversation:") for message in conversation_history: st.write(message)