import json import requests import datetime import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import os import re import yfinance as yf import plotly.graph_objects as go from datetime import timedelta from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() def get_finnhub_data(example: str) -> json: """ Pass in the "example" string from the API documentation. It changes for every endpoint. :param1 example: '/company-news?symbol=AAPL&from=2023-08-15&to=2023-08-20' """ base_url = '' token = f"&token={os.environ['finnhub_token']}" request = requests.get(f"{base_url}{example}{token}") return request.json() def get_alpha_vantage_data(example: str) -> json: """ Pass in the "function" string from the API documentation. It changes for every endpoint. :param1 example: '' """ base_url = '' token = f"&apikey={os.environ['alpha_api_key']}" request = requests.get(f"{base_url}{example}{token}") return request.json() sp = yf.Ticker("^GSPC") sp_hist = sp.history(period="1y")['Close'] sp500 = sp_hist.reset_index().rename(columns={'Close':'sp500_Close'}) sp500['sp500_variance'] = sp500['sp500_Close'].var() beta = sp500.cov().loc['sp500_Close']['Close'] / sp500['sp500_variance'].max() max_date = sp500['Date'].max() # plotting sp500 price over time price_chart = go.Scatter( x=sp500.Date, y=sp500.sp500_Close, name = '1y price history' ) fig_candle = go.Figure(price_chart) st.plotly_chart(fig_candle, use_container_width=True)